Losing weight with Carbs

mblair50 Posts: 13 Member
Hi everyone, thought I would share my experience so far on this healthy, lose weight year!

After visiting my brother at Christmas and finding out he has been diagnosed with prediabetes (I have also been diagnosed as prediabetic two years ago but control it with exercise, all though was never able to really lose much weight) I decide to check it out.

My brother has slowly gained a lot of weight over the years, like many of us and has had a struggle trying to get it off,
like all of us!
He sees a nutritionist and is on a balanced diet with the carb amount per day limited to 50-60% of daily calories.
He said he is never hungry and is losing a pound a week sometimes a little more. He's lost 14 pounds so far.

I decided to try the same approach.

After some research I found out how many calories I needed to consume a day to lose about a pound a week without exercise (that way exercising would just be a bonus) and did the calculations from that to find out how many carbs to consume each day to lose weight.

You can eat pretty much anything you like as long as you stay within your carb number, or close to it. I have gone over by 33 carbs some days and still have lost weight. I find I eat a lot of "good" carbs because they are lower. I have broken my carbs into meals: 30 grams for breakfast, 15 grams for snack, 45 grams for lunch, 60 grams for dinner, 15 grams for snack total165 grams per day.

I'm losing about 1.6 pounds per week, right now and haven't been hungry since I started. Plus I know my diet is balanced.

If any one would be interested in learning how to calculate your carb amount or have questions, please friend me or reply.

I really am excited to be finally moving that needle again. I hope everyone becomes a loser this year!



  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I just stay at 1250 calories and eat back half my exercise calories and it works for me!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    I am curious, have you upped your protein intake along with this?
  • mblair50
    mblair50 Posts: 13 Member
    Good question! I went back six months and I averaged 19 - 23 % in protein in past months before Xmas.
    Since Xmas I've been at 22-23%.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 885 Member
    So it actually might be the protein helping you to lose the weight? High protein low carb
  • mblair50
    mblair50 Posts: 13 Member
    Could be, but my carb % is way down from where it used to be. I haven't changed my protein or fat as much as I have lowered my carbs.
  • whynotnana
    whynotnana Posts: 26 Member
    well, maybe I will try lowering the carbs, I started back keeping track with mfp the beginning of the year--have lost and gained the same 5lb. I stay under the calorie goal and have been exercising-- I do feel better since exercising more. Will look into lowering the carbs. I love my sweets so that is probably half my problem