Garcinia Cambogia Extract?



  • mfarmer88
    mfarmer88 Posts: 25 Member
    Late to reply I know, I'm having that full, can't over eat feeling just by drinking a glass of my 20 calorie sugar free pink lemonade flavored Metamucil before I eat. I started out at just one cup when I wake up and am going to move on to 2 cups spread out through the day. And my tummy feels less bloated and a little flatter. I've only lost 2.5lbs over 14 days, but I haven't been eating healthy. Just reducing calories and exercise.

    I tried oxyelite pro a few years ago. I lost probably 10lbs on it, and I never wanted to eat. Ever. But my problem is if I don't eat, I literally get "hangry". I'm miserable to be around. So I was for the whole time I was on those pills. So much so that my boyfriend almost broke up with me. I quit the pills, started eating again, and 2 years later we've never been happier. I'm definitely in to working hard instead of trying the easy way out this time around.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I have done quite a lot of research on Garcinia Cambogia Extract.... I found this website very helpful, i think you will find alot of helpful information here ->

    I have done a lot also....your link is nothing more than a sales pitch full of broscience.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I have done quite a lot of research on Garcinia Cambogia Extract.... I found this website very helpful, i think you will find alot of helpful information here ->

    I have done a lot also....your link is nothing more than a sales pitch full of broscience.

    edited out website.

    They are just searching for all of these old threads and posting this crap.
  • These natural supplements are supposed to be taken with a healthy diet and exercise. So hard to say if they actually work or not. The extract itself scientifically does help with weight loss. But how effective it is varies from each person. I wouldn't write Garcinia Cambogia off because I've had the actual fruit and it does make you feel fuller.
  • I've always been a health nut and very active but I could never loose that last layer of chub (I'm also a chocolate fanatic!). This is what finally did it for me:

    1. Changed my eating according to the Paleo diet
    2. Took pure Garcinia Cambogia regularly
    3. Changed my workout routine to do HIIT training with lots of Plyometrics and Bodyweight finishers

    Since I started doing all these 3 things, that's when I noticed super fast and dramatic results for the first time.

    I don't know how many lbs I've lost since I don't weigh myself (muscle weighs more anyway) but I've gone from my usual size 11 down to a size 8 and even starting to fit into size 6! (I've never fit size 6!). I've tried lots of different things and I'm always wary about "supplements" but these are the first that have worked and so I'm a firm believer in all of them.

    Best of luck to you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've always been a health nut and very active but I could never loose that last layer of chub (I'm also a chocolate fanatic!). This is what finally did it for me:

    1. Changed my eating according to the Paleo diet
    2. Took pure Garcinia Cambogia regularly
    3. Changed my workout routine to do HIIT training with lots of Plyometrics and Bodyweight finishers

    Since I started doing all these 3 things, that's when I noticed super fast and dramatic results for the first time.

    I don't know how many lbs I've lost since I don't weigh myself (muscle weighs more anyway) but I've gone from my usual size 11 down to a size 8 and even starting to fit into size 6! (I've never fit size 6!). I've tried lots of different things and I'm always wary about "supplements" but these are the first that have worked and so I'm a firm believer in all of them.

    Best of luck to you!
    Betting dollars to donuts that if you did just 1 and 3 alone, that the results would have been the same.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Nay. Go natural. Don't believe Dr. Oz in any way, shape, or form.
  • marnidillon
    marnidillon Posts: 5 Member
    i just started taking it today after doing some research on it. it is relatively inexpensive compared to some. vitamin shoppe has 180 caps (about a months worth) for $25.
  • I was in a plateau for 3 weeks I started taking garcinia and 2 days later the scale started moving again im not sure its going to help you if you are not dieting and exercising but I think I does help
  • Everyone is different so I can only assume that this product will work differently for everyone. I've been taking this for 3 weeks now and I've noticed a big difference in my appetite and I have had weight loss. I honestly have to make myself eat because I'm hardly ever hungry. I've been dieting and exercising on a daily basis to go along with it. You can't just depend on this to make you lose weight, you have to do some type of exercise or dieting. I've lost a total of 15 pounds and 4 inches in 3 weeks since I've been taking this product. I would recommend this to a person who isn't lazy and will exercise.