Most ridiculous serving size?



  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    They just do that so that it appears that their product doesn't have a ridculous amount of calories. They know you'll probably eat / drink the whole thing if you see 100 calories, but that you may pass up even buying it if they put 250 calories on the package, so they call it "2.5 servings". It's just a marketing ploy to get you to buy their stuff. Totally misleading. It's really annoying when it's something in an itty-bitty "snack-sized" package and it shows more than one serving. Total crap.

    Exactly this ^^^^^ but I basically agree with every single one that people have mentioned.

    I don't drink much else than water, but typically on race days I will have some sort of sports drink or energy chews or something of that sort. It's a single serve package/container but has multiple servings...FRUSTRATING!!!!!
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    So my top 5 so far are:

    1. Poptarts
    2. Pizza
    3. Cereal
    4. Fig Newtons
    5. 1/2 cup of ice cream (1 cup is way more sensible)

    So now that we are in agreement, what are we going to do about this? Are we writing letters to each of these food companies demanding that they:
    a) distribute their products in serving sizes only
    b) demanding whole numbers only for serving sizes? (None of this 1/2 a cookie 1/2 a cup crap)

    I'm so down! :wink:
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    PAM cooking spray for the win!!!!


    1/3 second spray? really? WTF?

    That...... That is amazing. Absolutely amazing. Start your stopwatches!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Okay, that tops all ridiculous serving sizes! :huh:
  • I think 30g of cereal is ridiculous lol. I'm used to a lovely big bowl of cereal for brekkie and this 30g is killing me
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I was actually complaining about this earlier. I bought a 3 oz. bag of Stacy's Pita Chips, and I quickly glanced at the nutrition label which said 140 calories. I thought ok, I'll eat about half with my sandwich and save the rest for later.

    Upon further inspection, it was 140 calories for 9 chips. I was somewhat annoyed, but I see far worse examples on this thread so I guess I can't really complain too much.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I gotta agree on the cereal serving sizes - they are a joke. The ones I've seen often say LESS than a cup (I've seen many "3/4 cup serving". The only brand that gives a decent serving size is probably Kashi GoLean. I'd rather eat 200 calories and be full than eat 80 and be hungry in 30 minutes!

    Had it wrrrroooooong for yeeeeeaaarrsss... I always thought the serving size went as follows (cereal+bowl+spoon+milk=fun time)
    A box would last me two days MAYBE 3.

    May I make one small change?

    Cereal+largest bowl in the house+spoon+milk=fun time

    I can't even imagine how much cereal contributed to my weight gain lol
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Realized at the end of boot camp class last night that my powerade was 80 calories per serving, with the 32 ounce bottle holding 2-1/2 servings of 12 ounces each... 12 + 12 = 24... and another half of one... so + 6... = 30... wait that's not right... so actually 2-2/3 servings at 80 calories... so ~213 calories?... or is it 200 calories?... um, what. the. hell.

    I know it isn't that much of a difference, but when at the beginning I thought I was only devoting 80 calories to that bottle, only to find out it was 200 (or more??), the extra little bit was just a little bit too much for me to handle!!!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Cottage cheese with sweet chilli dip and 5 crakers.
    Its one of those made to eat on the go thing.
    2.5 serving per container. Its not something you cang share withnone else as u neede to doublt dip the cracker.
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    Lean Cuisine and Stouffers frozen meals. I got one for me and the other for my kids one day. Same exact thing in the package. The only difference? The Stouffers had one serving per container, the Lean Cuisine one and a half. Exact same if you just ate the whole container of six.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I made rice last night and thought I'd try the actual serving suggestion, which is 1/2 cup. I put it in my bowl and just looked at it and laughed. Then I put in another half cup and my additions to complete my meal. It fit into my macros so no problem there. I just wonder who the hell comes up with these portion sizes.

    I guess if you're using the rice as a might make sense. But my meal was kind of a deconstructed fried rice, so it was the centerpiece of the dish.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    The cream cookies .. oreos, snack well's, whichever .. serving size 3 cookies = 100+ cals
    I can never stop at 3 cookies .. especially when milk in involved.

    Ha! Sounds like me!
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. What sane person eats pop tarts?

    Fixed that typo for you. :tongue:

    ^^ this - have to agree :bigsmile:
  • I don't know about serving sizes but I have an irrational hatred of any container that has fractional servings. Servings per container - 2.5. WTF?

    "How many servings shall we put in a container? Two or three? Oh, *kitten* it, let's just split the difference and call it two and a half."

    So if it's just me and the wife, we have to store or throw half a serving, or over-eat.
    If it's me, the wife and our daughter, we get stiffed on the servings, or have to open two packets and store/throw two servings.
    If my step-son is visiting, we have to open two packets, and store or throw a serving.

    This is so me with the hatred of half serving sizes.... And i'm just one person, no husband or kinds yet... so I usually end up splitting it into two and doing 1.25 as a serving.

    REALLY annoying!
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Looking at a box of cookies last night, one servicing size was 7 1/2 cookies...little, itty, bitty cookies (think animal cracker size). Who would just eat 1/2 a cookie.

    Cereal is the one I can't do. I was one of those growing up that would use an old butter tub for a cereal bowl. 1 little cup as a serving size...can't do it.

    Haha...a butter bowl is what I used for cereal too as a I don't eat it at all
  • Cereal was the worst for me, because I freakin' love cereal (and I prefer to munch it dry). I always kind of knew I was eating way more than the piddly little amount they called a serving, but the first time I actually measured out 3/4 of a cup of it, it was so sad. And then when I realized that it's more accurate to *weigh* it? It was like finding out about Santa all over again.

    Now my attitude is, if I can't fit 2 servings' worth into my meal plan for the day, then screw it, I'll have some tomorrow.
  • TimSPC
    TimSPC Posts: 39 Member
    A bag of frozen buffalo wings.

    3oz? What the hey is that? Why can't you just tell us how many per wing?

    3oz? Does that count the bones? If I take the meat off the bones and measure out 3oz, is that the same?
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    2 pop tarts in a pack. 1 is a serving.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    I don't know about serving sizes but I have an irrational hatred of any container that has fractional servings. Servings per container - 2.5. WTF?

    "How many servings shall we put in a container? Two or three? Oh, *kitten* it, let's just split the difference and call it two and a half."

    So if it's just me and the wife, we have to store or throw half a serving, or over-eat.
    If it's me, the wife and our daughter, we get stiffed on the servings, or have to open two packets and store/throw two servings.
    If my step-son is visiting, we have to open two packets, and store or throw a serving.

    So, so, so, THIS!!! And the pop tart thing the other guy said. Why IS there two in there if you're only supposed to eat one?

    HAHA omg. My bf thought I was nuts when I put the lonely poptart in a plastic bag for another day. He's like "They wouldn't be packaged IN TWOS in a serving was ONE.." and then he looked at the box. LOL
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    2 Tbsp of croutons :noway:
    Now, that's some bull$%&#
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Anything packaged in a size that means there are not an even number of servings in the packet, or where more than one serving of something that goes stale fast eg. oatcakes - seven in a pack, but a serving is 3 - are packaged in the same air-tight package, so that eating the recommended serving means wasting the rest or finding an airtight way to store. Or things like drinks where a single serving size is implicitly a single bottle, yet the said bottle contains more than one serving.