Lose 5 Pounds in March - Open Grou



  • lisalu20
    lisalu20 Posts: 46 Member
    I seem to be stuck at the moment. Maybe a challenge will be good for me.:smile:

    SW. 68 kg
    CW. 64.3 kg
    GW. 62 kg

    Weigh in dates
    3/1 64
    3/8. 63.9
    3/15 63.4
    End of the month.
    I am trying to do more body weight exercises to improve muscle tone this month. So far going ok. Clothes are feeling looser!:smile:

    Total weight lost.

    4.6 kg
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    SW: 143
    CW: 143
    GW: 138

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 -- 143
    3/8 -- 142.5
    3/15 -- 142.5

    Total weight lost: -- 0.5

    No loss this week :(
  • leannekampfe
    leannekampfe Posts: 21 Member
    SW: 187.2
    CW: 175
    GW: 170

    Weigh in Dates:

    Total weight lost:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    SW 221.5
    CW 221.5
    GW for this month: 212

    Weigh in dates:
    3/8 219
    3/15 217.5

    Total weight loss this month: 4
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    SW: 225
    CW: 177
    GW: 170
    UGW: 145

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1: 177
    3/8: 173.4
    3/15 174.4
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: 2.6

    It was a rough week-got passed up for the 2nd promotion in 5 months at my work, was stressing about work, and my grandpap is ill. Next week will be better!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm joining late because I'm a competitive person and in the past these challenges kept me in line. I haven't lost weight (and, to make matters worse, I've gained) since the last one...so I'm back.

    SW: 191
    CW: 190
    GW: 188 (since there are only two weeks left in the month

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 - (191)
    3/8 - (191)
    3/15 - 190
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What new fitness exercise or event are you going to do this month? - I am doing the Abs/Buns/Legs of Steel Series.
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 172 (2/26)
    GW: 167

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 171.6
    3/8 170.6
    3/16 171.2
    End of Month

    Total weight lost: 0.8 (scale went the wrong way this week)

    I am training for a half marathon on April 7 so that training will be most of my fitness in March!
    3/1 started this morning with a quick 3 mile run :)

    3/2 did my "long" run for the week - 8 miles in under 1hour 20 minutes - YEAH!
    3/3 3 mile recovery run at a good pace - just under 10 minute mile. :)
    3/4 3 mile run
    3/5 3 mile run in the rain at 35 degrees - brr!
    3/6, 3/7, 3/8 total of 9 miles (3 per day)
    3/9/13 - long run today 9 miles
    3/15 - have another 18 miles.
    3/16 - 10 mile training run today

    decided I would like 110 miles in March -have 66 done, 44 to go

    Good job everyone! We are half way there.
  • SW: 56.3kg
    CW: 55kg
    GW: 53kg

    I'm hoping to start going to a gym this month.

    Training for a cross country competition next week, so going for a daily 2km run.
  • Wow! That's really great! Wish I could run that we'll, but I have trouble breathing properly. When I ask people for tips they just tell me to get into a breathing rhythm. I always say that I do have a rhythm: Inhale, gasp, choke, exhale.

  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    SW: 231
    GW for march: 158.8

    03/02 163.8
    03/09 163.8
    03/16 162.8

    1 pound down. I'll take it!
  • Francena125
    Francena125 Posts: 13 Member
    Name/ real name: Francena125/ Francena

    SW: 169 (joined July 2012)
    CW: 163.8 (3/03/2013)
    GW: 125 (by October 2013)

    Goal weight on March 31st: 158

    Weigh in dates (I like to weigh in on Sunday mornings):
    3/03: 163.8
    3/10: 161.0
    3/17: 159.8

    Total weight lost: 4
  • sunbeat
    sunbeat Posts: 15 Member
    SW: 64 kg
    CW: 63,2 kg
    GW: 55 kg (if I'll ever reach that!)

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/2 - 62,5 kg
    3/9 - 63 kg O_O :(
    3/17 - 63,2 kg :/

    Still gaining instead of loosing :/
    I think it's time to make a change in my eating habbit, we'll see if that's the issue...
  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    Okay so, I started in the middle of the week (back on the band wagon) so needless to say I don' t have a true current weight. I normaly weight in on Sunday's for for the current weight I will add my "middle of the week, after I ate lunch and a snack weight"

    GW: (for March): 209

    I just want to say thanks for posting this challenge, I've been looking for a forum like this for about 2 months... that's kinda why I "fell off the wagon" Now im back in motion again, with the help of a new post.

    Please add me if you want- Always looking for good friend to motivate me and that I can motivate!

    3/4-not envolved yet
    3/25-××× (209) :}

    Also, you asked what new things are we or have we tried... well I recentlyn added a personal trainer in my phone. Ill let you know how it works out ;)
  • Rachlovesfitness
    Rachlovesfitness Posts: 219 Member
    Hey! I know I'm halfway through the month but thought I would join in and try to lose 2.5 pounds :)

    SW: Originally 156 lbs
    CW: 131.8 lbs
    GW: For end of March will be about 129 lbs.
    Ultimate goal weight: 118 lbs :)
    Height: 5'5
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    No changes yet, but hope to exercise more so I can lose more weight.

    SW: 148
    CW: 148
    GW: 142 or 140 :)
    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 148.5
    3/8 148
    3/15 148
  • dmcole13
    dmcole13 Posts: 133 Member
    SW: 205 09/27/11
    CW: 168 02/28/13
    GW: 163
    UGW: 160 & be able to maintain it

    3/03 168.8 +0.8 not a good start, work it.....
    3/10 170.0 +1.2 = +2.0
    3/17 169.6 - 0.4 = +1.6
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    I know I am starting late but hoping to join in on the F-U-N and support

    SW: 199.0
    CW: 199.0
    GW: 190.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/4 missed
    3/11 199.0
    3/18 191.5 (-7.5)
  • I want to join to!!!
    SW: 284.6
    CW: 282.4
    GW: 143

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/4 282.4
    3/12 280.4
    3/18 279.4

    Goal for march : 278
  • dliz908
    dliz908 Posts: 25 Member
    2nd month in this group!

    11/21/12 SW: 195.3
    03/01/13 CW: 171.0
    03/30/13 GW: 163.0
    Ultimate GW: 125

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/2 - 170.3
    3/9 - 169.0
    3/16- 167.6
    3/23 -
    3/30 -

    January goal 8lbs, loss 6.7
    Total weight lost in March: 3.4lbs
  • Alyssah09
    Alyssah09 Posts: 357 Member
    SW: 222.8
    CW: 218.0
    GW: 160
    March GW: 217

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/4 : 218.8
    3/11 : 219
    3/18 : 218