Skinny Wednesday Challenge



  • FindingMickie
    FindingMickie Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I survived my first Skinny Wed! I doubled my workout .....I did my regular at the gym and then this evening I went hiking! And it was a lot of fun too! I even drank more water then normal! Now to just keep it up!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Checking in from the west coast, just after 8PM here. The day started kinda weird. FIL had a brain aneurism today, so we were contemplating whether to arrange an immediate flight to Holland. Decided to wait a day. This news threw me off, since I had planned to go for a run before work, instead we had a dozen phone calls.

    :bigsmile: I did stay within my calories, but had a glass of wine when I got home from work.

    :bigsmile: Then I took my nifty new bike and went out for close to an hour! Man, that was quite the workout. I LOVED it. :bigsmile:

    So really not too bad for a bit of an upsetting day. Learning to live healthy despite the ups and downs.

    We will be thinking of you and your FIL this week. Hang in there and know you have our support. :heart:
    Thanks again Fab50 :heart: :heart: :heart:

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