Ladies how often do you lift?



  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    I used to lift 4 days a week, with one day of cardio/abs work. I lost 15 pounds and 12 inches in 6 months doing that. I was also doing a LOT of sets/reps with a TON of isolation movements.... and I saw a lot of success with it.

    This week, my workout partner and I started New Rules of Lifting for Women, because we wanted to change up what we'd been doing, and do more compound movements like squats, deadlifts and presses, etc. With the new program, we'll be lifting 3 days a week, with 1 - 2 dedicated cardio/abs days.

    If you are lifting 3 - 4 days a week, and you are seeing results with the program you are using, keep doing it. Remember the first principle of fitness: The Principle of Individual Differences. It basically states not everyone's body will respond the exact same way to the same workout. Whatever works for you, do it! :)
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I lift 3x a week. I'm currently following stronglifts 5x5. no isolation, just big compound lifts. i use a barbell for all of my lifts.

    squat - 165#
    bench - 85#
    bent over row - 75#
    overhead press - 60#
    deadlift - 185#

    then i will do cardio like twice a week. that's usually hitting up zumba or going for a bike ride. more fun than anything.

    editted to add: you are supposed to increase your weight by 5lbs every week and 10 lbs for deadlifts. my overhead press is my weakest lift so i feel like i've been at a standstill. as far as increasing your weight with each set, that's not how this program was designed. you should be warming up until you get to your "working weight" and that means that by the time you get to your 5th rep, you should be struggling, and you would not be able to get a 6th rep out.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Currently 4 days: chest/bi, back, shoulders/tri, legs

    2-3 30min cardio sessions a week.

    I've bee weight training since 1999 iirc. Mostly ever with a 3 day split. Last few years dipped into workoutsx such as livefit. I like to shake things up.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I lift 3 days per week--I use a full body compound lifting program. I do kettlebell work on the other two or three days.

    With the big compound lifts, I try to increase weight weekly on all my lifts. Sometimes I fail, but more often I succeed at this point.

    My kettlebell lifts have increased over time, but that doesn't seem to be happening on any real schedule, and progress is slower. The jump between kettlebell sizes is kind of big (4kg, which is almost 9lbs--that's a lot when you're talking about overhead presses and such, so it's hard to increase quickly on those lifts).