SAHM 4/19 - 4/25



  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    just thought i would bounce on over and introduce myself.
    my name is brianna. i'm a SAHM to a little 13 month old boy. I guess you could consider me a single married mother, because my husband is gone right now. i'm trying to eat healthier, because with out him here, it's hard for me to remember to eat. and when your only cooking for one, it;s tempting to just stick a lean cuisine in the micro.

    i'm looking forward to it warming up a bit, so that we can play outside. my son loves going outside, he just stands on the deck and laughs. he'd stay out there for hours if i'd let him, but it's just too cold still. we get teased with nice weather one day, and the next it's right back to being cold.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome pariah! this is a truly fabulous group of ladies. very supportive and very motivating. :)

    trish--congrats!! 10mi is FANTASTIC! and glad to hear that your hands are healing well.
    looking forward to pics of you in your new dress.

    BUSY day today but enjoyed it all. dd2 had a new gymnastics class at the rec center. first time she was on a big balance beam--she got brave. :) and LOVED the giant trampoline (cuz who doesn't love bouncing like that!).
    we had time at the park too, enjoyed the gorgeous weather.
    i also got to nap today....and dh made dinner.
    so, now to pay the bills and get to rdg and sleeping.

    this coming week i want to start mapping out my plans for hs-ing next year. charting it out on a calendar and see where i have gaps in subjects. excited, but nervous. am i really up for this task? what if i get tired? what if we don't cover enough? what if i don't spend enuf time on it everyday? what if i'm too unstructured with it? what if? what if?
    BREATHE....intellectually, i know i can do this. and i really want to try. i'd be more disappointed in myself if i didn't even try. so that's that.

    now i'm rambling. gn all! :heart:
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