Looking for vegetarian/vegan mfp friends



  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Vegetarian for 9 years here! I was vegan for 6 months a while ago but I lived with my parents and they couldn't afford my lifestyle and I wasn't getting enough iron or protein. So I switched back to vegetarian :) id love to go vegan again but im currently a student so money is still tight!
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    You are welcome to add me as I was a vegan for a year to see how it would go and then decided to go back to being vegan once I realised that I preferred it. I have vegan friends on here as well, you can always ask them too.
  • johannajebediah
    johannajebediah Posts: 55 Member
    Hey! i'm vegan, been vegan for about 10 months now. When I first transitioned i lost 20 lbs and felt great, but recently I've been eating more "junk" vegan foods, lots of bread etc. and have gained most of it back. Feel free to add me, I have great tips about transitioning, and am back on track to lose the 20 lbs and more :)
  • Hello! You are welcome to add me, I'm quite new on here and don't have any friends yet. I could use the support, as well! As you can tell from my username, I'm almost vegan - we have the occasional asiago or cheddar cheese in something, and I can't use vegetable broth because I'm allergic to carrots, so we use chicken. :( But I try! I do slip up sometimes, but I'm doing my best and enjoy the lifestyle.
  • tep668
    tep668 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi i'm a new Veggie and I'm looking for new recipes. What is the best pace to look for yummy, filling, healthy recipes?

    I really recomend checking out www.happyherbivore.com great low fat vegan recipes,she's got 3 books out and a 4th on the way
  • Hi I'm a veggie, feel free to add me! x
  • Crackers777
    Crackers777 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Sarah feel free to add me.
  • VeggieWoz
    VeggieWoz Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, I was also looking for some veggie friends on here. I've been vegan for 10 years now, vegetarian before that. I really enjoy the nutritional tracking of the app so I monitor my intake, where I need more support etc.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Feel free to add me...vegetarian for 17-18 years.