What to wear on your new body?



  • Go for whatever you feel good in/whatever highlights what you like about your body. I have a bigger bust and a relatively small waist (and a huge tummy), so I wear a lot of empire waist dresses and tops that camouflage my middle.

    There will be a day when I jones for a bodycon dress, but today is not that day. You however, might be able to pull it off :)

    Sounds like we have about the same build. I need to get more dresses I can belt at the waist to highlight that and camouflage the belly.
  • Dresses...I wear tons of dresses.:)

    I really need to do this.
  • I went on Pinterest and found a bunch of outfits that had components of clothes I have, then I put my outfits together using the pins as a guide :)

    Great idea! :) This is part of what I'm doing! Pinterest and Polyvore. Trying to make something great out what I have now.
  • Anyway, I am down 20 lb, and I have sort of lost interest in clothes shopping for the time being. I bought some pants that stay up without a belt, but other than that, I just wear whatever still sort of fits. It's sort of surprising--I would have expected me to go crazy and buy everything I can lay my hands on in size 6. But I have other things to occupy me, like spending way too much time on the MFP boards.

    Yeah, I am actually enjoying shopping much less than I used too, and yet I feel like I have more of a need for things to wear. Trying to figure out sizes is still weird for me, since I used to know what size in what brand and now it's like starting over and that makes shopping boring and tiring.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    when it comes to trying stuff on I'm the opposite, when I'm a much larger size, I see pants etc that seem way too big, but they fit.
    but when I'm average sized again, I can tell by looking if it will or wont'. so it's like I have this image of myself still as that person, even now seeing myself in pictures. I simply don't recognize myself. I very rarely feel like that, like I am the larger size. I feel like I'll just wake up and be able to wear all the stuff I wore before.

    my style is pretty much non existent. I prefer to wear jeans and t-shirts, workout clothes most of the time, but It'll be nice when I want to dress more girly I can, so the difference would be wearing skirts once in awhile. and finding shorts that fit. I'm having a hard time finding anything other than capri pants.
  • my style is pretty much non existent. I prefer to wear jeans and t-shirts, workout clothes most of the time, but It'll be nice when I want to dress more girly I can, so the difference would be wearing skirts once in awhile. and finding shorts that fit. I'm having a hard time finding anything other than capri pants.

    I'm tempted to wear the same cardigan in three colors with the same slacks ot work everyday and then just wear the same jeans and handful of t-shirts every day outside of work, but I'm trying to avoid this. Weirdly, as I get older I feel like it's more important to have style. I just haven't entirely nailed mine down yet and weight loss and sizing are kind of confusing the issue for me right now.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Anyway, I am down 20 lb, and I have sort of lost interest in clothes shopping for the time being. I bought some pants that stay up without a belt, but other than that, I just wear whatever still sort of fits. It's sort of surprising--I would have expected me to go crazy and buy everything I can lay my hands on in size 6. But I have other things to occupy me, like spending way too much time on the MFP boards.

    Yeah, I am actually enjoying shopping much less than I used too, and yet I feel like I have more of a need for things to wear. Trying to figure out sizes is still weird for me, since I used to know what size in what brand and now it's like starting over and that makes shopping boring and tiring.

    Yeah, it's weird, isn't it? Definitely not what I was expecting.

    I do wear my dresses more. I have broad shoulders, so if the dress fits in the shoulders, the whole thing is still wearable. I do recommend buying at least a couple of pairs of pants or skirts, whichever you wear more, that actually fit well. Even if you plan to lose more weight. Having a well-fitting bottom garment makes dressing less depressing; shirts generally sort of work even if they are loose, but bottoms do not.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Feel free to try




    or maybe


    and post pics. :bigsmile:
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    <<< I have chosen a bikini. Lol.. My first one ever. :)

    Congrats! I wore my first bikini ever this past weekend on my trip to FL! It was awesome.

    <<-- I always wanted to wear short shorts and a hoodie or loose sweater on the beach (simple and silly I know) but I go to do that too!
  • Feel free to try




    or maybe


    and post pics. :bigsmile:

    Summer's coming in Tennessee. I get that last bit of weight off and it's all tiny tank tops, cut off jeans and cowboy boots until the cold comes back. :)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Slippy little sundresses and sandals.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    my expensive designer skinny clothes. the ones i wore before i gained the weight. i rolled that wardrobe up and stuck it in a rubbermaid tub in my closet. it'll be nice to wear my BEBE stuff again. Some of the jeans still have the hangtags. I'm about 10 lb away...
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Tiny clothes : )