How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Since I've been focusing more on building muscle and keeping on track with my eating and enough cardio to build endurance, I haven't been on the scale at all. So far, I'm paying closer attention to how I feel physically, and that way I can notice changes in my shape and my muscles, without getting discouraged that the number on the scale isn't going down. Non-scale victories are more important to my motivation than a number. In a couple more weeks, I might get back on for a quick scale check-in, just to make sure I'm calculating my calories correctly.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Everyday I don't easily get discouraged though. When it went up or didn't change it just made me want to work harder.
  • Everyday, but sometimes is frustrating. I think i'll do it once a month.........
  • Weigh yourself every morning after you use the restroom. And at the end of the week, add up all your weights and divide it by 7, and you'll see the average weight for you that week.
  • Kcotter123
    Kcotter123 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just started this program so am very new at finding my way around. I've been in the habit of weighing myself daily. Don't know just why , but I do. Hoping that I will stay more motivated with this program. I've heard that "journaling" is a great way to be accountable for what we put in our mouths.
  • Every morning since I've been super ocd about it but I think Friday (best day out of the week of course) morning will be my new weigh in day and once a week because I get so frustrated to see I've gone up to 170 down to 169.2. :)
  • I do it about every 2 weeks, first thing in the morning
  • I will be weighing myself every 2 weeks on Friday mornings. Weight fluctuates too much day to day-maybe you ate a lot of sodium the day before, or even drank a lot of water... also the time of month for us ladies.
  • I weigh in every morning and log it in MFP. I have to do this to keep me on track.
  • Per doctor's orders I weigh daily, in the morning after rising and using the bathroom, without clothing. I have to log that number and bring that and my food chart with calories to my weekly appointment. I am also weighed and measured weekly at her office. I even have to take my scale with me when I travel.
  • CandiaisGolden
    CandiaisGolden Posts: 23 Member
    Pretty much everyday, but I don't fret too much on a day to day basis. I do note the weekly changes.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    I weigh and log every morning. Any loss no matter how slight is encouraging, any gain increases my conscious to make good choices throughout that day.

    Nicely put! No guilt or judgment just awareness. I will adopt this attitude. I weigh in once a week.
  • I do the same just keeping tabs and make myself more acountable
  • KathrynCatlady
    KathrynCatlady Posts: 86 Member
    I have always been a once-a-week weigher when I am in "fitness/diet" mode.

    I started a new way of eating this week, and started weighing myself more, which is driving my nuts. I think after tomorrow (my official weekly weigh-in day), I am going to resist and just do it once a week like I was before. :-)

    In general, I think it's best to weigh yourself no more than once a week. Our weight can fluctuate 1-3 lbs on a daily basis, depending on a lot of factors, and you don't want to discourage yourself.
  • EVERY DAY!! I weigh in every morning now after not stepping on a scale (with the exception of doctors visits) for 20 years! It's eye opening.
  • skippykip
    skippykip Posts: 15 Member
    I log my weight once a week. It gives me a "routine" and I know not to eat salty food on thursdays so friday i can weigh a pretty number. I check my weight every morning, because I have fun watching the number fluctuate throughout the week. :) The number on the scale keeps me focused, but I am doing this more to be healthy and hoping the weight falling should follow. :)
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    Was weighing myself multiple times a day for awhile and drove myself positively nuts!

    Now, I weigh about once every 1-2 weeks (I've just started the every 2 week thing.) It's better that way for my sanity lol.
  • I posted the same question when I started this a few weeks ago. It is definitely a personal preference. For me, I weigh-in every Thursday morning and this is the weight I add to MFP. I do step on the scale throughout the week, but I don't track those, except for in my head. You'll figure out what works best for you! Good luck on your journey!
    Thursday is my weigh-in day, has been for 8+ years, first with WW and now MFP. I personally think it's the most realistic snapshot of my weight for the week, especially because I relax a bit with food on the weekends, so I know Monday and Tuesday might be a little heavier. I am firm believer in once a week, and only once a week, but I have friends who weigh every day, and sometimes twice a day (which I personally find a little obsessive, but she knows it, LOL).
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, maybe i'll skip a day or two if I forget.
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    every Saturday, I also get my body fat percentage reading. then if I haven't lost weight but my body fat percentage has decreased, I know I'm on the right track and its only a matter of time before the weight comes off