Another dang TOM post

kcdrake Posts: 512
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I just need to vent about TOM. Like everyone else has done multiple times. haha
When TOM comes to visit I get the munchies like nobody's business. It's not even that I'm hungry... I just want to eat! I've had urges to eat almost everything today! I've wanted pizza, Chinese food, Dunkin Donuts. ...even Lunchables! I've had more than enough water and I'm still drinking more cus I feel bloated like nobody's business. Luckily the only thing I broke on was a Reeses, and I could have been MUCH worse. I'm drinking some tea right now, which seems to be helping with the munchie cravings, but I'm going to have to fight this battle again for three more days. =(
Blehhhhh. How does three weeks go by so quickly? =(


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I do feel for you!!! It is tough isn't it though! Sometimes much more than others!

    I deal with it every 2 weeks, not getting my period but the lovely horrendous hormones where you're sure you're losing your mind or everyone else is losing there's!! lol So yup craving real bad every 2 weeks. I think it's simply ovulating and period time for me is why it's 2 times a month, some only have to deal with it 1 time a month. LUCKY LUCKY me, I get the fun 2 times a month! :laugh: :tongue: :sad: :wink:

  • bambi5014
    bambi5014 Posts: 79
    Glad I am not alone on this! I did horribly today and just posted a TOM post also! LOL I am going to try drinking tea, but somehow I bet that idea will get thrown out the window and instead I will hear little voices calling me to the doritos, bean dip and chocolate!
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Hiya.If you drink milk what I've found best to do for the cravings is drink 1% chocolate milk. Just a 8oz glass. Some people may view the sugar content of chocolate milk too high but its better and healthier than a candy bar or pizza. It's worked to halt my cravings during old aunt flow's visit.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    Ok at first I was like who's TOM? Lol I call it Aunt Flo...mine is comming next week and I'm already having cravings! Today I was so busy at work I just ate what was easiest! Grrrr:huh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    That chocolate milk idea doesn't sound bad to me at all, hey whatever works that doesn't end up with a room full of empty food pkgs. LOL

    Seriously, I'll try that next time. Ohhh WAIT, I'm right in the middle of it again. grrrrrr:glasses: :noway:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Ok at first I was like who's TOM? Lol I call it Aunt Flo...mine is comming next week and I'm already having cravings! Today I was so busy at work I just ate what was easiest! Grrrr:huh:
    Get that chocolate milk ready Girl!!:laugh:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Good job on only eating one thing. I swear yesterday I would have eaten my arm off if it had sugar on it. I do get mocha's every day, maybe that's why I don't crave sweets that often. I'm ready for a doosey (sp) pretty soon since I don't normally have cravings or mood swings or any of those things and I have already had all those happen.
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    hot coco they have diet....OK and whip whip
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