You Can Go To The Melting Pot!



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    sure you can go to the Melting Pot....but be prepared to spend $150 per couple.

    We avoid that place like the plague. If I'm going to spend $150 it's going to be meat that's not factory farmed.

    I, for one, would just like to thank you for being so passionate, thorough, descriptive, and repetitive in your criticisms of The Melting Pot. If it wasn't for your diligence and persistence, I might have one day actually gone to The Melting Pot and enjoyed myself.

    Thank you again for seeing and sharing the error of your ways in having once enjoyed industrialized fondue.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    I am gonna go get me some factory steak, inject some hormones in it and swallow it whole with a big bag of doritoes *I mean meth* just to test your theory. Seriously, if you don't like it, cool. But, you are not really gonna change anyones mind here....... Your ideals are special to you and a handful of other people. But, having someone say the same thing over and over and over and over causes fewer people to take it seriously. Just chill. I will spend MY $150 there and enjoy every bite, no matter your opinion.

    I would not expect any less.

    You clearly missed my point.

    I already know 99% of America eats factory farmed meat.

    I'm not looking to change anyone.

    are you a real person
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Thanks for the info! Good to know that more restaurants are at least attempting to calorie count.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    ps Our food supply is MORE sustainable now because it's designed to feed a larger population. What isn't being mentioned is if we were to attempt to feed everyone organic, locally grown food we'd need one thing to happen. We'd need millions of people to die. There simply wouldn't be enough food.

    Source? This is actually not true. As reported by The New York Times, NPR, and in books. If you have a source on this I'd be happy to read it.

    I happen to be very good at what I do.

    Anyone saying mean things on here does not even know me.

    I'm not the one being rude here.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    Read what I quoted, someone stated no food from a chain restaurant is healthy, therefore that farm to table chain must serve unhealthy food

    There are NO farm to table chain restaurants. Your just being ignorant to start an argument as usual and I ignore you and your ignorant comments.

    Click the link, and calling someone ignorant?

    I don't see where I was ignorant toward you or anyone else. The only thing I did was to defend Onesnap.

    You can in saying that the farm to table movement is BS and unhealthy, in which you are inciting trouble. You know good and well that there is nothing unhealthy about knowing exactly where your food came from and where it was grown.

    As usual, you are trying to cause trouble and I will not stoop down to your level.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    What isn't being mentioned is if we were to attempt to feed everyone organic, locally grown food we'd need one thing to happen. We'd need millions of people to die. There simply wouldn't be enough food.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks for the info! Good to know that more restaurants are at least attempting to calorie count.

    they have to by law in some states. They have to post the calories in places like NY.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Whats sad about this thread is Onesnap may have had a valid point. But rather than make a separate thread they chose to hijack the OP's thread and then alienate most of the audience.
    No one likes to feel browbeaten or forced. Whether you have a good point or not.

    $150 is not a lot of money to everyone. Then again I am satisfied with owning one house and not three.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I think everyone needs to calm down, on both ends of the argument. Onesnap, I understand your sensitivity to this is part of your livelihood and you have educated yourself extensively on this subject. As you said not everyone has done as much research as you have. I think initially you seemed like you were telling people what to do, and perhaps came off as preach-y to others. I thought MFP was a nurturing supportive environment. We all have different opinions about food and we are all passionate about being the best version of ourselves one way or another, that's why we're here. Maybe, if you approached the situation in less of a confrontational manner (intended or not) and said something like "Hey I have done a lot of reading on this subject, and have found that my principles are not aligned with those of chain restaurants....if anyone else is interested on reading or learning more here are some books and documentaries that I've seen that may help." We are all here to support each other not break each other down even if we don't agree....Just sayin not trying to aggravate ANYONE
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    My thoughts...

    If I'm going to the melting pot means I'm celebrating something and therefore would probably just have a hiatus unmanaged meal and enjoy!

    Yep. And for $150 I prefer to go to a local restaurant where I know that the meat and seafood is not crap.
    And that's your choice. Sorry we aren't all as wonderful as you are.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Ok.....we get it. You don't like The Melting Pot. That was made clear in your first post. Do you really need to repeat that for 8 pages?

    Anyway, can be pricey however there are ways to spend less there as well. Our local one has monthly specials (3rd Thursday is Ladies night, $ is extra). The last time it would have been $100, but ended up being $50 because of a Groupon. It's a night out. I do think it's great that they're going to add a "skinny" menu, however I love all the choices there and for as little as I go I probably will stick with the normal menu.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    Read what I quoted, someone stated no food from a chain restaurant is healthy, therefore that farm to table chain must serve unhealthy food

    There are NO farm to table chain restaurants. Your just being ignorant to start an argument as usual and I ignore you and your ignorant comments.

    Click the link, and calling someone ignorant?

    I don't see where I was ignorant toward you or anyone else. The only thing I did was to defend Onesnap.

    You can in saying that the farm to table movement is BS and unhealthy, in which you are inciting trouble. You know good and well that there is nothing unhealthy about knowing exactly where your food came from and where it was grown.

    As usual, you are trying to cause trouble and I will not stoop down to your level.

    Thank you for defending me.

    I was not trying to be rude or disrespectful in anyway.

    There's been other members on here saying horrible things to me. Saying I'm a bad teacher (when the students I work with, the schools, and the farm say otherwise). Saying I catch more flies with vinegar....etc.

    I mean--I have not once said anything mean in this string.

    I have not once called anyone a bad person.

    All of this name calling is getting exhausting (or at least sitting here defending myself when I happen to rock at my jobs). Seriously? I don't need to defend myself. I'm well loved in the real world.

    It just happens to be very difficult to stand up for what I believe and dragged through the mud by strangers.

    Internet bullies. Most of you on here are just plain mean.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow, there is a lot of bitter people on this thread. I don't go to chai resteraunts on a regular basis, but let people enjoy it if they go. Unless if you are eating celery every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you have no right to tell others what to eat. I'm sure every now and then you go out to a taco bell or eat a burger.

    Of course! I would never tell someone else what to do! That was not the point.

    For burgers I enjoy Met Burger Bar (so tasty) and instead of Taco Bell I prefer Chipotle since they support small family farms. So yes, of course I enjoy tasty treats.

    Really? All I have read from you in this thread is telling people what to do....
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Ok.....we get it. You don't like The Melting Pot. That was made clear in your first post. Do you really need to repeat that for 8 pages?

    Anyway, can be pricey however there are ways to spend less there as well. Our local one has monthly specials (3rd Thursday is Ladies night, $ is extra). The last time it would have been $100, but ended up being $50 because of a Groupon. It's a night out. I do think it's great that they're going to add a "skinny" menu, however I love all the choices there and for as little as I go I probably will stick with the normal menu.

    Never said I did not like it. Nor did the kind soul that defended me. Clearly you missed their points and mine.

    Have a great day.

    I'm out.

    So many mean people on here....just horrible. I never once said a mean word to any of you. Geez.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    From their website:

    Go Skinny Dipping at The Melting Pot
    JAN 1ST-MARCH 31ST, 2013
    Kick off your New Year's resolution with our new Skinny Dipping menu. Try our three-course limited-time Skinny Dipping menu featuring salad, an entree, and dark chocolate fondue for under 700 calories! Price is $22 per person. Compliment your light fondue with one of our hand-crafted skinny cocktails featuring Voli Light Vodka.

    This is FAR from $150...just sayin'! :drinker:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Wow, there is a lot of bitter people on this thread. I don't go to chai resteraunts on a regular basis, but let people enjoy it if they go. Unless if you are eating celery every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you have no right to tell others what to eat. I'm sure every now and then you go out to a taco bell or eat a burger.

    Of course! I would never tell someone else what to do! That was not the point.

    For burgers I enjoy Met Burger Bar (so tasty) and instead of Taco Bell I prefer Chipotle since they support small family farms. So yes, of course I enjoy tasty treats.

    Really? All I have read from you in this thread is telling people what to do....

    sorry you took it that way.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    So... much... sand.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow, there is a lot of bitter people on this thread. I don't go to chai resteraunts on a regular basis, but let people enjoy it if they go. Unless if you are eating celery every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you have no right to tell others what to eat. I'm sure every now and then you go out to a taco bell or eat a burger.

    Of course! I would never tell someone else what to do! That was not the point.

    For burgers I enjoy Met Burger Bar (so tasty) and instead of Taco Bell I prefer Chipotle since they support small family farms. So yes, of course I enjoy tasty treats.

    Really? All I have read from you in this thread is telling people what to do....
    There's a reason I put this one on ignore weeks ago.

    I'll go to The Melting Pot if OP.pays for it. I adore fondue, but I can't afford that place!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    Wonder how many posts this thread would actually have if onesnap wasn't on it?:laugh:

  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    From their website:

    Go Skinny Dipping at The Melting Pot
    JAN 1ST-MARCH 31ST, 2013
    Kick off your New Year's resolution with our new Skinny Dipping menu. Try our three-course limited-time Skinny Dipping menu featuring salad, an entree, and dark chocolate fondue for under 700 calories! Price is $22 per person. Compliment your light fondue with one of our hand-crafted skinny cocktails featuring Voli Light Vodka.

    This is FAR from $150...just sayin'! :drinker:

    $150 was for tip, 2 glasses of wine per person. 2 salads. Two people using the meat and seafood dipper. Two people eating the cheese one. Two people eating the meat and seafood one. Plus tax.

    We've gone twice and it was $150 for the above.

    I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. Do you want to see the credit card receipt?
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