For all the girls/guys who talking about 1200 kcal max / day



  • izzylew
    izzylew Posts: 30
    omg my ex bf did this!! and lost 200 lbs and still does it, he refuses to listen to any other info and will only eat one meal a day, SO BAD!
    MFP told me 1500 to lose weight but i changed it to 1400 its the least i can do w/o feeling hungry i think if i did any less i would die haha
    also add me i'm new and need encouraging friends!!!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    UH...THAT IS RUDE WHETHER YOU SAY SO OR the heck did any of use get overweight....yes, it did not just happen..but I know that eating correct and healthy foods is much less calories than eating hamburgers and fries at 2800+ calories is a huge difference!!!
    No, it is a legitimate question. I do find your screaming in response to be rude though.

    Anyway, your answer is a false dichotomy. It's not like you are forced to choose between a leaf of lettuce and a celery stick, or a 2800 calorie burger and fries, and there are no other meal choices that one could possibly make. That's completely absurd.

    Making ridiculous and extreme food choices is how many people get to be overweight. If your answer to that is to "go on a diet" and it's so restrictive that you can't even get in a minimum of calories, then you're just going from one extreme, ridiculous, and unhealthy way of eating to yet another extreme, ridiculous, and unhealthy way of eating.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I dont think you will convince me im wrong. My profile picture is me at what my goal weight is now. I lost that weight quickly and easily by eating very little high cal / sugar/carb foods and diet pop and working in a manually demanding job. I remained at that weight for 2 years and was extremely happy. Then i had a change of med and my appetite spiralled out of control. So i think this way does work for ME and its the way im happy with.

    If you're happy with what you're doing then why do you keep coming back to these threads? Are you waiting for someone to come along and tell you you've made the right choice by eating under your BMR?
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I have been looking at this post, and other posts and had increased my total daily cal allowance from 1200 to 1512, which is my BMR. My TDEE is 1,872 but im not prepared to increase it that much....

    will this hinder my weight loss?


    hinder? Well, you'll have a deficit of 1872-1512 = 360. So you'll lose ~3 pounds each month.

    Thats a yes then ! Three pounds a month is nothing. to me anyway. My weight fluctuates by around 2lbs every couple of days. Ugh i wanna cry. Im looking to lose double that. I know youre probably sick of all my questions now, but how did u know that i would lose 3lbs a month from a deficit of 360? I swear im not as thick as i appear, just very uneducated in all this!

    Somebody may have answered this for you already, but it takes 3,500 cal's to burn 1lb of fat. So 360 deficit/day = -2,520/week, and 10,080/mo. Divide that by 3,500 = 2.8lb's/mo. :) Really not bad! Also, I would get a body fat analysis done, to have the most accurate TDEE calculation. Once you have done that, here is a good calculator site. I've seen people mention the scooby calculator a lot lately, also. Good luck! :)
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    I dont think you will convince me im wrong. My profile picture is me at what my goal weight is now. I lost that weight quickly and easily by eating very little high cal / sugar/carb foods and diet pop and working in a manually demanding job. I remained at that weight for 2 years and was extremely happy. Then i had a change of med and my appetite spiralled out of control. So i think this way does work for ME and its the way im happy with.

    If you're happy with what you're doing then why do you keep coming back to these threads? Are you waiting for someone to come along and tell you you've made the right choice by eating under your BMR?

    If you actually read the post it says i have increased my cal goal to that of my BMR but was unwilling to increase it to the levels of my TDEE. And i come here so i can make INFORMED choices. If i still choose to ignore the advice thats up to me
    and that was in the past i want to do it differently this time
  • Even with a medical condition it does not eliminate exercise completely. You just have to adapt and adjust the plan to your condition and besides walking is the best exercise for whatever ails you and it is free. Anywho with all my medical conditions I find water aerobics works well for me and I take short walks daily. I may take 30 5 minute walks, because of nerve damage, but I get it in and I have lost 16 pounds since January 2013. I have to take one day at a time. Some days the my pain is too intense to workout and some days I eat like a pig, but through it all I get back up and start all over.
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Even with a medical condition it does not eliminate exercise completely. You just have to adapt and adjust the plan to your condition and besides walking is the best exercise for whatever ails you and it is free. Anywho with all my medical conditions I find water aerobics works well for me and I take short walks daily. I may take 30 5 minute walks, because of nerve damage, but I get it in and I have lost 16 pounds since January 2013. I have to take one day at a time. Some days the my pain is too intense to workout and some days I eat like a pig, but through it all I get back up and start all over.

    You sound really commited and im glad youre making progress. I think ive been getting my exercise levels wrong...liek today i walked into town (only 5min away) but then walked back which is up a hill, but i havent recorded it, because i thought that it was so insignificant, but i guess like you said, all the 5 mins mount up dont they. Well done and keep going.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am still wondering if there is something more to the"eat more to weigh less" idea. How much more does one eat? How long until this works? What type of calories are you eating more of? Protein? Fat? Carbs? What? If so many people say that this works, I would like to know how it works and why. It has never worked for me, but is that because it simply doesn't work for me? Or is it because I did not do it the right way? Really, do shed some non-sarcastic, non-condescending light here.
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    Not much for me to discuss on here other than to say I agree. He's talking about a very extreme case. Some on MFP are....some aren't. Many people on MFP who eat a VLCD are simply new and uneducated. But they will hopefully get the right info (before 4 years passes!!) to start a healthy lifestyle. In the case he's describing Elliott is right! Yo Elliott!!!!! :heart:

    I regularly eat 1200 in one meal!!!

    WHAT is that owl eating in that video?! I din't know an owl could do that O.o
  • kathyfronk1
    kathyfronk1 Posts: 4 Member
    Well, Im in a program, monitored by doctors, at 600 calories a day. Today fitness pal says Im at 325 cal for the day because I do walk. My next blood test and DR visit is this coming week. I feel fine, its working, its DR managed. I will be transitioned to regular meals when I am closer to goal weight.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I am still wondering if there is something more to the"eat more to weigh less" idea. How much more does one eat? How long until this works? What type of calories are you eating more of? Protein? Fat? Carbs? What? If so many people say that this works, I would like to know how it works and why. It has never worked for me, but is that because it simply doesn't work for me? Or is it because I did not do it the right way? Really, do shed some non-sarcastic, non-condescending light here.
    I'm no expert on EM2WL, but my understanding is that you eat between your BMR and TDEE. I dunno if they use a specific thing like 20% or what.

    It is most effective when someone has too big a deficit. People tend to think if a deficit of X calories is good, then a decifit of 3 times X calories is 3 times as good. But it doesn't work that way. I think "eating more" works in those situations where people are trying to overdo it.
  • Bumping this sometime 8-)

    Have a nice day

    Your Django
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    I only let myself back on MFP the other day. I had to ban myself because I freaked out if I DIDN'T get the 'you are eating too little' red message that pops up when you are under 1200.

    So, I agree, 1200 is important. However, I still make sure I stay under 1300 because I am female, short and slim. It's all relative. I'm sure a large male would feel starving and ill on 1200 but it's actually plenty for me, I don't get hungry on it at all.

    i am 5'2 female and i eat about 1500 a calories a day ..
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm a tall woman and as I've lost most of the weight I wanted to lose (and 10 pounds more than I ever expected to lose), MFP has cut me down from a comfortable 1370 to 1230. Those 140 calories are a big difference!

    I eat back all my exercise calories - and sometimes take a walk just to have a snack if I'm hungry and want to stick to my goal.

    On the other hand, I still have a few pounds left to lose and have slowed down to just a tad more than a pound a month at these calories. At some point I will finally hit maintenance (probably around my one year mark). But I honestly cannot imagine eating another 500 calories a day at this point. Even if I know it's just one big muffin!

    One of the disadvantages of getting older (and why I had to join MFP) is that your metabolism slows with age. And it really does. Eating just a little more than I needed every day put two pounds a year on me every year after 40. Two pounds isn't a lot, but it's a lot over time.

    I know I eat less now than I used to when I was young. But I sure don't burn it as fast.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am still wondering if there is something more to the"eat more to weigh less" idea. How much more does one eat? How long until this works? What type of calories are you eating more of? Protein? Fat? Carbs? What? If so many people say that this works, I would like to know how it works and why. It has never worked for me, but is that because it simply doesn't work for me? Or is it because I did not do it the right way? Really, do shed some non-sarcastic, non-condescending light here.
    I'm no expert on EM2WL, but my understanding is that you eat between your BMR and TDEE. I dunno if they use a specific thing like 20% or what.

    It is most effective when someone has too big a deficit. People tend to think if a deficit of X calories is good, then a decifit of 3 times X calories is 3 times as good. But it doesn't work that way. I think "eating more" works in those situations where people are trying to overdo it.

    Ahhh yes. I see. In that case, it may not be the best option for me. Not right now anyway.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yes..I'm new and uneducated about this so..... My calorie intake I have been given is 1560. Most days I do not eat that much. Close but not 1560. So...on the days I exercise I should eat more?

    Example: Today I've eaten 1243 calories. I have burned 413 calories. So I need to eat 413 more calories at least?

    If that's the case I won't be able to exercise because I can not eat that many calories.

    I mean no disrespect with this question, but how in the world did you end up overweight and needing to lose weight if you are unable to eat ~1600 calories?

    UH...THAT IS RUDE WHETHER YOU SAY SO OR the heck did any of use get overweight....yes, it did not just happen..but I know that eating correct and healthy foods is much less calories than eating hamburgers and fries at 2800+ calories is a huge difference!!!

    i understand the point that the poster was really trying to make. it wasn't a personal attack. I'm overweight so i obviously have no problem eating over my calorie allowance, because i did it for YEARS as did a lot of us. let's not be in denial about our abilities to eat. Lots of ways to increase your calories if you don't really want to eat more than you currently eat. Pass on the skim or low fat dairy. Go full fat. Avocados, nut butter, olive oil. Realize that just because you want to lose weight, it doesn't mean you have to adhere to a typical "diet". Cheeseburger it up!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm going to switch my calories to maintenance for a few days becaue I'm going away, but does anyone know how to override MFP's limits (i.e. manually adjust my calories back up to 1300)? I looked at the various options but while I think 1210 is a bit low I don't want to switch to the "lose 1/2lb a week" as I still want to lose 3/4lb plus - there's no in between option on MFP:grumble:
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I only let myself back on MFP the other day. I had to ban myself because I freaked out if I DIDN'T get the 'you are eating too little' red message that pops up when you are under 1200.

    So, I agree, 1200 is important. However, I still make sure I stay under 1300 because I am female, short and slim. It's all relative. I'm sure a large male would feel starving and ill on 1200 but it's actually plenty for me, I don't get hungry on it at all.

    i am 5'2 female and i eat about 1500 a calories a day ..

    But, assuming your ticker is correct, you're about 100 pounds heavier than me so the extra calories needed make sense don't they? I think it's a combination of height and weight that affect how much energy you need.
  • Vickilyn1
    Vickilyn1 Posts: 30 Member
    I dont know if I did this right so that all the other posts are included but if not then...the posts about the the new girl not being able to meet calories and people talking about cheeseburgers is ME! First let me say I did not find jofjltneb6 rude at all. I understand what he was saying and I probably would have asked me the same question. I emailed him and now he knows but for all of you...before MFP yes I choose the burgers and fries, the extra cheese extra pepperoni pizzas, things deep fried, things cooked in grease. My choices could have easily added up to a mans full day in one meal. I now eat things baked, grilled or boiled. I eat salads with the 2 tblsp. of dressing instead of half the bottle. I eat my fruits and most of my veggies. I eat on smaller plates...yes that helps me. I measure everything at home and when we go out I deceide what Im eating before I leave and log it. I now eat to live instead of living to eat. Thank you for the suggestions of peanut buttler, avacado etc. to meet my goal numbers or to eat back my exercise. The input was greatly appreciated and will be used.

    jofjltneb6...don't sweat it. I undrestood you perfectly and was not offened at all.

    I edited because I got his name wrong...sorry!