


  • Curvygoth
    Curvygoth Posts: 14 Member
    16 years with endo until I had a hyst aged 29 to get my life back - now I just have adhesions to contend with!

    Put on a lot of weight since the hyst - now trying to get back to the pre-hyst weight

    Feel free to add me
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    I probably have endo. My mother had it and eventually had a hysterectomy. I have all the symptoms, but haven't had a laparscopic surgery.

    Mine is pretty well controlled through diet and birth control. My toughest times were before I started birth control and got my diet under control, and when I was trying to conceive my children. When my period would come I would be up all night moaning in pain. I've never had an ultrasound where I didn't have a cyst. I consider birth control to prevent me from getting my period to be a need, not a want.

    I also struggle with fatigue. I've never felt like a high energy person. I'm not sure if this is the result of the endo or something else.

    Dairy seems to be my biggest trigger. I've never tried to hard to cut out gluten. I once tried to generally go low carb, but felt exhausted and awful and gave it up. I would consider it if I really thought it would help my overall fatigue.
  • apinto2011
    apinto2011 Posts: 13 Member
    I have stage 3 endo and pcos :(
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Having the laproscopic surgery this Friday. After 2 years of trying to manage it through cycle charting, progesterone (both oral & vaginal), pelvic floor physical therapy...etc., I'm ready to (hopefully) get rid of the pain for good with the surgery. I'm nervous that it could be so bad that I have to have a hysterectomy. Wish me luck...

    I should mention that my quality of life has greatly improved since I quit eating gluten, cut sugar down to a minimum (mostly just from fruit and the occasional chocolate bar) and cut dairy almost completely out.