Exercise hurts me :(



    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    As you've got one leg longer than the other and all your pains are in one leg, I'd guess it's to do with that difference in length putting more pressure on the joints of one leg than the other. I don't know how different your legs are, but it's possible to get inserts for your shoes to balance out leg length differences, or to get special shoes with a thicker sole on one than the other. They can be quite expensive if you get them made well though, and let's be honest if you don't get them made well they're not going to make any difference.

    I know you say you want to run, but if it hurts then you're not going to do yourself any favours and might be better trying some cardio that doesn't involve thumping your whole weight down on one leg at a time, like swimming, cycling or rowing :)
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    Good shoes! It sounds like you jumped in halfway through the C25K plan instead of starting at the beginning, you could need to very slowly ease your way into the running, which is what he C25K is designed to do.

    I definitely didn't jump in too quick, I did the very first one. I wasn't wearing brilliant shoes though.

    The first week of C25K is only one minute of jogging with 1.5 minutes of walking.

    I'm doing the 5K not 25 though. It is definitely the first work out. It says week 1, exercise 1.
  • miasapearl
    miasapearl Posts: 38 Member
    If it's a structural problem I would recommend maybe finding an osteopathic physician (a DO instead of an MD) who practices osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) to improve your body's structural issues.

    Definition of osteopathic physician:

    Finding an osteopathic physician:

    What is osteopathic manipulative medicine:

    DOs can diagnose your structural issues even when you are not in pain that day. Sometimes the leg length discrepancy is not actually due to leg length discrepancy but due to how your body compensate to the body structure over time.

    But do try to work up to more intense workout in order to allow your body to adjust.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Good shoes! It sounds like you jumped in halfway through the C25K plan instead of starting at the beginning, you could need to very slowly ease your way into the running, which is what he C25K is designed to do.

    I definitely didn't jump in too quick, I did the very first one. I wasn't wearing brilliant shoes though.

    The first week of C25K is only one minute of jogging with 1.5 minutes of walking.

    I'm doing the 5K not 25 though. It is definitely the first work out. It says week 1, exercise 1.

    Couch *2* (in place of "to") 5 Kilometer

    C25K is not about 25 kilometers! :-D
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    Good shoes! It sounds like you jumped in halfway through the C25K plan instead of starting at the beginning, you could need to very slowly ease your way into the running, which is what he C25K is designed to do.

    I definitely didn't jump in too quick, I did the very first one. I wasn't wearing brilliant shoes though.

    The first week of C25K is only one minute of jogging with 1.5 minutes of walking.

    I'm doing the 5K not 25 though. It is definitely the first work out. It says week 1, exercise 1.

    Couch *2* (in place of "to") 5 Kilometer

    C25K is not about 25 kilometers! :-D

    I did think that was a bit extreme ;) oops... But yeah, it was definitely the first one...
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    I feel for you, I don't do great with exercise either. I'm a lot older than you though... from what I can remember, when I was 22, even though I was overweight, I could do whatever without pain. Maybe I felt like I was going to die from the cardio I was never used to doing... but I could do it, the knees were not the limiting factor, even though I do and have always had somewhat crappy knees. When I was in my early 30's I went to a bunch of docs... was told had chondromalacia patella, kneecaps not lined up quite right, shearing of the cartilage, wound up getting one knee scoped, didn't help very much. Physical therapist went on and on about how weak my muscles were to a point I decided not to go back and subject myself to more derision. (At that point I was overweight, but not horribly so, and was working three jobs and going to school, I certainly did not Feel weak...)

    The fact that you have so much pain issues, in both knees and ankles, at your age, and you don't look heavy in your profile picture... well that makes me think something else might be going on. Yes, get another doctor. Maybe you have some weird kind of arthritis or some other inflammatory disorder causing you so much pain. I think they should probably do some labs with you. A 22 yr old should be able to go shopping all day long...I think, with the only pain being the credit card bills.

    Don't run if it hurts so much, you could be doing more damage than good. Do something else.

    Good luck!