Is diet pop REALLY that bad fro you????



  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    And herein lies the problem.

    Rather than critically evaluating the causal relationship, you believe what you want to believe and look for justification for your beliefs. Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of cognitive dissonance.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    Be careful. James Randi took an overdose of homeopathic sleeping pills. AND HE DIED!

    Wait, no, he actually didn't die. Did take the overdose. See here:

    If water has a memory, and we have sewers, well...I guess it remembers some pretty icky stuff.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.

    which book is that? I'm afraid it's lost in the shuffle.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.

    which book is that? I'm afraid it's lost in the shuffle.

  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    Yes I would. If something was purported to work with no reasonable mechanism for action, then I would be very skeptical of it efficacy, and would naturally assume that the answer lied elsewhere.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    homeopathic remedies,

    Oh man. Homeopathic "remedies."

    Also known as "black magic."

    you know, except in my case of reflux.

    you're so funny.

    Yeah and when my son had pleurisy the "black magic" cured him in two days. You sound so ignorant you know, because you just dribble your drool without knowing what your'e trying to say.

    Homeopathic "remedies" are placebos and nothing else. The liquids are nothing but water, and the pills are nothing but sugar.

    There is literally no other substance in them, unless they've added a preservative or something.

    But the thing listed on the outside of the bottle? There's none of that inside the bottle. You know that, right? Homeopathy is the process by which you start with a substance and then dilute it in water so many times there isn't any of it left.

    Oh I know EXACTLY how homeopathic remedies are made. I am taking a course on homeopathy in fact. The energy of the substance is left, even though your scientists can't detect the crude substance anymore. And guess what, we've used them for a long time and it isn't placebo. You try giving your kids or other family members a placebo when they are puking, or sick with pleurisy, or teething, or having palpitations, or going into shock from falling 20 ft onto concrete . . . and see how they fare lol.

    My daughter fell from the second story of a barn onto concrete and broke her wrist in two places. The neighbor drove her to me (4 houses away) and by then she was going into shock. I gave her arnica montana immediately and we both watched as the color returned to her lips/fingertips, and she became more responsive. Arnica montana also is indicated when there is bruised soft tissues. Because I gave her this remedy immediately, she never got a bruise . . . none. She did however break her arm in two places and it had to be reset. The doc was REALLY worried because she damaged her growth plate. He gave her a cast and he asked that she return in a 2 weeks. Well she was taking another homeopathic remedy during those two weeks and when they did the xray the growth plate was completely normal and one of the fractures had healed already. So yeah. You can't detect it in a lab, but the energy of the remedy is there and it is powerful. QUANTUM PHYSICS IS EXPLAINING THESE THEORIES NOW. Maybe you should read about it.

    Now we're treading in my territory. I'm a senior, Physics Major, at a top University. Please, explain to me how quantum physics is explaining this because, apparently, my professors have neglected this topic.

    Also, IBTL and most of this thread had me laughing so hard I cried and almost peed in my pants.

    Additionally, a virus will eventually run its course but the two times I had viral meningitis, without modern medicine (including a week in the hospital) the "course" would have ended in death. If you know of the herbal remedy please explain that to me.

    Also, Diet Dr. Pepper >Diet Pepsi> Diet Coke although Dr. Pepper>Coke>Pepsi. I drink diet soda daily. Experimentation suggests that aspartame is only bad for those with intolerances to it.

    ETA: I also broke each wrist twice when I was younger (I was an over-active child) and had growth plate breaks two of the four times. No long term damage. Healed perfectly completely without any homeopathic remedies.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Energy Healer is the first two words of the profile. I think you guys are going to be at opposite sides on this and many topics
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.

    which book is that? I'm afraid it's lost in the shuffle.

    And although I wouldn't expect you to formulate opinions solely based on other's experiences, I would hope that you would factor that in. That's why you and others on here are so infuriating at times. You dismiss everything unless it's mainstream, even if people have real experiences to share. YOu never say, "hey, that's cool and interesting!" WOw! Hummm! You just mock and say everything is bull crap and ask for studies and then any study produced is never good enough. The only reason I've been sticking with these threads once I get involved in one is because I don't like the idea of the loudest mouths shooting other ideas down so that only the big mouth get's his opinions heard. It's like you believe you're right and no other ideas are allowed to be discussed in a meaningful, civil manner. Because guess what, maybe you don't have all the answers and you're keeping valuable information from reaching someone by mocking, throwing in cats or whatever just to confuse the matter at hand. And is that right? I don't think so.
  • smittieaj
    smittieaj Posts: 151 Member
    Energy Healer is the first two words of the profile. I think you guys are going to be at opposite sides on this and many topics

    Not if she reads the book... ;)
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.

    which book is that? I'm afraid it's lost in the shuffle.


    Yeah right. Just the title is demeaning in light of this conversation.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    For those saying homeopathy is just a placebo effect . . . tell it to these mice. Next you'll be telling me that mice as susceptible to the placebo effect also.

    You seem tenacious. Why don't you crack open a book about skepticism, and have an informative evening?

    I don't have to be skeptical about homeopathy when I've seen it work over and over first hand.

    When you read about skepticism, you'll learn about how this is anecdotal evidence, and is unreliable for numerous reasons. Seriously, what harm could learning a new subject do to you?

    Again, I don't have to be skeptical about that study because I've seen homeopathy work countless times first hand. If you did you'd know what I mean. Would you be skeptical about the effectiveness of antibiotics if you didn't like the way a study was conducted?

    In the absence of all the evidence that modern science has provided us.... YES!

    I guess you haven't experienced first hand positive effects from them over and over to know first hand the results so you have to rely on a study to tell you what's up.

    People could tell me about their first hand experience with voodoo, the holy spirit, bloody mary, demons, or bigfoot.... should I believe them?

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    I don't doubt that you, and your beliefs are sincere. I understand that you are not a fool. I only reject the notion of forming opinions based on tales of others experiences. Pick up that book that was recommended earlier in the thread. I think that you'll find that we have more in common than you know.

    which book is that? I'm afraid it's lost in the shuffle.


    TED Talk from the author
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member

    You know that's not what I am saying. So stop trying to make me seem like a naive, gullible idiot. What I'm saying is that I believe homeopathy works because my family and I have been using it instead of allopathic medication for over 30 years and it has worked in various situations. So, I am not skeptical of that study even though it doesn't meet your standards. If you knew something worked from a lifetime of experiences, then you wouldn't be skeptical of a study just because you didn't like who conducted it, etc.

    Yes I would. If something was purported to work with no reasonable mechanism for action, then I would be very skeptical of it efficacy, and would naturally assume that the answer lied elsewhere.

    But see I understand the mechanism for action even if you don't