


  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    Yeah, I've never been small. I've been small enough to fit their XL before but they would always be tight and I've never worn less than a size 11. Some of the stores I've seen don't carry higher than 9 and I'm just like wtf. lol

    Girl, I know the feeling. It seems like my whole life I've been between juniors 9-11 (depending on the store). Abercrombie & Hollister.... I've NEVER fit into their jeans but WHATEVER! Its just a brand and an image. Besides, I'd rather look healthy then have my bones hanging out and buttcrack showing (from how low those pants go), just to fit into their sizing. :P

    I do have A&F and Hollister hoodies... but they are both XL (lol).. and I have an A&F flowy skirt.. but its a Large and has an elastic waistband. If your goal is to be able to fit into the brand then thats great, but by all means don't go by their sizing- its way off and you will never feel sufficient.

    Get that XL if you need it and rock it! Size is nothing in some stores. I've compared my XL hoodies from A&F and Hollister to size M from other stores and they're the same thing.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Even when I was thin I couldn't fit in their shirts because my boobs were too big. ;(
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    Im 29 and i still like wearing Aeropostal and American Eagle. The jeans are really made big i think. Now the tops are not. I however dont think my body shape would ever fit into Hollister and those others. But dont get down on your self because it really dont matter about names. There are a lot of other brands that would look even better:) But i know your young and when u see ur friends wearing these clothes it makes u feel like u have to fit in. But u will see when u get older that it really dont matter:)
  • ammurph729
    ammurph729 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally get it. I gained weight at the very beginning of this year and couldn't fit into my "normal" size. I told myself that I would get back into my size, and then get lower. I just went to the mall today to see if I was making progress...and I was below my original AE jean size (12) and down to a loose 10! Then I went over to Hollister for the first time EVER and tried on a pair of jeans...I walked out with a size 9!! Clothing always motivated me, and continues to. If that's what motivates you, too, you go!! Set your goals high, accomplish them, then keep going and never look back.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    This makes me so sad, on so many levels and I know, because you're a teenager and because nothing from random, older strangers on the internet can compete with you seeing your classmates in these outfits everyday, BUT.... here I go anyway.

    Not all stores make clothes for all body types. I'm TINY. Like I've always been small framed, even when I was overweight and I *still* can barely make it into Bebe's XS sizes. Forget XXS. At Gap, I swim in their size 0 and 2s. I'm not saying this to be a brag-y skinny b*itch, but to draw to your attention that not all stores make products to fit all sizes, whether you're big, small, apple or pear shaped, tall and boyish figured or voluptuously curved.

    Secondly, I wonder what you think these labels would buy you - entrance into some social circle? More "acceptance" as a normal kid at your school? Because I'm telling you right now, it won't. I know because I tried. I am not so old as to have forgotten the painstaking years of the teenage high school world, but I do know that appearance isn't going to get you (socially) where you want to be.

    Please please do yourself a favor. Find worthwhile people to spend time with - those that don't care about what you look like or what you're wearing. Find a passion for something, anything - this will give you so much purpose and life joy that other things like this won't matter. Be a good person, be kind to others. Have confidence that you are a smart, beautiful, loveable person because this, beyond ALL other things, will let people know that you're someone worth knowing.

    I know all of this is simply a blip on your teenage radar and will soon be drowned out by the competing daily images of the media, your classmates and TV, but I hope, just for a second, you hesitated and wondered about even a single thing I've written.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Go for it. Make the Hollister dream a reality. Of COURSE you want to fit in with your friends, who doesn't at that age? You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    I go into Hollister on the pretence of shopping for my kids.

    Those sales assistants are HOT. Where do they find them?

    Oh and I'm VERY pro-brand. I'll take one pair of Isabel Marant cigarette pants for a year of your Primark tat. PLUS quick-turnover fashion clothing stores have half their stock made by kids in underdeveloped countries. It's just so wasteful on resources. Wear it one week then bin it the next, if it hasn't fallen apart in the wash already.

    You gets what you pays for.
  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    If your goal is to fit into a certain brands clothing, then cool. A goal is a goal.
    But don't go out of your way to fit in at high school (or whatever year you're in). Its exhausting, and when you finish school none of it matters. I wish I had the strength to ignore the pressures as a teenager (im still only 21, though :P) I spent so much time and mental energy trying to fit in and its just not worth it.

    Plus thrift shops and cheaper shops are much better. Save your money.
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Everyone has their motivations! If hollister is yours, go for it!
    I'm just trying to fit into my old clothes!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Whatever keeps you focused!!!! My goal was to be able to wear Lululemon. I live in it now (and spend WAY too much money there...lol). I love not having to shop in plus size stores now. It was one of my biggest motivations.