Drinking alcohol and losing weight?



  • I have exactly the same problem! im going to party with my friends once a week, but at least once in two weaks, and im feeling im ruining my hard work...i usually stick with vodka orange juice, rose or tecquila but im feeling soo guilty
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    You can definitely drink and lose weight....it's like anything else, work it into your calories. My friends and I drink all the time - not sure what that says about us lol - but we're also very big into running. Half-marathons, marathons, Warrior Dash you name it....and I'm at my goal weight! I probably have gin + tonics 5 days a week!! :)

    When I'm not out at a happy hour or new restaurant you will probably find me running.....no excuses, if you want to enjoy a nice steak dinner with a glass of wine - and we do - you have to be prepared to work it off. A bunch of us went to Cabo, Mexico last year and spent a week at a swim up bar. It was so much fun!! But when we got back we got back to work. Running, circuit training, you name it. And I don't belong to a gym. I simply run ouside and have free weights upstairs. Oh, and there is the occasional Jillian Michaels DVD :)

    Bottom line is it can be done. On the off chance you don't want to drink just ask for water in a short glass...people will think you're drinking vodka + tonic :)
  • If you live somewhere that sells it, Le Croix is great with a shot of gin. It comes out to 97 calories. Three of these not too slowly and I'm drunk in less than 300 calories.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well, if you like to get pissed, like I do once in a while, and don't care what it's doing to your body you can do the following:
    Eat a protein rich breaky/lunch before you drink. Stay away from carbs. Calculate how many calories are going to be in your drinks.
    Since I've read that your body metabolises alcohol as a priority (it's a toxin) you need to stay within your calorie allowance and not eat the dreaded piss up midnight mange. Many people can't control this so beware. You have to be a dedicated drinker to control this.
    Alcohol is the fourth macro being 7 calories/gram.
    The lowest calorie drinks are booze (whiskey/rum/vodka/gin), dry wine/mead since there is no sugar content.
    I've lost a quarter of my starting body weight and still had fun every weekend or two.

    Please don't drive drunk.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I miss having my nightly glass of wine. And my Black Russian on Friday nights. And I'm really gonna miss the fun at the bar on St. Patrick's Day. I enjoy alcohol, but I enjoy food more. So, if there's room for some booze in the calorie allotment,, OK, but if not, well, guess I'm gonna be drinking sparkling water with a twist.
  • zapballs
    zapballs Posts: 16 Member
    I'm young, social and enjoy a good ol' adult beverage regularly. I go out every week and kick back with friends often. I have lost almost 20 pounds met several fitness milestones all while enjoying alcohol. I truly think it's all about finding balance in your lifestyle.

    I just try to plan ahead and watch my calories. I compensate for my weekend indulgences by working out hard and eating pretty clean all week. When I go out I usually ride my bike or walk to the bar. I drink light beer or wine. If you make room for the calories then why not? I don't condone excessive drinking by any means but YOLO. :drinker:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I've lost a heap of fat while getting squiffy with red wine on a disGUSTingly regular basis.

    Here's to empty calories!

    Chin chin.
  • Aradia_Silvermoon
    Aradia_Silvermoon Posts: 375 Member
    I used to drink rum and coke like water now if I get in the mood I simply mix the rum in with some coke zero to cut calories. The only times I seem to dink to excess are at family gatherings (lol odd right?) my sisters, mom , and I all bring a bottle of wine to share. I know when these days are coming since they are planned so I eat really well in the weeks beforehand so I won't gain any weight. Like others who have commented I limit myself when I get the urge to snack and try to bring a fresh fruit plate so I can nosh while drinking but not carb laden foods like the chips my sisters prefer.
  • crystalc27
    crystalc27 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm young, social and enjoy a good ol' adult beverage regularly. I go out every week and kick back with friends often. I have lost almost 20 pounds met several fitness milestones all while enjoying alcohol. I truly think it's all about finding balance in your lifestyle.

    I just try to plan ahead and watch my calories. I compensate for my weekend indulgences by working out hard and eating pretty clean all week. When I go out I usually ride my bike or walk to the bar. I drink light beer or wine. If you make room for the calories then why not? I don't condone excessive drinking by any means but YOLO. :drinker:
    You have said it all!!
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    I love havin a drink or 8 every now and then. I don't do it as much as I used to but still not giving up my alcohol! I mostly drink beers and vodkas. I have most recently switched to vodka/water and then adding my favorite mio flavor. On days I know I will be drinking I try and workout a little more so I have the calories to drink later. Everything in moderation but have fun too.