Prayers to those affected at the Boston Marathon



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    The evil that exists in this world is disgusting.

    I'm really beginning to lose faith in humanity.

    Prayers/good vibes to all affected.
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I'm praying to Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Gaia, Vishnu, The Supreme Being, The Universe, The Flying Spagetti Monster, Dr Oz and anyone who cares to listen for the safety of these people.

    Well Said !!!!!
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    My thoughts and Prayers go out to the families and friends of all those who were injured or killed. It brings me great sadness to hear about this terrible tragedy and why would someone do such an evil thing? In times like this, I wonder why God would allow bad things to happen to innocent people.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Another explosion just gone off!

    Now up to 12 dead while everyone is arguing about God!

    Thank you for the info! I dread turning on the news right now. For the love of god, why don't they clear the streets? Do something! So many lives lost.

    The third explosion was controlled.

    Yes but was the fourth?

    There are not 12 dead.
    There has not yet been a "fourth." Everything else has been controlled.
    They DID clear the streets.

    I've not spread anything thank you. If you don't like what I'm saying don't respond. Have a good day.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I'll run for them. That's how I "pray". They'll understand.

    I feel physically sickened as I watch this unfold. I hurt for the families who don't know where their loved ones are. I just can't wait until this evening to run and send all my love to those who may not be able to run again for a while...or ever again.

    Couldn't have said it better! Will be running tonight, they will be in my thoughts the entire time.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Lots of love to anyone in Boston, and really hoping for minimal casualties, and speedy containment of this situation.

    My mind is still reeling as to why anyone could do something like this. (Assuming it is, as it appears, a deliberate act.)
  • Shannon_W
    Shannon_W Posts: 3 Member
    Holy *kitten*, I didn't know there were casualties, but I bet the numbers keep rising. My niece's boyfriend (long distance runner for college track team) is there and she can't get a hold of him. How horrible, who would do something like this?!?

    This has probably already been said by someone, but they are suggesting only texting loved ones right now as the phone lines are BUSY and they are trying to keep bandwith open.

    Also, this is absolutely horrific. I can never understand someone who wants to hurt random, mostly innocent, civilians. It's infuriating because anger is easier than being as a loss.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    I find it insane that I, a Christian, can offer prayers to my Muslim step grandmother when her husband passes without debate or screaming and we can conduct ourselves with respect and class yet you guys can't manage it here.

    That is because there are rules set up by MFP to prevent you. Besides aren't christians suppose to pray in their closets (in private). Isn't this exactly what your jesus got mad at other people for?

    Dude just stop.

    Not sure which dude we're referring to (I'm a duddette.) I am going to give the other person a benefit of the doubt, but no we are not to pray only in private, just not to pray in public with the purpose in our hearts to demonstrate any pious righteousness. At the same time there is power in gathering together in prayer (Matthew 18:19-20).

    HOWEVER, really I don't want to start a religious debate and don't think when even our PRESIDENT can offer "hearts thougths and prayers" in speeches it's so un-pc to offer prayers.

    I am not tearing apart those sending "positive energy" instead of prayers. Why must you persecute us? Find an honest answer to that question and you will find some truth.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    When, not if, when they find who did this, they should not parade their name or face all over the media. That is what they want. This makes me sick!
  • neeko_3
    neeko_3 Posts: 68
    This world needs more LOVE.
  • khemory
    khemory Posts: 47 Member
    Funny how it's all free speech and open minds until someone disagrees with your liberal bull ****. You're the one being divicive. If you dont believe in God or religion that's fine. Why don't you keep your beliefs to yourself - or does that only apply to those that believe?!?!?

    Its not about free speech. Not on this website. There are clearly rules preventing free speech...I think you are confused.

    Nope not confused at all. Thanks though!

    I think they are confused, Devan :)
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I'll run for them. That's how I "pray". They'll understand.

    I feel physically sickened as I watch this unfold. I hurt for the families who don't know where their loved ones are. I just can't wait until this evening to run and send all my love to those who may not be able to run again for a while...or ever again.

    Actual action, I love it!

    As you sit and mock people and provide no benefit at all.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Can I just add something and I am deliberately doing this in caps?


    Does it really matter, it is not about religion at this very moment it is about people who have lost their lives and are injured.

    Families and friends

    Please show a little bit of decorum and put your own arguments to one side?

    :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Yeah and keep your religiousness off the public forums

    You're remarkably zealous in your condemnation it seems.

    Truth, morality, and meaning are created through discourse if you believe Focault so shutting it down is contrary to the overall good.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    :brokenheart: :frown:

    The world makes me sad at times. Very, very sad.

    I have a friend who is an astrophysicist and I asked her once if she thought it is possible that life out there visited us and she said the following: "No, because if there is life out there that advanced, why would they come here? It would be like us going to visit a planet of cockroaches We are so tiny in the universe, yet we can't get along and we kill each other over opinions."

    I think she was right. Even here reading through this thread people are arguing and throwing around their opinions without respecting the opinions of others and it's just so stupid. If we took "religion" out of the world, it would be a better place.
  • It is such a tragedy when people are doing something for a good cause and somebody just have to go and take the good out of it and cause harm to others. I am praying for the families and friends of those affected by this tragedy.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Folks, lets not argue here, if you believe in prayer - pray if you don't don't , it is time for us all to be respectful together and think of those involved and their families. :heart:
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    When, not if, when they find who did this, they should not parade their name or face all over the media. That is what they want. This makes me sick!

    I agree. Sadly, it seems that in the end everyone remembers the name of the attacker(s) and never the names of the victims. Everyone knows Adam Lanza but not a lot of people know Catherine Hubbard, or Noah Pozner, Charlotte Bacon. Obviously there have been many more tragedies, but this is the first one that comes to mind.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I find it insane that I, a Christian, can offer prayers to my Muslim step grandmother when her husband passes without debate or screaming and we can conduct ourselves with respect and class yet you guys can't manage it here.

    That is because there are rules set up by MFP to prevent you. Besides aren't christians suppose to pray in their closets (in private). Isn't this exactly what your jesus got mad at other people for?

    Dude just stop.

    Not sure which dude we're referring to (I'm a duddette.) I am going to give the other person a benefit of the doubt, but no we are not to pray only in private, just not to pray in public with the purpose in our hearts to demonstrate any pious righteousness. At the same time there is power in gathering together in prayer (Matthew 18:19-20).

    HOWEVER, really I don't want to start a religious debate and don't think when even our PRESIDENT can offer "hearts thougths and prayers" in speeches it's so un-pc to offer prayers.

    I am not tearing apart those sending "positive energy" instead of prayers. Why must you persecute us? Find an honest answer to that question and you will find some truth.

    Love it! But I am done. :)
  • Penny_Lane_
    Penny_Lane_ Posts: 163
    I find it insane that I, a Christian, can offer prayers to my Muslim step grandmother when her husband passes without debate or screaming and we can conduct ourselves with respect and class yet you guys can't manage it here.

    That is because there are rules set up by MFP to prevent you. Besides aren't christians suppose to pray in their closets (in private). Isn't this exactly what your jesus got mad at other people for?

    Christians? What the hell are you talking about?

    Jedi Force is the way to go. THAT is the TRUE religion.
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    I'll run for them. That's how I "pray". They'll understand.

    I feel physically sickened as I watch this unfold. I hurt for the families who don't know where their loved ones are. I just can't wait until this evening to run and send all my love to those who may not be able to run again for a while...or ever again.

    Actual action, I love it!

    No one here appreciates your negativity. If people want to pray, or run, or whatever that's fine. The point of these actions is to bring comfort and solace in a situation where we can't really help.

    What is not fine is you and others using this tragedy to perpetuate your dislike of certain beliefs.
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