My first negative reaction.



  • NancyG55
    NancyG55 Posts: 86
    First of all, congrats to you on your success. Great job! I feel she is probably very insecure with herself, and often people will try to bring down others, to try and get a sense of their own self esteem. ( For me it would only make me feel worse if I tried bringing someone else down.) I would not worry about it though. EVERYONE deserves to be healthy, whether they are skinny or not!
  • NancyG55
    NancyG55 Posts: 86
    First of all, congrats to you on your success. Great job! I feel she is probably very insecure with herself, and often people will try to bring down others, to try and get a sense of their own self esteem. ( For me it would only make me feel worse if I tried bringing someone else down.) I would not worry about it though. EVERYONE deserves to be healthy, whether they are skinny or not!:smile:
  • Shani_Shoo
    Shani_Shoo Posts: 60 Member
    Rise above her negativity, it won't take long if you read all these posts for you. I agree with the others and you know you have accomplished something wonderful for your health, not just your looks. Great job mate!
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    You've lost 177lbs (which, by the way? AWESOME!!!!) You're not her man any more (whether she wants you to be or not) you look great, she's still overweight (I'm guessing?) and she's pi**ed.

    Take it as a compliment of sorts, shrug it off, keep things as they are, amicable for the kids (which is also AWESOME!!! that you CAN eat out together etc.) and remember that it doesn't matter what she thinks, or says. So just carry on BEING AWESOME! :happy:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    pretty simple - she's jealous of your success and your self control that sh'es personally lacking.

    any time someone gets angry for "no reason" it's generally because they're projecting their own inadequacies and taking it out on someone other than themselves.

    ^^^ YUP! :happy:
  • mamashel
    mamashel Posts: 17 Member
    Many years ago (18 years) I lost 43 pounds prior to having children. My husband (now my ex) was not very supportive. He would discourage my exercise nights and want to go out to eat, a lot. There were several occasions where the waiters openly flirted/stared at me in front of my ex, hardly acknowledging him. He took offense to the lack of attention and would leave a penny for a tip. I would get yelled at all the way home and he would sulk for the rest of the evening and sometimes the next day. Congrats on what YOU have accomplished. Be proud of yourself! Your kids are proud of you. Your ex will eventually deal with the changes in you.
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    It sounds like change, and in particular a lasting lifestyle change is problematic for her.

    People in my life have wanted to control how much progress I make and how quickly and easily they can push buttons to sabotage it. Often their sabotaging is part of their past manipulation. They know how to make your life difficult but their frustration is that they can no longer do it... or do it as easily.

    The most important thing is this; when people hate you for losing weight and you continue regardless, that's when you know you're doing it for YOURSELF. Day to day it can feel subtle enough to go unnoticed, but it is an aspect of loving yourself. Something you should be proud of. :)