Low carb dieters.. WHAT do you eat?!



  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on a relatively low carb diet (50-75) by doctor's orders for insulin resistance. My doctor is a bariatrician, who is a doctor who specializes in weight loss.

    I eat 50-75 carbs, at least 120 proteins, and 1000-1200 calories. Before anyone jumps on me for eating too little, remember I'm under doctor supervision. I check in every month and have blood work and other tests every 3 months.

    The first couple of weeks were really hard, but now I'm hardly ever hungry, I have more energy than before, and I feel great. I'm not saying everyone should go low carb, but it's not evil either!

    And yes, I plan on eating this way forever, not just while I'm trying to get my insulin under control or losing weight. I think once my insulin is normalized (my priority at the moment, over losing weight), I will work in some higher carb foods that I'm not eating now, but will try to work them into the program so I still don't go over the 75. Or if I do, it will be a very occasional thing. I will not return to habits that hurt me! Besides, I feel great eating like this, why would I change? I'm not SUPER low carb, so this is easy to live with.

    I eat eggs, meat, chicken, cheese, beans and veggies. I also drink protein shakes if I need more calories or need help getting all my protein in. I usually have one piece of fruit a day as a treat. I never thought I would be saying an apple is a wonderful desert! But you really do adjust. I don't crave or miss all those carbs anymore, except for how quick and easy spaghetti is to prepare when I'm tired or need to go to the grocery!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    My diet isn't low carb particularly but more sensible carbs. I eat couscous, brown rice, wholewheat bread where possible but if not I will eat white bread, etc. I do not eat pasta but that's because I am struggling to find wholewheat pasta where I currently shop (it's a small town) and I literally believe pasta is the devil. I used to live on pasta when I was a poor 18 year old living on her own and I am sure this contributed to a lot of my weight loss as I was always petite before that without even trying.
    It bloats you out but also takes a while to give you that "full" feeling so you end up eating a lot of it as it's difficult to eat slowly... the devils food!!

    If anyone asked me for carb related advice I'd tell them what a fitness instructor told me once;
    "Stick to brown instead of white wherever possible and stop eating pasta."
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Also I would like to point out a low carb diet is a terrible idea. Change the way you eat carbs in a way you can incorporate into your lifestyle and stick at it but don't just low carb diet to then start eating bad carbs again. Any progress you make will go straight out the window.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    "And since our bodies can create glucose from protein and fats, carbs are not a necessity."

    Not quite right!

    Our bodies can create KETONES from fats, so carbs are not a necessity.


    "The net effect of gluconeogenesis is the reversal of glycolysis. In gluconeogenesis, glucose is synthesized from smaller precursors."

    Source: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/biochem/hhmi/hhmiclasses/biochem/lectnoteskga/gluconeogenesis.html

    Ketones are, essentially, a by-product of the gluconeogenesis process.

    Ketone bodies are created by breaking down FFA's in the liver. Specifically in the absence of adequate carbohydrates to provide energy for the brain.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    Also I would like to point out a low carb diet is a terrible idea.

    Oh well that seals it. All doubt has been henceforth erased.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    what do you eat or grains ? you need to have whole grains in your diet and at least 1 serving of Legumes a day .
    I imagine basically eggs and meat and not much else?

    I eat 100-150grams carbs/day, and I get those from veg/fruit/nuts and occasionally some legumes. I don't know how I'd manage to do less than 50 without severly cutting back my veges.

    I eat a primary plant based diet, stay low carb (under 30g). It isn't difficult when you cut unnecessary sugars out of your diet. and for your information, legumes are carb heavy.

    I wasn't being snarky! I was honestly wondering...
    I only eat legumes occasionally, because I get sick of eating meat all the time. I realise they're high in carbs.
    I dont' eat sugar/honey/bread/pasta/potatoes/rice at all.
    Eg today my 100gr carbs come from tomato, avo, courgette, greek yoghurt, cauliflower, an apple, some berries and a banana. I realise I could cut down more by not eating fruit....but I'd love some tips for getting enough protein on a low-ish carb diet without eating so much meat.

    Edit to add I'm not aiming for under 100gr, just to stick around 100-150 without always relying on meat.

    Yes Legumes are high in Carbs but they are so good for you
    I do not eat SUGAR other than Natural that you find in fruit and other veggies
    but i do eat whole grain
    Anyone who does not eat legumes will certainly not be harmed by their absence. The nutrients found in legumes can be covered by other foods but in many cases the foods you choose to replace legumes are either harmful or not as healthy as legumes.
    Usually those who do not eat legumes are more likely to eat more meat – and here is the problem. Meat will add more calories and fat to your diet without having the same benefits as legumes. Several studies have shown that people who eat legumes instead of meat are more likely to lose weight than people who eat only meat It’s no surprise that according to the principles of the Mediterranean diet (one of the healthiest diets); legumes should be at consumed at least 2 times per week.