What is NORMAL? Calories..etc..



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    5'3, I aim for 1400 calories, which I have figured would be about 1/2 lb/week loss for me alone. I don't have a HRM at the moment and I don't know how much to trust the estimates on this site, so I aim to burn about 200-250 more calories, putting me at a 1lb/week goal. If I burn a lot more because I double up on workouts, I will probably eat about 200 more calories. I've been losing right under a pound a week since the end of February.

    Your Abs are lookin good girl friennndddd!!! Whats your secret?? i have to know :)

    Thanks! No secret. My basic routine sounds a lot like TheMethod's there that you just responded to with the main differences being that I do use protein shakes, maybe one a day. It's not so much that I think they are any better than real food sources of protein, but it is an excuse to have a post-workout chocolate shake! Yes please! :happy:
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    5'3, I aim for 1400 calories, which I have figured would be about 1/2 lb/week loss for me alone. I don't have a HRM at the moment and I don't know how much to trust the estimates on this site, so I aim to burn about 200-250 more calories, putting me at a 1lb/week goal. If I burn a lot more because I double up on workouts, I will probably eat about 200 more calories. I've been losing right under a pound a week since the end of February.

    Your Abs are lookin good girl friennndddd!!! Whats your secret?? i have to know :)

    Thanks! No secret. My basic routine sounds a lot like TheMethod's there that you just responded to with the main differences being that I do use protein shakes, maybe one a day. It's not so much that I think they are any better than real food sources of protein, but it is an excuse to have a post-workout chocolate shake! Yes please! :happy:

    Hahahahaha chocolate shakes are yummy. Yet the yummy factor is exactly the reason why I don't use them. I've never found shakes to be filling for me and I always want more afterwards. So, if I have to chew a chicken breast instead, I get fuller, faster.

    And to Karissa, I definitely think if you are eating only 1200 calories a day, and burning 300 a day, that you could benefit from increasing your calories. Try varying between maybe 1400 and 1600 of really good quality foods for two weeks, and see what hapens. Even if it doesn't work, I doubt you would gain enough weight during that time to throw you off your goal. Can't hurt to try!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    5' 6.5'' at 131 lbs. I eat between 1600-1700 calories a day and will eat half to three fourths of my exercise calories.
  • mrsdv
    mrsdv Posts: 13
    On my cross training days, I run for 1/2 hour (burn 300+ cals), eat a snack, then hit the stationary bike for another 200+ burn. The snack keeps me from "bonking" (hit the wall/pass out, whatever you want to call it). Lately the snack has been 1/2 a Larabar.

    How can you stop at half a Larabar??? They are so good I would never had the willpower!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I suppose this is as good a place as any to make my first post.

    38 Y/O Male

    Started: 333 - August, 2009 (Did not start using MFP till this though but I did go back and put each weeks weights in my log)

    Current: 241 (As of Monday, I only weigh once a week)

    Site allows me 1580 Calories (Note: I log everything but I estimate portion sizes a lot and try to overcompensate)

    Add 1000 for exercise each day (Usually 6 days a week) - (Note: It is usually a 60 minute elliptical session - I have used 3 different machines and the lowest one said the workout I do was 1060 calories and the highest said 1500 so I use a little lower than the lowest reading)

    I have been averaging 2-3 pounds a week loss.

    With that said, I totally avoid sugar (to the best of my ability although I do not look at labels of what I am eating - Just try to avoid the common sweets along w/ the other things I mention in this sentence) , sodas of any kind (including "diet"), white bread, white pasta, white flour, potatoes, corn, pineapple & bananas.

    Once I reach 230 which is my big goal of 100+ pounds lost then I was planning on adding strength training into my exercise schedule instead of just cardio.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.

    I agree! Also the resistance strength training will keep burning calories after your workout as your muscles work on re-building. A combo of both cardio and strength is better in the long run!
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.

    Ok...so heres the hard part!!...you ready??

    Sooo I work out daily at my college gym and burn around 300-400 calories in cardio.. (usually switch a machine every 10 min. to a different kind because I get bored)

    Then, a couple days a week I'll do some resisitance training like lunges, leg machines, arm machines, etc..After I have finished my cardio...But the problem is I CAN NOT do more then 15min. of resistance..I get sooooo tired and cant push weight when I am so worn out.

    Is 15 min even enough?? I do around 3 sets of 10 as well
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    im 5'3 135lbs

    my average work outs burn between 250-500 calories....i work out 4-5 days a week
    you can view my diary its open...
    i have been bad with my food lately but havent gained any weight....

    my calorie goal is 1290 a day
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    I'm 5'2 149lbs trying to get down to 120. I "allowed" 1200 calories a day. I usually exercise 5 days a week burning around 150-200 calories a day, and do not eat my exercise calories back, unless the day was low on calories. I too am curious about the 500 calories? HOW?

    i found the eliptical machine burns a lot of calories on my non running days....but running has done wonders for me! i wish i could inject everyone with the I LOVE RUNNING DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    5'3 weight 176 (now)
    beginning weight was 196.5
    I have 1200 base calories
    I burn 200-600 calories per day.
    I usually eat all my cardio calories, but I heavy lift on my strength training and I do not log or eat those calories.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.

    Ok...so heres the hard part!!...you ready??

    Sooo I work out daily at my college gym and burn around 300-400 calories in cardio.. (usually switch a machine every 10 min. to a different kind because I get bored)

    Then, a couple days a week I'll do some resisitance training like lunges, leg machines, arm machines, etc..After I have finished my cardio...But the problem is I CAN NOT do more then 15min. of resistance..I get sooooo tired and cant push weight when I am so worn out.

    Is 15 min even enough?? I do around 3 sets of 10 as well

    I would recommend doing the resistance before the cardio (after a 5-10 minute light cardio warmup). There's a fat-loss reason for this (that I can't remember right now, but it has to do with the depletion of glycogen stores in your muscles, I think) but it might also also you to push harder in the resistance portion.

    Fifteen minutes can definitely be enough. My circuit workouts are usually only 20 minutes, but I move really quickly through the exercises and I am completely out of breath by the end and I feel like Jello, so it depends on how hard you push. I like to do this before I go for a run because I find it much easier to run after a circuit/bootcamp workout than vice versa.

    Think about doing more work with dumbbells and bodyweight instead of machines. First, you can usually move more quickly through the exercises. Also, typically the machines are isolating just one muscle group. Which can be nice for some purposes, but isn't going to give you a lot of the calorie-burning benefits of working with dumbbells or bodyweight exercises where you are working multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, doing shoulder presses with dumbbells should also work your abs (add a lunge at the same time and you will work even more muscles) whereas doing it on a machine where you are sitting down you will not be working them as much. Is there a class at the gym that you could attend that uses weights or bodyweight moves like pushups, squats, etc? I find that bootcamp type classes/workouts have really just made the fat drop off.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.

    Ok...so heres the hard part!!...you ready??

    Sooo I work out daily at my college gym and burn around 300-400 calories in cardio.. (usually switch a machine every 10 min. to a different kind because I get bored)

    Then, a couple days a week I'll do some resisitance training like lunges, leg machines, arm machines, etc..After I have finished my cardio...But the problem is I CAN NOT do more then 15min. of resistance..I get sooooo tired and cant push weight when I am so worn out.

    Is 15 min even enough?? I do around 3 sets of 10 as well

    I've had several trainers tell me to do the strength training before you do cardio.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    How in the world do you manage to burn that many cals. exercising?! thats so good! I go to the gym everyday and can only manage to burn 300-400 calories with out wanting to pass out from being tired :(


    I workout 3 hours a day and burn around 2,000 calories a day. Of course I am 6'1" 195 lbs so i burn a lil more than most people. I normally never feel overly exhausted after exercising. I do feel a lil tired but you should after doing a hard workout. What kind of foods are you eating? Sometimes its not just a matter of how much you eat but what you eat
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    Karissa, if you are not seeing the results you want you might also want to think about your exercise. If you are only doing cardio, you should seriously consider adding some resistance training into the mix. If done at a high intensity, moving very quickly from exercise to exercise, you can burn just as many calories as the elliptical or other similar cardio. Instead of doing an hour of straight cardio, maybe do one level of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or one of Zuzana's workouts on http://bodyrock.tv (my favorite site, hafta plug it) first and then 30 minutes of your regular cardio.

    Ok...so heres the hard part!!...you ready??

    Sooo I work out daily at my college gym and burn around 300-400 calories in cardio.. (usually switch a machine every 10 min. to a different kind because I get bored)

    Then, a couple days a week I'll do some resisitance training like lunges, leg machines, arm machines, etc..After I have finished my cardio...But the problem is I CAN NOT do more then 15min. of resistance..I get sooooo tired and cant push weight when I am so worn out.

    Is 15 min even enough?? I do around 3 sets of 10 as well

    I would recommend doing the resistance before the cardio (after a 5-10 minute light cardio warmup). There's a fat-loss reason for this (that I can't remember right now, but it has to do with the depletion of glycogen stores in your muscles, I think) but it might also also you to push harder in the resistance portion.

    Fifteen minutes can definitely be enough. My circuit workouts are usually only 20 minutes, but I move really quickly through the exercises and I am completely out of breath by the end and I feel like Jello, so it depends on how hard you push. I like to do this before I go for a run because I find it much easier to run after a circuit/bootcamp workout than vice versa.

    Think about doing more work with dumbbells and bodyweight instead of machines. First, you can usually move more quickly through the exercises. Also, typically the machines are isolating just one muscle group. Which can be nice for some purposes, but isn't going to give you a lot of the calorie-burning benefits of working with dumbbells or bodyweight exercises where you are working multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, doing shoulder presses with dumbbells should also work your abs (add a lunge at the same time and you will work even more muscles) whereas doing it on a machine where you are sitting down you will not be working them as much. Is there a class at the gym that you could attend that uses weights or bodyweight moves like pushups, squats, etc? I find that bootcamp type classes/workouts have really just made the fat drop off.

    Agreed. Seconded. I concur. All of the above!

    Warm up, work your muscles, then work your heart with cardio, and end up with light stretching. The things Kaitlin states about gym equipment are exactly the reasons why I don't use them. I want full body toning so that means I need to do large, compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once. Check out Kaitlin's suggestion of bodyrock.tv. Or look into a bootcamp or modified CrossFit-type exercise. You will not be disappointed with the results.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    5'2, 135lbs currently
    Eat 1250-1400/a day depending on activity level
    Don't really have an exercise routine...get it in, when I can fit it in!

    Seeing if I can get to 130lbs through more exercise, & thinking once I get there, I'll up my calories gradually to a true maintenance level!
  • kristinelw
    kristinelw Posts: 29
    I'm 176 cm tall (5'9") and my weight is about 150 lbs (don't have a scale). MFP gives me 1400 calories a day, and I eat at least that, usually more. I exercise (run) about 4 times a week, burning 400-500 calories on each session. Sometimes I will also go for a walk in order to have more calories to eat.
  • JimROCDS
    JimROCDS Posts: 23 Member
    I follow the Cook Yourself Thin recommedation for calories.

    Goal weight X 10

    So for me, my goal weight is 165.

    165 x 10 = 1650 calories.

    I exercise three mornings per week to Gilad's workout, plus walk at noon, everyday. I don't know how many calories I burn and don't care.

    I'm too lazy to add more exercise anyway so its a moot point. ;)

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