Squats...what do you do if you don't have a rack or spotter?



  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks for every one's advice and input! Since I can only overhead press successfully without fail 50lbs and bench press only 60 (but failed on 1 rep today) I really don't think pressing 75lbs up and over my head to my back is a very good idea. I will be looking into getting a squat rack of some kind because the way I'm doing it right now expels a lot of unnecessary energy that could go towards the squats. The stool idea is good too, thanks! So is a 1 piece rack betrer than the 2 piece ones or will the 2 piece one work just as well? I need something that can be moved out of the way when I'm done with it.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    build your own or learn to power clean and push press a good amount of weight -- i dont use a spotter - I back bail on squats

    No offense, don't listen to this especially if you want to progress on the squat. I can squat 365 and there's no way I can clean and press that though I can clean and press 215. Sorry; really bad recommendation.

    I'm not 100% sure exactly what that is. I think I know but I'm going to look it up. I just did 75lb on Monday and I'm suppose to move up to 80 for today. I know that's not a lot of weight yet but it is for me as a beginner.

    It sounds like she has bumper plates available to her. It sounds like she does a power clean with the weight, presses it over hear head, and then puts it across her back to squat. Then drops it off her back when she's done. First, that only works when the weight is light. As you progress it's simply not possible because your squat weight will far exceed your clean weight. Second, it's not optimal for setting up your stance and form. Your stance and setup for the squat should be setup when the bar is racked. Basically you walk up to the bar and get under the bar in position to squat, not after the bar is out. The video "So You Think You Can Squat" is a great demonstration on how to setup to a proper squat in a rack. Granted they use a monolift in the video so there is no backward movement out of the rack but the setup is still correct.

    Clearly she is not back squatting 365 pounds. But there's nothing wrong with overall improvement on all lift accounts. A lot of people continue to build weight in areas they are already good at and leave their other lifts to the way-side. She is still at light weight so try to clean and press to a back squat is not a terrible idea if she doesn't have the equipment yet.

    However strongly agree with the person above me, but for light weight...use what you can to start...or do squats with KBs in hand instead or DBs

    It's a bad idea because it doesn't help teach proper setup and form.

    Why KB's over DB's? A 20lb KB = 20lb DB? The center of gravity is different can cause a different response but especially when you're a beginner using a KB over a DB is of no advantage. I would say that KB's are most effective for helping intermediate and advanced lifters build strength as it helps give that extra stimulus needed to spur strength gains. KB / DB Squats do not equal Back Squats.

    Bottom line if you like squatting and you want to get stronger, a rack is the only way you're going to do it.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Goblet squats

    Strong this. Safety become a nonissue.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    If you feel you must use a bar, you could always go with Zercher's.
    Or lose the equipment and start training to do pistol's.