AM I CRAZY?!? Starting "Total Cleanse" Today! (CDN)



  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    While everyone may have a difference of opinion on this topic I have learned one very important lesson. Never ask for advice on this forum. I went through and read all of the posts that everyone made. Whether or not you agree with what she is doing, she asked a simple question. I'm sure she did not expect to be made to feel dumb for her decision. Putting people down doesn't help anyone. All I saw for the most part was arguing back and forth and people being made to feel stupid about their beliefs and decisions. This is supposed to be a motivation and support forum. What I have seen here is quite the opposite.

    In my experience on this forum, most people like to see a degree of firm science behind what they do, and have disdain for diets designed to sell foods, equipment or specific lifestyles. There is low bullsiht tolerance.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    While everyone may have a difference of opinion on this topic I have learned one very important lesson. Never ask for advice about fad diets, magic pills or controversial weight loss techniques on this forum when all you're really looking for is validation.
    Fixed that for you.
    ...This is supposed to be a motivation and support forum. What I have seen here is quite the opposite.
    Motivation and support doesn't mean that you blindly pat people on the butt when what they're doing (or contemplating) is ineffective, silly and/or possibly dangerous. It means that you try to educate them so that they'll (hopefully) make a better choice which will yield better results for them. I'm not going to "attaboy" somebody who says they're planning on doing a cleanse, eating 800 calories a day and using raspberry ketones to lose weight. I'm going to try to "motivate" them to choose a more sustainable, effective way of doing it, and "support" them when they accept the help people are trying to offer.

    This is where all the "mean people suck" threads on MFP come from. Somebody has their mind made up that they're going to try some ridiculous fad diet and posts about it - a bunch of people tell them it won't work, give them reasons why and maybe even post links to scientific studies (which, of course, nobody bothers to make the effort to read). The OP then goes into a rage about how everybody is such big meanie poopie-head bullies because they didn't tell them what they wanted to hear - that their magic fad diet would make them lose 200 lbs. in the next month, give them six-pack abs and cure every disease known to man. Disagreeing =!= being mean/bullying.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    I'm with AnvilHead _41351306_alien_203.jpg
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    yup. get ready to hang out in the bathroom a lot... and don't be shocked when you regain whatever you lose on this "super-mazing-ultimate-colon-scrubbing-miracle-diet-food-fast" garbage.

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"

    Total Cleanse provides several cleansing options to detoxify, invigorate, and nourish your body. The Energy Cleanse offers our gentlest * colon cleanse * diet regime, making you feel energized all day. Revitalize Cleanse can help those of us who occassionally cheat on our otherwise healthy eating habits, realigning, refocusing, and refreshing our body. Our other cleanses include the Refresh Cleanse and the Purify Cleanse. The Purify Cleanse is the most extreme of our * colon cleanse * diets and is geared toward a full meal supplement program and * colon cleanse *. After the minimum of 3 days, you will feel totally new.


    I'm sorry, I missed the part where this WASN'T a colon cleanse.
  • While everyone may have a difference of opinion on this topic I have learned one very important lesson. Never ask for advice about fad diets, magic pills or controversial weight loss techniques on this forum when all you're really looking for is validation.
    Fixed that for you.
    ...This is supposed to be a motivation and support forum. What I have seen here is quite the opposite.
    Motivation and support doesn't mean that you blindly pat people on the butt when what they're doing (or contemplating) is ineffective, silly and/or possibly dangerous. It means that you try to educate them so that they'll (hopefully) make a better choice which will yield better results for them. I'm not going to "attaboy" somebody who says they're planning on doing a cleanse, eating 800 calories a day and using raspberry ketones to lose weight. I'm going to try to "motivate" them to choose a more sustainable, effective way of doing it, and "support" them when they accept the help people are trying to offer.

    This is where all the "mean people suck" threads on MFP come from. Somebody has their mind made up that they're going to try some ridiculous fad diet and posts about it - a bunch of people tell them it won't work, give them reasons why and maybe even post links to scientific studies (which, of course, nobody bothers to make the effort to read). The OP then goes into a rage about how everybody is such big meanie poopie-head bullies because they didn't tell them what they wanted to hear - that their magic fad diet would make them lose 200 lbs. in the next month, give them six-pack abs and cure every disease known to man. Disagreeing =!= being mean/bullying.

    I never said that I agreed with what she was doing. Quite the opposite. I don't believe in giving people bad advice just to give them validation, and I believe in educating them to make the right decision. Making them feel stupid for asking a question is what bothers me. It just keeps people from asking questions in the future.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    I never said that I agreed with what she was doing. Quite the opposite. I don't believe in giving people bad advice just to give them validation, and I believe in educating them to make the right decision. Making them feel stupid for asking a question is what bothers me. It just keeps people from asking questions in the future.

    Problem is, #1 these type of questions get asked eleventy seven times a day. You are here for one...on page what? We have been here for years of this crap . No one has time for this. She's been given all forms of argument here- from snide to serious to posted links and everything in between. It takes an overwhelming majority in most cases for them to maybe believe the truth. If 50 people answer "Go you." and 200 people answer "BS" - who will the thousands of others who read this believe? We don't leave bad info unchallenged. Sorry.

    #2 Your over-sensitivity does not compute with a lot of adults. Tell-it-like-it-is works a lot better for a large majority of us.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    While everyone may have a difference of opinion on this topic I have learned one very important lesson. Never ask for advice about fad diets, magic pills or controversial weight loss techniques on this forum when all you're really looking for is validation.
    Fixed that for you.
    ...This is supposed to be a motivation and support forum. What I have seen here is quite the opposite.
    Motivation and support doesn't mean that you blindly pat people on the butt when what they're doing (or contemplating) is ineffective, silly and/or possibly dangerous. It means that you try to educate them so that they'll (hopefully) make a better choice which will yield better results for them. I'm not going to "attaboy" somebody who says they're planning on doing a cleanse, eating 800 calories a day and using raspberry ketones to lose weight. I'm going to try to "motivate" them to choose a more sustainable, effective way of doing it, and "support" them when they accept the help people are trying to offer.

    This is where all the "mean people suck" threads on MFP come from. Somebody has their mind made up that they're going to try some ridiculous fad diet and posts about it - a bunch of people tell them it won't work, give them reasons why and maybe even post links to scientific studies (which, of course, nobody bothers to make the effort to read). The OP then goes into a rage about how everybody is such big meanie poopie-head bullies because they didn't tell them what they wanted to hear - that their magic fad diet would make them lose 200 lbs. in the next month, give them six-pack abs and cure every disease known to man. Disagreeing =!= being mean/bullying.

    X 10000000000
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yup. get ready to hang out in the bathroom a lot... and don't be shocked when you regain whatever you lose on this "super-mazing-ultimate-colon-scrubbing-miracle-diet-food-fast" garbage.

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"

    Total Cleanse provides several cleansing options to detoxify, invigorate, and nourish your body. The Energy Cleanse offers our gentlest * colon cleanse * diet regime, making you feel energized all day. Revitalize Cleanse can help those of us who occassionally cheat on our otherwise healthy eating habits, realigning, refocusing, and refreshing our body. Our other cleanses include the Refresh Cleanse and the Purify Cleanse. The Purify Cleanse is the most extreme of our * colon cleanse * diets and is geared toward a full meal supplement program and * colon cleanse *. After the minimum of 3 days, you will feel totally new.


    I'm sorry, I missed the part where this WASN'T a colon cleanse.

    Still does not answer the fundamental question...what exactly is it detoxifying? How does it nourish your body?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If 50 people answer "Go you." and 200 people answer "BS" - who will the thousands of others who read this believe?
    Confirmation bias says plenty of those thousands will believe the 50.:ohwell:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I almost forgot, my one unanswered question about "cleanses".

    I've read many posts by people espousing one of the benefits of these "cleanses" as eliminating toxins from the body. Please name ONE toxin...of the many, no doubt...that the "cleanse" eliminates from your body. I'm sure there are literally dozens of them, but I'd like to know the name of even ONE of them. If you can name ONE of them, you will be the first to do so...ever.


    Shamelessly bumping my own post...because it looks like it was inadvertently overlooked. No worries.

    (Am really looking forward to reading the answer in the morning though.)
  • If you want a good "Cleanse" check out the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. I know many people that have done this and I plan on doing this in a few months. It gives you everything that you need to eat clean. You actually eat food, not just shakes.

    I did this. It was less of a cleanse and more of a "teach you how to eat properly and drink more water". I recommend it highly. I lost 8 lbs. in 3 weeks, was not hungry and learned to enjoy foods i would have otherwise not known about (almond butter, millet, etc.) You eat 3 meals a day plus snacks and take supplements a few times a day. it is just that it is healthy food, so less calories.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Your body doesn't need FOOD, it needs macro and micro nutrients and it needs energy from calories...

    You are providing bad advice. A big red flashing warning sign should go off when anyone reads the above sentence. Please just think about that.

  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Perhaps I phrased it wrong...but what I MEANT was, that it is certainly possible to get EVERYTHING you need if you follow a balanced liquid diet. I'm on day three of an experiment to see if I can get 1800 calories, 100g protein, 100g carbs & 40g fats + vitamins and fiber in liquid form. Turns out I can. And I feel incredible.

    My digestive system is back in working order after a bad food week.

    What is the problem with that?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i think that is great.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member

    OMG I didn't do a clense but when I did the 1200 cal diet my hair got longer too! It went right down to the floor. Wasn't attached to my head anymore though.

    Sucks for you then
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    Crazy? No way! While getting juice delivered to you seems a bit extravagant for me ( I juice at home with a juicer and fresh veggies/fruits) If its convenient for you then great! Ive been on juice fast/cleanse for 9 days so far. And guess what... 19 pounds lighter, with brighter skin, longer hair and nails and tons of energy. 19 POUNDS IN 9 DAYS WOW! DO NOT let ppl get you down saying "you'll go into starvation mode, its bad for you" blah blah. Cleansing/fasting has TONS of benefits, physically mentally and spiritually! I will be cleansing for 40 days. Once you get passed the detox phase where toxins are being released from your body, you will feel like a new person, trust me! No matter what just resist temptation of food and ignore cravings. you will be so glad you did this. If anyone is interested in fasting or cleansing, do your research & find which type of fast is right for you! GOOD LUCK!

    What toxins? I am still waiting for someone to actually answer this.

    Toxins in terms of all the chemicals used to process your food. How about all the pesticides used on your produce? Not everyone can afford organic foods. So yes, your body does have toxins. And if your body is full of them then liver is also full of them so then the body fails to "cleanse" on its own as much as it should.

    People often think that with with diet and exercise you can get rid of toxins which is true, but keep in mind that its better to excrete these toxins than sweat them out. Because the less fat your have, the more chance there is for these chemicals to attack your organs. The fat actually protects your organs from getting attacked by these chemicals.

    Some common chemicals used to process foods are: 1-methycyclopropene, bha, bht, canthaxanthin, potassium bromate, etc. Some of these chemicals on their own are linked to serious illneses like retinal failure, cancers, and some are manufactures from coal tar and petrolium. And this doesn't even take into account the full chemical processes used to come to these preservatives and additives used in food. As if the starting material wasn't bad enough.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Crazy? No way! While getting juice delivered to you seems a bit extravagant for me ( I juice at home with a juicer and fresh veggies/fruits) If its convenient for you then great! Ive been on juice fast/cleanse for 9 days so far. And guess what... 19 pounds lighter, with brighter skin, longer hair and nails and tons of energy. 19 POUNDS IN 9 DAYS WOW! DO NOT let ppl get you down saying "you'll go into starvation mode, its bad for you" blah blah. Cleansing/fasting has TONS of benefits, physically mentally and spiritually! I will be cleansing for 40 days. Once you get passed the detox phase where toxins are being released from your body, you will feel like a new person, trust me! No matter what just resist temptation of food and ignore cravings. you will be so glad you did this. If anyone is interested in fasting or cleansing, do your research & find which type of fast is right for you! GOOD LUCK!

    What toxins? I am still waiting for someone to actually answer this.

    Toxins in terms of all the chemicals used to process your food. How about all the pesticides used on your produce? Not everyone can afford organic foods. So yes, your body does have toxins. And if your body is full of them then liver is also full of them so then the body fails to "cleanse" on its own as much as it should.

    People often think that with with diet and exercise you can get rid of toxins which is true, but keep in mind that its better to excrete these toxins than sweat them out. Because the less fat your have, the more chance there is for these chemicals to attack your organs. The fat actually protects your organs from getting attacked by these chemicals.

    Some common chemicals used to process foods are: 1-methycyclopropene, bha, bht, canthaxanthin, potassium bromate, etc. Some of these chemicals on their own are linked to serious illneses like retinal failure, cancers, and some are manufactures from coal tar and petrolium. And this doesn't even take into account the full chemical processes used to come to these preservatives and additives used in food. As if the starting material wasn't bad enough.

    Wow. So, stay fat to protect your organs from toxins.
    Got it.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    Wow. So, stay fat to protect your organs from toxins.
    Got it.

    You totally missed what I was trying to day, but you keep on truckin' pal.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Wow. So, stay fat to protect your organs from toxins.
    Got it.

    You totally missed what I was trying to day, but you keep on truckin' pal.

    No, I got it. I just couldn't find adequate words to dismiss the silliness. I did try though.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wow. So, stay fat to protect your organs from toxins.
    Got it.

    You totally missed what I was trying to day, but you keep on truckin' pal.

    He's not the only one that missed it. I'm dumbfounded.

    So, are you saying that a "cleanse" eliminates these toxins from our bodies?

    ETA: These toxins that are apparently building up in my liver because you're saying that it works like some kind of toxin sponge/filter?