Am I giving up by changing my goal dates?



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    You've probably read this already, but I probably read it once a week just to metally prepair myself for an inevitable plateau.

    edited to add link.

    Thanks for the link to that, it was a good read! Also arielle0489 it sounds like you have hit a plateau. You are doing well like others have said try switching up your exercise and just work through it. It will pay off in the end.:smile:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    yeah my mfp friend. Getting suck on lbs is bad bad bad. Yes Keep track of your weight. But more important keep track of your body measurements. Measure your love handels, the smallest part of you waist , your arms, and more if you like and you will see a diff. When you first start woroking out some of you will not see a large diff in the scale becuase you are building muslce. and muslce weights more than fat. Dont change your goals. You are doing so good. Dont give now. You can do this. Your already a friend of mine on mfp but become a team hero member on my friends list as well.
  • are you sleeping enough hours? not sleeping enough hours will cause you to stay stuck or gain. are you still losing inches?
    Remember you gonna up your strength the means you will be building more since you gonna get the kettlebell. you are doing great with your cardio. its just a matter of time it will just drop. dont give up. dont change the date... it will just drop like it never had dropped before. i had a friend that was at your stage, and now she is losing weight like crazy. just keep doing what you are doing. and keep working it. cause sooner or later you will get there. and you will be please and excited. i know you can do it.

    love you
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I think realistically toning is great but if you have major lbs to lose you have to do cardio with weights. I think when I hit my personal goal( which was for 50lbs by June set in December and then I fell off the exercise wagon( b/c I hot a plateau) and got back on 3 weeks ago. I have not changed my goals I just did not give them dates...I still want to lose 50 ( well 37 lbs), just when I can not by a certain date. Good luck I hope my advice is helpful!
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