Quit Day Tomorrow



  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Gradulations to everyone that were able to stop smoking . Is there someone here that didnt gain weight when they stoped smoking ?
  • purplelipstick
    purplelipstick Posts: 7 Member
    Happy to have found this group. I'm on Day 2 of my quit and am doing it alongside a return to exercise. GL to all of you taking it day by day in order to become an ex-smoker!! :)
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Your on the first tough week purple lipstick. Stick with it day 1 Is gone already and you smell lovely today :bigsmile:

    The exercise will help take ur mind off it too, well done :flowerforyou:
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I made one month of being smoke free today and I am feeling very good! @Guisma, I havnt gained any weight since quitting, I exercise as regularyly as possible and try to stay focused on eating right. @neacail I'm still waiting on my hubby to quit smoking but I know he is watching me daily with my quit and he will soon join me. He makes little comments about quitting so I know something is being triggered in him to give up the habit.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Gradulations to everyone that were able to stop smoking . Is there someone here that didnt gain weight when they stoped smoking ?

    I didn't gain a pound. I lost 30 pounds, maintained that loss for 4 months, then quit smoking. As long as you keep honestly logging your food, you won't gain weight. If you start substituting food for cigs, you'll run into trouble!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Hi Everyone! Great job on sticking with your quits!!

    I am on day 84...so coming up to 3 months. I feel that I've only recently gotten back to my old self. I quit cold turkey and felt like I would never be "normal" again! LOL I am quite happy to report that yes, you do get your personality back!! :) My family is pretty happy about that.....

    Keep at it! It really can be a long haul to get over the worst of it, but it DOES pass! I still think about it, but NEVER let myself yearn for it. I remind myself that I am grateful to be free of that crutch! I rarely have cravings and when I do, they pass quickly!

    Unfortunately, I am one of the many who gained weight, but it was totally my fault and it was only 10 lbs. I ate sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner....plus 6-7 snacks per day! LOL I figure that I was substituting that nicotine rush for a sugar rush. I knew what I was doing, but didn't care. Ah well.....I'm trying to not let a few lbs be a big deal. I am back at the routine full tilt so am going to get this 10 off before summer!!

    Keep rocking it everyone!!