Dr Oz 3 Day Detox



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I just completed the Dr Oz 3 day Detox and feel great! I lost 7.5 lbs, I am full of energy, my skin is healthier looking as well as my hair! I did not drink the 'snack' drink in the afternoon as I was just too full from the other 3 daily drinks. I also added a tablespoon of Chia seeds to each of the 3 drinks.
    So you lost 7.5lbs averaging 8750 calorie deficit a day? We know it's not fat weight, but did you know that?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • caitieck
    caitieck Posts: 7 Member
    Sooo...seems mostly negative (and some on almost a personal level) These people responding may not remember the very beginning of their journey, but surely don't want to discourage what ever it takes for you to start eating right. Some may have never had the stuggle, I'm sure most of them have though. Just take whatever advice you get as that, just advice :-) I understand the concept of "If I can stick with this, well then..." so just do it if it sounds good. If that kickstarts your journey then more power to you. I don't see anything wrong with a juice fast and some hot relaxing baths. Just get right to eating well balanced healthy food afterwards and drink your water everyday. I just joined 3 months ago, I've been extremely successful so far but if I'd have had some of these responses, well, I don't know if MFP would be in my life. Stick with it sister...it can change your LIFE!!

    This ^
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    Drink a lot of water, cut down sodium and start eating for life, not to diet. If you're just starting out, you'll drop a lot of water weight the first couple weeks, and that should give you the "boost" you're looking for. Just expect it to slow down, and don't rush the process. It can be frustratingly long if you're doing it right, but it'll be longterm. (BTW, I tried Dr. Oz's 7 day clean eating diet almost a year ago - it worked and I felt amazing. It wasn't because of his magic combination of foods though - it was because I was eating COMPLETELY clean. I didn't need magic smoothies or supplements - just healthy food.) :flowerforyou:
  • ksc528
    ksc528 Posts: 1
    I'm on Day 2 of the detox and it's going pretty well. The breakfast and dinner smoothies are pretty good. I do not like the lunch smoothie- I think it's the cucumber taste. I miss chewing lol but I have to say, besides the caffeine headache on Day 1, it's been okay. I REALLY MISS COFFEE- tea just isn't cutting it! The smoothies are really filling and each meal makes a lot! I don't feel like anyone really needs a cleanse, however, I wanted a jumpstart on eating healthier and thought this would help get me motivated. So far, so good!
  • mistadj
    mistadj Posts: 43 Member
    honestly, everything is trial and error. Obviously not everything works for every person. Its like Church, it dont help everyone and there tons of different religions. A person has to do what they feel comfortable with. If you REALLY want to try...do it and see how YOU feel about it. If it makes YOU feel better overall, they its positive for you. If not, then you tried and KNOW it dont work for YOU. Not everyone can work out in the mornings and i have seen fat vegitarians.

    i can promise you this...everyone on here who was once fat and not fit did not get that way over night and they did not get that way without trial and error and time invested.

    The problem with people is that when they get hot and sexy, their attitudes change.

    I came here because i was thinking about detox also...nope i dont eat perfect every single day and no im not using this as weight lose but working in a clinic i hear from medical professionals that its ok to do it maybe once or twice a year...if it helps you feel better do it once or twice a year...if not..then dont.
  • MsAda6
    MsAda6 Posts: 2
    I am actually going to start this tomorrow, I have researched alot on the net and some fitness people I follow on instagram and they agreed there is no harm to do it, for me I am doing it to get my mind frame back where it should be and cut back on my intake. I am excited to try this and I love smoothies anyways easier for me at work since I rarely take a lunch lol.....I love Dr. Oz and NO I dont believe everything he says but some things make since.
    Good Luck with your journey!!!!!
  • MsAda6
    MsAda6 Posts: 2
    I have read through most of these comments and it seems like alot of you dont like Dr Oz or doing a clense? I did see one lady post a three day type diet with food which i wrote down for after I do the clense I can start on this to get me where i need to be. I have learned that maybe I wont be posting advice on here lol lol......j/k you all have very valid points but like some of the posts most clenses, diets, working out etc is not the same for everyone, like I despise Cardio but I have to do it lol!!
    Keep up the good work everyone I am new to this fitness pal thing and hopefully I can post stuff to help also.
    Have a great day!!!!
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    Just cut down on sodium, avoid processed foods and too much sugar. I replaced 1 meal (lunch) with a green drink and have been doing it for years since I bike ride to work. 3 day, 7 day, 30 day...those do NOT work. The more natural you go the better. There are no magic pills or drinks.

    You have to make a lifestyle change and commit to it. A diet is not something that is temporary, its forever.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of the detox and it's going pretty well. The breakfast and dinner smoothies are pretty good. I do not like the lunch smoothie- I think it's the cucumber taste. I miss chewing lol but I have to say, besides the caffeine headache on Day 1, it's been okay. I REALLY MISS COFFEE- tea just isn't cutting it! The smoothies are really filling and each meal makes a lot! I don't feel like anyone really needs a cleanse, however, I wanted a jumpstart on eating healthier and thought this would help get me motivated. So far, so good!

    Just don't quit. Those natural veggies are great for you. If I did it all over again, I would have stuck with my Vitamix and not even juiced, but it is what it is. When you are ready, get with a dietician. Avoid fast food, processed food and too much sodium. Let them work out a meal plan eating real food, not boxed precooked food and check in with your doctor for blood work to make sure all is going well.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member

    and you HAVE to take a nice long epsom bath each night...

    Having dyslexia, serious dyslexia, I read that as "sperm bath".

    How would you get the tub full???
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    so full of ****....well doing the cleanse you won't be full of ****....just eat better and exercise no need to try rhe crazy doctors crazy methods.
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    Whether or not the good Doctor is a quack or not, I believe he is sincere. That being said I also believe that if you are doing a cleanse for whatever reason that three days is just not enough. Three days and you are just getting started. I think its a decent start but it just isn't long enough to be very effective.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    For me personally, I can't just start eating right, or else I would have three years ago when I got fat. Doing a few days of something like a cleanse, completing it and saying "Ok, I did that like nothing. Why can't I force myself to eat better on the regular?"

    It's not a harmful detox. It's full of fresh fruit and veggies and has more than my recommended calorie intake daily.

    Kudos to those who can wake up one day and change so easily. Please remember that people on here come here to feel better about themselves and for support - you can say what you want to say without belitting anybody. I'm sure you all would hope for the same, especially on day 3 of your journey.

    Honestly, it just sounds like you're not ready to make a lifestyle change. You say that you can't just start eating right...but that is what you HAVE to do. So whether you do a cleanse first really makes no difference in the large scheme of things. If you aren't ready, you're not ready. It's okay. But don't kid yourself into thinking that 3 days of juicing and smoothie-making will make you ready.
  • Apicius
    Apicius Posts: 61 Member
    Having dyslexia, serious dyslexia, I read that as "sperm bath".

    How would you get the tub full???

    Now THAT'S a way to lose some serious weight!

    Really, everyone has a different trigger to start on a weight loss journey, it is not all plain sailing, not the beginning, not the plateaus and not the maintaining. Its all fairly hard to stay motivated, to make good habits.