What's the best workout DVD for beginners?



  • angiecullifer
    angiecullifer Posts: 13 Member
    I'm very new to using workout DVDs and have started using The Biggest Loser Power Ab Blast. They show modified versions of the moves that makes it very easy for you to follow along. There are 4 different different workouts to chose from: Standing Abs (10 min), Cardio Abs (15 min), All Out Abs (10 min) and Yoga Abs (10 min). I bought it at Wal-Mart for $10.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Prevention Magazine has some decent full body workouts that are low impact and easy to follow. Look for anything by Chris Freytag. Denise Austin does many low impact beginner workouts as well.

    Also, not to sound obnoxious, but why would anyone need a DVD to walk? Just go outside and put one foot in front of the other for a while, then turn around and walk back home. And swing your arms. We learned how to do that as children, so I don't get the popularity of "walking DVDs." Again, not trying to offend anyone, I simply don't understand.

    I started with these, because I live in Wisconsin and have a 13 month old, so going outside and walking in the snow and ice with a baby isn't the best idea. I dont find them a good workout anymore now that I've lost a few pounds and gotten stronger. I'm almost finished with 30 Day Shred and Leslie's videos are just way too easy and not very much of a burn for me now.

    I deft suggest doing 30 Day Shred, and like someone else said if you have to modify at first that's ok. When I started I couldn't do jumping jacks at all (osgood makes jumping hard at times), so I modified and did step-touch instead of jumps, even though Jillian said no modifying them. But day 7 I could do all the jumping. YOu get stronger doing this video and you get stronger FAST. I am no Jillian fan, but you can't deny the results this one brings. (I lost 7 pounds and 16 inches, and I still have 5 days to go)

    Then you also have the Biggest Loser DVD's which alot of them have level's as well and are pretty easy to start with
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I have to agree with them that suggested 30 ds, I think its very good for beginners to get the form down on some basic moves and she offers ways to modify most of the most if you have problems with your knees. If you dont like her yelling, turn off the sound.
  • Prevention Magazine has some decent full body workouts that are low impact and easy to follow. Look for anything by Chris Freytag. Denise Austin does many low impact beginner workouts as well.

    Also, not to sound obnoxious, but why would anyone need a DVD to walk? Just go outside and put one foot in front of the other for a while, then turn around and walk back home. And swing your arms. We learned how to do that as children, so I don't get the popularity of "walking DVDs." Again, not trying to offend anyone, I simply don't understand.

    Because in MN when it get to be 40 below zero with the wind chill you want to be able to do something inside and not everyone has the time or money to run to the gym all the time. I would have to drive 20 minutes one way just to get to the gym and then work out for an hour and drive back home another 20 there went an extra 40 minutes of my day I already don't have. Plus some people are embarrassed when they start and don't want other people to see them. Also just because it says walk in it doen't mean that is all you do.
  • TheShrinkingKween
    TheShrinkingKween Posts: 91 Member
    The last time I started on this journey, I used The Biggest Loser Boot Camp dvd. It was great! It was a good workout and even at 250 pounds, I could manage all the moves with only slight modification. The Boot Camp dvd is missing, so I'm not using it now. I went back to eating crap and being a couch potato and have recently begun this journey anew. This time, starting at 285 pounds, I have started with the 30 Day Shred. I have a harder time doing all the moves with this than I did with Boot Camp, but I feel like it's working more. I think there are a lot of option out there, and since so many of these dvd's can be bought for under $10, it might be a good idea to try 2 or 3 different ones and see which you feel is working best for you. Good Luck!!!
  • adsaylor
    adsaylor Posts: 36 Member
    What type of exercise are you doing now? How often are you working out?