What am I losing if not fat...?



  • Hey,

    be healthy. Stay positive and upbeat. Oh...and be positive, too.

    Have you thought about getting healthier and stronger, too?
    If you set yourself some measurable, chaseable targets, you can look forward to your workouts.
    they will be a challenge..be rewarding and exciitng!

    make sure you have your calories and macros right. Most of all, I say forget the scalles, tbh. Look at them maybe once a week or every two weeks.

    Focus on your blood pressure, cholesterol, balanced diet, sleep and....happiness and relaxation.
    we're all in the same boat on this site. Everyone pulling together helping each other out. Come on, we're in your corner - like in the Rocky movies...his coach! :)

    What might be happening is your weight stays the same as you lose fat+gain muscle.

    BE CAREFUL not too lose muscle/fshapeliness around your bum and thighs by doing long running! A lot of women do this. they run, run, run. and diet, diet, diet. too much cardio and they lose their bum because they lose fat and muscle.

    that's whay i say eat 'good fats', get enough protein and good amount of carbs...and do SQUATS for your glutes. Also lunges.
    And exercises for your back muscles. These are large surface areas. When they gain stimulation/hypertrophy, your metabolism is triggered, boosting fat loss/burn. It speeds up things, and you get a nice, lovely figure.

    a 'bodybuilder' diet may herlp.

    i hope all this helps.


  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    Quote from a Pinterest pin:

    "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit"

    Not to be difficult, but, I disagree with that quote. I am 155 days in, lost 38 pounds so far. I do not see a difference in my body. Others do, though.

    You are your worst critic. At least I am.

    Maybe replace "notice" with the word "feel". Sometimes mirrors can be our worse nightmare when you do not think you are seeing any changes. But maybe you can feel your body changing...more endurance, ability to finish a full set of an activity that you couldn't before, etc.

    Congrats on the 38 pounds, BTW! You should be proud.

    Thank you. I do feel proud that I've lost what I have - but I still don't feel or look different to me. I do wish I took pictures when I started. But there was no way 38 pound heavier me was letting that happen. Even now - nope! lol. But if I were to suggest one thing to someone not seeing or feeling a difference - take photos of yourself naked or with tight fitting clothing, or in your underwear. You WILL see a difference then.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks guys! This all really helps. :)