Cats and chewing...



  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    If your cat likes plastic bags it'll probably love this:

    Aside from those, my cat has pretty much ignored every toy we've gotten her, but she loves those balls to pieces.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Anyone have advice on how to get a cat to use a scratching post?

    Mine had one that she used to the point she completely shredded it. I went and replaced it, put the new one in the exact same spot and now she completely ignores it. She has taken to using the armrests of my leather bar stools as as scratching post!!!


    My cats have taken to my leather bar stools as well so I feel your pain. But they ALSO use their scratching posts. There is some double sided tape type stuff that you can find at pet stores that doesn't stick really bad to the surface you stick it to (kind of like how painter's tape peels off easily) BUT when the cat goes to scratch on the item, their paws get stuck on the tape and cats hate that feeling so that should nix that habit.

    Edit: didnt' see your post about catnip til now. Ok.... try getting the cardboard scratching boards. My cats love those.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Said before, could be lonely and needs a cat friend to live with.

    We have two cats. The chewing cat is new addition. They have scuffles occasionally, but seem to get along fairly well.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If your cat likes plastic bags it'll probably love this:

    Aside from those, my cat has pretty much ignored every toy we've gotten her, but she loves those balls to pieces.

    Thank you. Maybe I'll give those a try. If he tries hard enough, would he be able to rip off a piece and eat it?
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have a new cat. He used to chew (but not eat) plastic bags to let me know he's hungry, but other than that, he was fine. Until two days ago, when I went into my bedroom and heard a noise. I turned around to find him in my chair, EATING a t-shirt. He literally ate part of the shirt. Initially I thought he just chewed it up, but he threw up a chunk the next day. Had I known he'd eaten it, I would have taken him to the emergency room. The vet suggested spraying things with bitter spray, but I can't spray the whole house, and it seems like he'll chew on anything. Has anyone here had a similar problem? What did you do?

    I concur with some other people that it might be an anxiety thing. Was he a rescue? did you get him as a kitten or full grown cat? Do you ahve other cats in the house? Might talk to vet about anxiety remedies. I know there are "calming sprays" out there at the pet stores but no clue how well they work.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    If your cat likes plastic bags it'll probably love this:

    Aside from those, my cat has pretty much ignored every toy we've gotten her, but she loves those balls to pieces.

    Thank you. Maybe I'll give those a try. If he tries hard enough, would he be able to rip off a piece and eat it?

    The ones my cat has are pretty battered, but I don't think she's managed to rip anything off of one yet. It seems to me like it would be pretty hard for a cat to get a solid enough grip on it to rip bits off, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

    Edit: In retrospect, maybe "loves them to pieces" was a bad choice of wording :laugh:
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    have you tried a different litter? If a cat does not like it they won't want to use it. It's like people if you don't like the toilet paper you will not want to use that one again haha at least I dont't
    I'm pretty sure it's not a litter issue because most of the time he'll use it, and he never poops on the floor. He was born in a barn, literally, so we think he's just bad mannered :) Next step is kitty prozac, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.