Am I making my girlfriend fat?



  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    I agree, are you her mommy? Let her get her own stuff. You're not forcing her to eat this stuff, but would you load up your house with liquor if you lived with a recovering alcoholic? Try to be sensitive that wieght loss is difficult and adding to the temptation is kind of dirty.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    This is AWESOME!!! I now know why I'm an alcoholic! Be back later, must go blame ex-wife...
  • corchy23
    corchy23 Posts: 41
    Actually went through something similar with my brother who lives with me. I’ve been on this diet losing all this weight for the last half a year, and with me it happened because I LOVE to cook, but was eating so little (unhealthily little for a while) that I wasn’t getting to cook like I liked to. I wanted an excuse to bake, and since I have good willpower when it comes to sweets the issue with baking wasn’t that I would be tempted but that it would just be a waste….so I would always bake when I was sure he was home. I knew he’s a boy so he could eat most of a pan of brownies or a plate of cookies with ease!

    He’s mentioned several times about wanting to trim down the 20 pounds or so he’s put on since graduating high school, but since he doesn’t LOOK overweight or out of shape to me I just continued doing things like that…including just this past weekend making a huge plate full of special green chocolate chip/cinnamon pancakes for St. Patty’s and eating my 100-calorie oatmeal and fruit while he and my best friend devoured the mountain of pancakes. With me it wasn’t devious at all…I didn’t think about how many more calories they were consuming etc…to me, I just enjoy cooking and baking yummy things without all the diet limitations…and since my brother has always been adamant that he never wants to lose weight through being a “calorie counter”, I thought nothing of it.

    Last night he’s decided after noticing another couple pounds influx on the scale that he really wants to get strict and start watching calories…so it was last night when thinking through ways to help him that I realized my extra cooking for him in order to have fun without tempting myself was probably not the best thing for him. I can still bake because I doubt he’s going to give up treats all together, but I should make sensible portions and be smarter about ingredients for him too!
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    that's always a touchy subject when dealing with the person your in a relationship with. But if your bringing home extra snacks with high calorie content as much as she loves them it won't help her lose weight.
    I don't think your making her gain weight but I would stop getting the extra stuff, she is an adult she can eat how she wants to eat and if she wants those extra unhealthy things then she can be an adult and get if for her self. Just tell her you couldn't fined it or you forgot or some thing. Or just tell her you want to support her in her chose to lose weight so your not going to pick those extra things for her any more, but she is free to do it her self.
    Also if your friend is a girl you need to ask her if your girlfriend told her she thinks your making her gain weight, or if she has told this idea to your girlfriend.
    I don't have to tell you how catty girls are
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    I think you should throw out all of your spoons. Spoons make people fat.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Oh this is easy.

    There was a friend of mine a while back who was jealous because his wife was losing weight faster than him. What he did was switch all of her low fat diet stuff for the real stuff.

    It worked! It slowed down her progress and now my buddy and his wife are happier than ever!

    Anyways, just do the exact opposite. Replace all of her full fat stuff with diet stuff. You have to do it slowly over time (mix the ingredients) if you do it all at once they'll be able to taste the difference.

    Hope this helps.

  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Oh this is easy.

    There was a friend of mine a while back who was jealous because his wife was losing weight faster than him. What he did was switch all of her low fat diet stuff for the real stuff.

    It worked! It slowed down her progress and now my buddy and his wife are happier than ever!

    Anyways, just do the exact opposite. Replace all of her full fat stuff with diet stuff. You have to do it slowly over time (mix the ingredients) if you do it all at once they'll be able to taste the difference.

    Hope this helps.


    OMG WTF? What is what you have been doing to me all these months? HOw dare you break up with me this way!
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    YOU are not making her fat... SHE is making herself fat.

    You said she prefers non-diet food/higher calorie foods. SHE is choosing what to eat and what not to eat.

    You can only help yourself. Your girlfriend needs to decide to change her habits if she wants to lose weight.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you tie her to the bed at meal time and force feed her, then yes. If any other reason, then no.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks for the great replies everyone!

    I just had a chat with her about it because I realised that she's the person I need to talk about this with - sensitive topic or not. And she said that she is happy for my next grocery shop to be 100% healthy and that she will go out and buy treats herself if she wants them. Hopefully we can make this a permanent change!

    Also, the reason that I am more than happy to make slightly different meals for the two of us is because I used to eat the same as her and I was the one who changed the foods I ate. I don't think she should be forced to change her eating habbits just because I chose to.

    Best reply ever!! :smile: Glad to see that you will both will be happier and healthier!