Tiger woods



  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    Sex Addict?

    You're only considered a Sex Addict if you are a celebrity. When Tiger or Jesse or Charlie Sheen get caught, they go to Sex Rehab. When the guy down the block or some other non-celebrity gets caught, they are just *kitten* and go to conselling or divorce court.

    Sorry, but that's not true. There are sex addict meetings held all over the country as regularly as AA or NA meetings. Real people have the same problems, and real people take the same steps to recover from it. You just don't know about it because they are anonymous, as the name would indicate.
  • My church houses meetings every week for Narcotics, Nicotine, Alcohol, Overeaters, Sex, Incest, Cleptomania, several phobias, and a page long list of others. They are all packed to the max every week.

    While I don't agree with the theory of addiction or the treatment, it is a real thing. It can be measured in the brain.
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Sex Addict?

    You're only considered a Sex Addict if you are a celebrity. When Tiger or Jesse or Charlie Sheen get caught, they go to Sex Rehab. When the guy down the block or some other non-celebrity gets caught, they are just *kitten* and go to conselling or divorce court.

    Sorry, but that's not true. There are sex addict meetings held all over the country as regularly as AA or NA meetings. Real people have the same problems, and real people take the same steps to recover from it. You just don't know about it because they are anonymous, as the name would indicate.

    I am not talking about the condition. I am talking about the label.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I have a fundamental problem when the word "addiction" is placed behind any behavior in order to normalize it and marginalize the personal responsibility a person holds for their behavior. I have a compulsive component to my personality, so I completely understand the physical and psychological hold pleasure yielding behaviors exhert.

    Take an addiction that seems to represent addictions everywhere: alcoholism. And take the pre-eminent organization that deals with this addiction: AA. The first thing that everyone seems to know about AA is the way members introduce themselves: Hello my name is _____ and I am an alcoholic. That simple phrase takes responsibility for their addiction.

    When people stop playing victim, and making excuses, our society will get better.

    I agree.
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