How old do you feel?



  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Younger than my 33 years! Although a drink up takes considerably longer to get over and I NEVER leave the house for a night out without a coat like I used to :laugh:
  • I'm 31 but I feel 28, and i'm currently working on looking 28
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 50 and I feel like 25.

    I'm 57 and I feel about this same way :drinker:
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I started saying I feel like I'm 80 when I was in my 20's. Now I'm 35 and feel 100...I hurt everywhere and always have. I'm tired and have no zest for life. It just keeps going downhill. Now I'm starting to look old too...wrinkles and sags in places I don't like.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I'm 41, almost 42, I feel younger. Not a lot younger, but mid 30's I guess. Most people don't think I'm in my 40s, or at least that is what they tell me :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm 38...About 5 months ago or so I felt like I was an unhealthy 60 on the verge of an early death. I was about 25 Lbs heavier than I am today...hurt everywhere (back, knees, ankles, etc)...poor nutrition...always tired and sluggish...could no longer do the things I used to enjoy like hiking in the mountains or riding my Mt Bike...smoked too much...drank too much...ate too much...never exercised. A good afternoon was spent napping for a couple hours on the couch watching golf. Hell, picking up my two year old off the floor was a struggle.

    Now...I feel like a moderately healthy 28 year old, well on his way to being a healthy 25 year old. Now I get 30 minutes of aerobic activity 3x weekly...30 minutes of recovery cardio 3 x weekly...3x weekly of heavy lifting. I'm eating much more nutritiously and my calories are in check with 15ish more pounds to go for my goal of 40 Lbs down. I can pick up my toddler no fact, I can lift a lot heavier than that these days. Aches and pains have disappeared...blood work has gone from OMG to OMG...this is phenomenal. A good weekend afternoon now is spent hiking in the mountains, riding my bike, taking the boys out to the zoo or fishing or whatever. It's really a completely different me now and I'm loving it.
  • Well, I'm 46, and physically, I feel in my early to mid-30's. I can bench 275 and I can bike for hours. On the other hand, even though my running is coming along in terms of running 3-6 miles at any time, it's hard for me to get multiple miles much under 9 minutes.

    Mentally it is like my MFP friend GuitarJerry said, it's not one or the other, kind of depending on what you're talking about. I was never into drugs, but in my 20's I bartended and drank a lot, since it was free and I fooled around a lot, since meeting women as a bartender was easy. Now, I rarely drink and keep my fooling around to my wife. We own a home and certain responsibilities at work make me feel mature.

    On the other hand, I love my dogs and riding my bike just as much as when I was a kid. I am a teacher and work with 12-14 year-olds and it's hard to be too mature when that's your job. Plus, though married, my wife just turned 30 this last week. So, I guess I'll split the difference and say I mentally feel about mid-30's as well.