Discount for non-bratty kids



  • As far as the discount thing, I don't care either way. It would be a nice gesture if the manager came up and complimented me on my kids and gave me a discount or something, but I wouldn't expect it.
  • Things I have done:

    I carry a condom with me and place it on the table, telling the parents that is very important that they use this to keep from creating any more children they can not parent.

    Ask in a very southern tone if I can video tape their kids acting so bad in the restaurant "cause my kin folk back home dont believe me when I tell them people actually let their kids act this way in public".

    Ask if they would like to pay for my meal.

    Yep, I am that itch. And yes, it works.

    OMG, I so totally want to hang out with you sometime. That is awesome.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I would frequent this place often! OMG!

    I can not count the number of expensive meals that a child at a table near by has ruined.

    It would be one thing if the parent was trying to keep the child from acting up, but I am talking the kid running around the restaurant screaming while the parents smile and drink their wine. Kids fighting and screaming at each other at the table with out even so much as a shhhh from the parents as they are busy drinking their drinks and engaged in conversation with each other or their friends. It is ridiculous to me that people think it okay because they deserve a night out too. It is not like I am talking about family restaurants either. I am talking 30 dollar entree places that serve alcohol.

    I go up to parents that have children that behave and compliment them on their parenting skills and how much it is appreciated that they are raising children with manners.

    It is understandable when people have toddlers and they TRY to do something about it, I get that, but after the age of 5 a healthy child should be able to sit at dinner with out screaming and throwing a fit, period.

    Things I have done:

    I carry a condom with me and place it on the table, telling the parents that is very important that they use this to keep from creating any more children they can not parent.

    Ask in a very southern tone if I can video tape their kids acting so bad in the restaurant "cause my kin folk back home dont believe me when I tell them people actually let their kids act this way in public".

    Ask if they would like to pay for my meal.

    Yep, I am that itch. And yes, it works.

    And by it works I mean, they either make the children behave or leave the place as mad as I am. :happy:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I would frequent this place often! OMG!

    I can not count the number of expensive meals that a child at a table near by has ruined.

    It would be one thing if the parent was trying to keep the child from acting up, but I am talking the kid running around the restaurant screaming while the parents smile and drink their wine. Kids fighting and screaming at each other at the table with out even so much as a shhhh from the parents as they are busy drinking their drinks and engaged in conversation with each other or their friends. It is ridiculous to me that people think it okay because they deserve a night out too. It is not like I am talking about family restaurants either. I am talking 30 dollar entree places that serve alcohol.

    I go up to parents that have children that behave and compliment them on their parenting skills and how much it is appreciated that they are raising children with manners.

    It is understandable when people have toddlers and they TRY to do something about it, I get that, but after the age of 5 a healthy child should be able to sit at dinner with out screaming and throwing a fit, period.

    Things I have done:

    I carry a condom with me and place it on the table, telling the parents that is very important that they use this to keep from creating any more children they can not parent.

    Ask in a very southern tone if I can video tape their kids acting so bad in the restaurant "cause my kin folk back home dont believe me when I tell them people actually let their kids act this way in public".

    Ask if they would like to pay for my meal.

    Yep, I am that itch. And yes, it works.

    And by it works I mean, they either make the children behave or leave the place as mad as I am. :happy:
    We frequent a bar restaurant near our house where people often let their kids run around or scream. Our usual defense is to play the most offensive music we can find on the jukebox (songs like "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed, or the "You're an Assssshole" song by Denis Leary), then get the bartender to turn it up! I adore the condom idea though!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It's a private business. They can do what they want. As long as they aren't overcharging their advertised (read: menu) prices without a stated, appropriate reason (like adding a tip for large parties or a charge for sharing plates), I don't see a problem. If they want to give discounts for random reasons, let them. If they think your kids are well-behaved, good for you that you get a discount. If my server is simply having a good day and wants to give me a discount, good for me. If I get a discount because the restaurant owner insists that all brunettes get 10% discounts on the first Tuesday of every month while there's a full moon and three dolphins swim by outside while singing to the unicorn gods, then lucky me.
  • Funny thing that just happened to me that fits riiiight along with this:

    A lady came into my supplement retail store with her two daughters who were probably 5 and 7. They are running around the store chasing each other, being loud. Their mother stops them SEVERAL times and I can tell she's really about to lose her ****. As I'm going through different items with this lady one of her daughters pissed on the floor. As I'm walking up to ring her up, I notice a small yellowish puddle on the floor next to my desk where her daughters were for a moment.

  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I have no problem with it. I know kids will be kids, but I have to say it can be pretty annoying when you're dining out and can't have a conversation because of some parent that won't take their child having an atomic melt-down outside. I think I'd even be willing to pay more for a no-kids section. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but there are times when I like it quiet.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I'm for it. Although I agree some kids may have mental or physical issues but that should be taken in regard as well and those families with special needs kids deserve discounts where ever they can get them.

    Outside of kids with special needs... completely 100% agree. Sorry but if you have unruly kids, that is a form of conditioning they have become accustomed to because they have not been taught how to behave in public effectively, have not been disciplined correctly for their out of control behaviors, or their parents display inappropriate behaviors and the children follow them by example (enter "woman gets tazed in atlanta" youtube video where 2 of her children starts calling the security guard bad names because they see their mother misbehaving)

    ^^^ THIS RIGHT HERE is what the point I was trying to make.
  • I'm for it. Although I agree some kids may have mental or physical issues but that should be taken in regard as well and those families with special needs kids deserve discounts where ever they can get them.

    Outside of kids with special needs... completely 100% agree. Sorry but if you have unruly kids, that is a form of conditioning they have become accustomed to because they have not been taught how to behave in public effectively, have not been disciplined correctly for their out of control behaviors, or their parents display inappropriate behaviors and the children follow them by example (enter "woman gets tazed in atlanta" youtube video where 2 of her children starts calling the security guard bad names because they see their mother misbehaving)

    ^^^ THIS RIGHT HERE is what the point I was trying to make.

    Great minds think alike!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    its a gimmick that will end up getting them sued.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    its a gimmick that will end up getting them sued.

    I concur counselor.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    its a gimmick that will end up getting them sued.

    I concur counselor.

    Wanna help me file my briefs?
  • If your kid makes me look over at your table because of noise or for any other reason, you should be kicked out of said restaurant!

    I have an Child on the austim specturm and sometimes something in a restaurant over stimulates him and he may cause " you to look over" So as to not interupt you, I should make my special needs child feel like more of an outcast by not taking him to restaurants??
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    its a gimmick that will end up getting them sued.

    I concur counselor.

    Wanna help me file my briefs?

    You know I'm highly experienced in this area...
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    If you are bothered by kids (unless they spilled your pint) - then I suggest you probably haven't had enough to drink.

    On the other hand - Last time I went to Paris (when I was young and had money). There was a table full of young American women who were talking so loudly the whole place could hear their conversation (I guess they were in their 20s), If you can't handle your wine by the time you have come out of your teens you should be banned from France. :tongue:
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    America shouldnt act like this was regarding their lives lol.. If that employee wanted to give them free stuff then good for them. Idk why everyone acts like this is going to affect them in any way......

    I think that rewarding those children was a good thing. I know when I go out my children are really well behaved but Im not going to start getting upset if we dont get free stuff.. Give me a break LOL who cares!

    IDK why this even made news because now a bunch of over exhausted mothers are going to make this a " Big Deal" and feel like they are treated unfairly because their children are not well behaved.

    ohhh gosh..... lol why cant people just be happy for each other that others got something free??? sheesh!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    If your kid makes me look over at your table because of noise or for any other reason, you should be kicked out of said restaurant!

    I have an Child on the austim specturm and sometimes something in a restaurant over stimulates him and he may cause " you to look over" So as to not interupt you, I should make my special needs child feel like more of an outcast by not taking him to restaurants??

    I don't think you can make general statements that apply to all restaurants.

    Kids (autism spectrum or not) really have no place in a fine dining establishment where their behaviour will disturb other diners.

    But if you are going to a family restaurant, you need to chill out and expect a bit of noise. Parents with kids need to eat, too. It's a great way to teach kids how to behave in a restaurant setting.

    And if I get a discount because my child is well-behaved, go me!