I am going to try and stick with this (this time)



  • Anyone out there in their sixties and trying to start lifting weights?
  • Wow. That sounds like a great start!

    I, too, run a computer all day. I work from home. What did you do to build a standing station? Not sure I have the room to do it, but I'd like the option.

    I like the accountability this website has inspired in me. Just this morning I dragged my night-owl *kitten* out of bed and did Jillian's Yoga Meltdown before 7 am, which is a big deal for me. Why? B/c I posted that I was going to shoot for that. When my alarm went off this morning, I laid there thinking "I can snooze and go back to sleep....but then I'll have to tell everyone that no, I didn't meet my goal." SO...I got up, whimpered during the workout, and got it done. LOL.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I think we can all use all the support we can get!

    I have been telling myself for the past week that I would get up 30 minutes earlier and do some cardio. I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier every morning and end up re-setting it when it goes off!!!
    I have yet to get up and exercise before work :(
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I just lost 40 pounds in about 4 months. From that experience I learned that weight-loss is simple math. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. It's really that simple, but you have to know the numbers.

    Make sure you know your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, the number of calories your body needs to function) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure - how many calories you burn in a day). Try this calculator:


    I used "Desk Job with little exercise" and then tracked my exercise separately. Since you don't sit anymore (cool idea, BTW) maybe you can get away with using "light exercise". You can always make adjustments if needed depending on how things go.

    The exercise program I followed to lose the weight so quickly was pretty ambitious, which was my choice. But if you set your goal to 1 pound a week and track your calories carefully, you can easily do it without going crazy. Remember, even if you miss your goal, as long as you're under your TDEE you will lose weight. This is important to remember since you started and stopped before. Maybe your goals were too ambitious before. Don't try to lose 2 pounds a week every week unless you're willing to do the work and sacrifice a bit. I'm worried you may get frustrated and quit.

    Instead, commit to the long haul and remember you will lose weight if you stay under your TDEE. Just do it and keep doing it!
  • ckseevers
    ckseevers Posts: 11
    day two of 30 day shred. WOW. I am sore today and it took everything to get changed and force myself to do the 20 min. anyway. DONE! I think I would have eaten more today but it hurt too bad to get to the fridge....there might be something to this exercise thing. LOL
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    I started ova again on Monday and so wanting to do it this time! Add me!
  • toots2u2
    toots2u2 Posts: 3
    What a wonderful idea, packing your lunch the night before, and for me it would be a perfect way to not indulge in "just one potato chip" (every time I walk past the dishwasher). I do have lots of will power, it is the WON'T power I have been lacking until now.
  • This made me laugh, this is my third time of
    Trying this. My busy life with three kids gets ahold of me and I just give in to their lifestyle and put mine on back burner. I feel more dedicated this time though. Worth a shot! Good luck!!