Overweight and Pregnant



  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    Losing weight especially if obese will not harm a baby. Extreme dieting and a huge calorie deficit is dangerous. I know many women who lost at the beginning. Mainly from 1. Cutting any alcohol cold turkey 2. Eating more sensibly
    3. Morning sickness.

    If you are obese and just happen to lose by eating normal and no alcohol that is good. Just know what your minimum cal needs which your Dr. Can tell you.

    I also know of some obese women including myself, whose dr. Suggested a healthy diet change during the pregnancy. Hinting to a minor weight loss before the 2nd 3rd trimester. This is when blood pressure and sugar levels can go off , edpecially when overweight. I was also told unless underweight there is no need to increase my calories at any point until i was breastfeeding. Again I was over 200 lbs and pregnant.
  • carlye12380
    carlye12380 Posts: 5 Member
    I am currently 7 months pregnant and was 187lbs to start and although I only put on 10 pounds throughout the first 5 months, I made up for it by putting on 21 in the last 2 months! Between my demanding work and trying to get around with another child I knew I needed to slow down the weight gain at the very least! My OB suggested the usual (whole grains, carbs from veggies and fruit, and plenty of dairy which is a good source of protein). I've been logging for the past week on MFP and with the exception of an ice cream sundae that my husband surprised me with, I've been following her instructions and I feel so great already! I am hoping to avoid high blood pressure and other ensuing problems from being too far overweight.

    I put in my current weight and then set the goal to "maintain". I think if you plug in "pregnant" or "pregnancy" into your food tracker it gives you 300 more calories to eat which is the recommended amount of extra calories by doctors.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I don't understand. Don't you have a care provider?
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I was overweight with my first pregnancy. Was on Weight Watchers and exercised regularly (walked 4 miles in an hour 5 to 6 days a week)- I gained 7 pounds the last two weeks I was pregnant and was down 28 pounds 3 weeks after the birth. My son was a healthy 8 lbs, 14 oz and 21 inches long. Listen to your doctors advice but regular exercise will make your delivery and recovery much easier.
  • It is actually alright to exercise and lose weight when you are pregnant if you are overweight/obese unless you have a medical condition that won't allow it. My wife is just trying to maintain her weight and exercising 3-5 times a week and is still running up to 5 miles at a time. She is almost 5 months pregnant now and is 5' 5 128lbs. There isn't much weight gain until 5+ months, where you will begin to gain 1 pound/week. Remember, you are not eating for 2 and the fetus will take the nutrients it needs from you. Since it is early in pregnancy, you should begin eating healthy and an exercise routine now. Good luck!

    I was pregnant and overweight. I just put my calories up to maintance (not that I followed it really, I ended up eating whatever, and then stopped logging...bad idea). Good luck! Have a happy, healthy pregnancy!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It is actually alright to exercise and lose weight when you are pregnant if you are overweight/obese unless you have a medical condition that won't allow it. My wife is just trying to maintain her weight and exercising 3-5 times a week and is still running up to 5 miles at a time. She is almost 5 months pregnant now and is 5' 5 128lbs. There isn't much weight gain until 5+ months, where you will begin to gain 1 pound/week. Remember, you are not eating for 2 and the fetus will take the nutrients it needs from you. Since it is early in pregnancy, you should begin eating healthy and an exercise routine now. Good luck!

    I was pregnant and overweight. I just put my calories up to maintance (not that I followed it really, I ended up eating whatever, and then stopped logging...bad idea). Good luck! Have a happy, healthy pregnancy!

    talk to your doctor and see what they say.

    That aside, when I was pregnant my provider told me that I should continue at my then exercise level, but not add intensity during the pregnancy. As far as diet, it's not recommended that you eat at your body's deficit during pregnancy, but an obese woman who normally eats at her body's excess would lose weight by eating at a healthy level. While pregnant the normal recommended is tdee + 300.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    My daughter is 4 months, i lost about 85lbs while pregnant with her. my doctors weren't worried and she was healthy 7lbs 15 oz
    I just drank a lot of water and made healthier choices (sometimes). I cooked a lot because i don't really eat fast food, but the baby really made my appetite disappear... after the pregnancy i did gain like 7-10 lbs, but now i have it under control.

    Plan out your meals and you'll be fine!

    Have a healthy pregnancy! =)
  • Mami21080
    Mami21080 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm newly pregnant and will continue doing what I had been doing just lessen my intensity
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member