
  • wykyd
    wykyd Posts: 68 Member
    My hands are getting thinner. I want more ink. Looking forward to having sex on a regular basis. I need another cup of coffee.

    I'm random, I guess.
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    I need to find a job that supports my traveling addiction or hit the lottery.

  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member
    I need to find a job that supports my traveling addiction or hit the lottery.


    Well, now that you mentioned it. Yes, I want to win some money! Lol
  • linz910
    linz910 Posts: 30
    I hope I win some money off of March madness.
  • theshow4jsu
    theshow4jsu Posts: 380 Member
    "My bad guys"-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Has anybody ever been too lazy to go to the can?
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    does DTF? actually work? all the evidence suggest it does or it wouldn't be prevailing so well.....
  • abrewer563
    abrewer563 Posts: 122
    Can I go back to bed yet?
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    Bed, I want you. There are too many posts on this thread. My breath stinks.I blame it on my protein drink. Dora is annoying (my toddler is watching her.). There, enough said.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Do I poop too much? Not enough.......hmmm....
  • NyxariaMoon
    NyxariaMoon Posts: 121 Member
    I had something to say when I opened the reply box, but now.... my mind is blank.
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    If I were God I'd get a bunch of slaves to do everything
    Norwegian lesbians that feed me grapes and know how to sing
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I need to work on this spreadsheet..... Hmmm....Tea. That would be good. Hmmmm.... Wonder what this forum post is about. Hmmm... Spreadsheet..... Hmmm... Which pandora station should I listen to as good motivation?

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone... I was about to write this...exaclty.

    Also, how am I ever going to find a new house to move to?

    Plus, this cough is driving me nuts.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    Last day at this job, start a new one tomorrow.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i'm gonna get so drunk tonight my legs will stop working
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    Do dogs ever try to it human style?

    HAHAHA how terrifying.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    I am so lazy right now. I wanna rub one out, but I am sitting here with a rod, but too lazy. Meh, back to sleep.
  • vv523
    vv523 Posts: 429 Member
    does this make my butt look big?
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Looks like someone did a brake stand in my undies. Huh.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I wonder if I can find sweet mangoes in the store