Anybody busting their butts and seeing NO results?



  • zmdodd
    zmdodd Posts: 2
    I feel that I am in this category, for me however I hav tried to eat 1600 calories who I heard was too low so I upped them I exercise and my weight hasn't changed one but yo-yoing 2 pounds. I am becoming very discouraged as I have no clue what else to do. When I wasn't counting calories not exercising I was maintaining my weight now I am doing so much more an it's not enough so discouraging. If you all can look at my logs and point out what I'm doing wrong please let me know I am desperate to lose this weight by December and it seems impossible as of right now. I even tried well attempted the eat clean throughout the week with one cheat day but idk if that works or not so I stopped. FYI I dot log my water intake however if I drink juice or tea I will log which is not to often I drink plenty of water daily and rarely have juice. I do have unsweetened tea every now and then
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    And yep, am prolly not eating enough and working out too hard. Stalled AGAIN.

    This is all great info.
  • Sometimes we underestimate how many calories we take in ... until you get the grip of things you should weight your food ...
    i guess also you are killing yourself with exercise ... too much exercise will just bring the wrong results ... the body must have rest days and exercise should be within reason ... something you know you can maintain your whole life ... there is no use in exercising hard for a couple of months and then giving up ... know your limits and work within them
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    4lbs a month is a 1lb loss every week. i would be SO happy if i was pulling those numbers!
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    4 lbs a month? I'd give my right arm to be able to do that. I'm lucky to even get 2 lbs a month!
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I have been having a hell of a time trying to lose weight. Last month I worked out like crazy. Going up to 7 days a week and working out for 5+ hours in a day. I also ate very healthy and stayed below or within my target calories.

    Can anyone throw some advice my way as to what Im doing wrong?

    First off, no one should have to work out 7 days a week for 5 hours a day, unless you a professional athlete and even then I would imagine that would be excessive.

    And if you're saying you stayed below or within your calorie goals at the same time....well, something is wrong (barring a serious medical issue which you would most likely already know of). I would guess that you're not eating enough OR that you're eating far more than you think but are not measuring things accurately and are underestimating portion sizes.

    Also, your expectations are skewed. No one loses 5-10 pounds a week unless it's water weight, they have a tapeworm or are taking a dangerous drug (or something like that). The human body just doesn't lose 5-10 pounds of fat in a week.

    4 pounds a month may not be as much as you'd like, but at a pound a week it's on track. Seriously though, back way off of the workouts before you kill yourself with exhaustion.
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    When you go to the doctor have them check your thyroid. An estimated 5% of all women have an autoimmune disease called Hashimotos hypothyroidism. I have it and when I was diagnosed I was 100 pounds overweight and could not loose no matter what I did. I started taking replacement medicine (synthroid) and quickly lost 50 pounds without much effort. Also one BIG thing that is helping me loose this time is making sure I eat protein at every meal and snack. I try to eat six times a day, small meals and get protein and complex carbs at each meal. I also try very hard to not eat anything other than proteins and non-starchy veggies at night. I even give myself little planned cheats about three times a week and I've been loosing 2 - 3 a week steadily. Btw... I am 49 and only do cardios about three to four times a week. It's really all about the food anyway. oh, and lifting really helps. Good luck. If I can do it anyone can
  • Klb6778
    Klb6778 Posts: 1
    Are you on any asthma management medications. These can make the body retain water. A close relative of mine is on Advair and occasionally takes prednisone for bad attacks and these medications make him bloated, expecially in the face. Just a thought....