February Cuts



  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Here's my stats (moved over from January Cut):
    SW*01.02.13 (sw): 128.7 bf%: 30.7 caliper bf%
    wk 1*01.09.13: .............125.4..........26.5..............NA*****wk 1 calorie goal: 1700
    wk 2*01.16.13: .............125.6..........27.4..............NA*****wk 2 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 3*01.23.13: .............125.6..........26.8..............NA*****wk 3 calorie goal: 1600
    wk 4*01.30.13: .............125.6..........27.6..............21.4***wk 4 calorie goal: 1600
    Jan Results:................ <3.1>.........<3.1>.............NA

    And here's the contiuation for February:
    Feb SW: .........................125.6..........27.6..............21.40
    wk 5*02.06.13: .............124.8..........26.6..............19.81**wk 5 calorie goal: 1550
    "off diet / sick at home with baby" 02.7.-2.19.13:
    wk 6*02.20.13: .............124.8.........26.8...............20.45**wk 6 calorie goal: 1550
    wk 7*02.27.13: .............123............26.7...............18.83**wk 7 calorie goal: 1550(1st wk not eating back strength training cals)
    Feb Results:................ <2.6>.........<0.9>............<2.57>

    February didn't end as poorly as I thought. Ready for Wks 8-12!! If I have the same loss as February I should be around 165 bf - the lowest I've ever been :) and maybe a lil more if my progress is closer to Januarys progress!!! - I'm going to start up a "March Cuts" too, I like having everything broken up.

    How did everyone else end the month??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I'm doing measurements/photos tomorrow. But, the scale isn't that great, right now. TOM.

    Anyway, I'm mostly fasting, today, to see if i can get the scale to budge for Friday weigh-in.

    Thanks for starting a "march cuts". I have to decide if March will be maintenance, and then I'll cut again in April and May, or if I should just keep going for it.

    I figure I've got 8 lbs of fat to still lose.