Who the hell is really so busy?



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I'll say that I do work a lot and finding time to workout can be stressful/challenging. I do a good job of getting in at LEAST 4 workouts, typically 5 per week anyway but I would definitely like more time to dedicate to my fitness. I'm either stressed or broke so I generally pick stressed because if I'm broke I stress out about being broke. I would rather not be broke and just stress about work.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It's not about time it's about priorities. Saying I don't have enough time sounds better than saying I don't want to make it a priority.

    This is the ultimate truth. :drinker:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :noway: I'm still not sure why the kvetch-fest.

    People can get overwhelmed by life & feel like they can't take on yet *another* thing without going postal. Hearing from people who have obviously committed & succeeded, or at least are well on their way, that they suck, are lazy & whatnot is *not* motivational.

    While I've never used the excuse of not having enough time, I did feel the pressure and only felt beaten down more.

    I've been losing size & certain family members have noticed, and then the inevitable, 'how did u do it?' I've discussed with my DH before about how to handle these questions, and we just say diet & exercise.

    People don't really want to know the level of committment, they only want sound bites (thank you Dr. Oz) and the next weight loss miracle. :ohwell:

    There's nothing more alienating than the newly converted. :huh: Or condescending.