opinion on what happened on biggest loser last nite



  • HEy just jumping in here. I agree with all of you that Steph didn't seem to be a game player. Dh and I guessed that there was a connection between those two when they did that week away from the ranch. Sam forgot to pack his lunch and Steph went with him to Subway. We were like there is a spark there. They were holding hands under the table too at the elimination and I figured it was more than "we are more than just friends ". HMMMM!!! LoL . I love that show!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    I think it's interesting that we all love Sam and don't want to see him go.

    i dont care for sam and koli. theyre nice and hard workers but i dont want them to win. and i dont like koli now after his lies bout steph just cuz hes jealous!!! its sooooo obvious hes jealous, he should be happy for his cuz!!! id like to see daris win, or the yellow team or blue girl.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I'm Gald Sam stayed. I do like the grey team, have since day one. Do not like Red, hope she goes home next week :) I also saw somewhere online that Steph and Sam were a couple. And didn't Koli tell the pink girl (sorry forget her name) in the begining of the conversation that she could trust stephanie and then said "oh yeah I think she threw it?" Guess they needed some drama. LOL Sorry Steph went home, hope the new girl does better next week :)
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    Oh and did you see them holding hands (Sam and steph) under the table, looked a little more then friendly :love:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    In a magazine I read where Sam and Stephanie are a couple. They hooked up about the 3rd week. I think they make a cute couple and I think that maybe Koli may be a little jealous of his cousin spending time with Stephanie. I like Koli, but I didn't like what he was implying!

    I can't really blame Koli for playing his game, but I do blame Ashley and Drea for being so gullible and phony and totally the type of chicks who believe anything that any guy says over their girlfriends. Obviously Drea's leaving soon since they don't even interview her on the show, but I'm hoping Ashley doesn't win now.

    Stephanie and Sam make a great couple..they are both serious, hardworking, straightforward people. I hope they make it!
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