Question for Paleo's:



  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I believe it's because more toxins/bad stuff is stored in the fat/skin/bones. So, it's recommended to buy the leanest cuts of traditional meat to avoid them but if it's grass-fed, pastured meat then buy whatever you please. it's not the fat people are avoiding, but the hormones and things that are injected into many traditionally raised animals.

    Not paleo, just done quite a bit of reading.

    totally off base. the bones/fat/skin contain some of the BEST nutrients. that's why i make broth with bones and carcasses.

    chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain, can be found for free in bone broth

    Not off base at all. The hormones, antibiotics...etc. in TRADITIONALLY RAISED meats are stored in the fat. If you buy traditionally raised meat, get lean meat or cut the fat off. If you buy grass-fed, free-range organic meat, EAT THE FAT, cuz that's where the vitamins/minerals are stored.

    **edited to add: I should have read the rest of the thread before responding :wink:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I believe it's because more toxins/bad stuff is stored in the fat/skin/bones. So, it's recommended to buy the leanest cuts of traditional meat to avoid them but if it's grass-fed, pastured meat then buy whatever you please. it's not the fat people are avoiding, but the hormones and things that are injected into many traditionally raised animals.

    Not paleo, just done quite a bit of reading.

    totally off base. the bones/fat/skin contain some of the BEST nutrients. that's why i make broth with bones and carcasses.

    chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain, can be found for free in bone broth

    You must have a big ****ing pot to make pasture cow carcass broth. And a hyooge stove. Or do you cook it on a fire in your paleo cave? Yeah, that must be it.

    hey cutie. nah, just chicken carcasses and cow marrow bones for the crock pot :flowerforyou:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I believe it's because more toxins/bad stuff is stored in the fat/skin/bones. So, it's recommended to buy the leanest cuts of traditional meat to avoid them but if it's grass-fed, pastured meat then buy whatever you please. it's not the fat people are avoiding, but the hormones and things that are injected into many traditionally raised animals.

    Not paleo, just done quite a bit of reading.

    totally off base. the bones/fat/skin contain some of the BEST nutrients. that's why i make broth with bones and carcasses.

    chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain, can be found for free in bone broth

    Not off base at all. The hormones, antibiotics...etc. in TRADITIONALLY RAISED meats are stored in the fat. If you buy traditionally raised meat, get lean meat or cut the fat off. If you buy grass-fed, free-range organic meat, EAT THE FAT, cuz that's where the vitamins/minerals are stored.

    **edited to add: I should have read the rest of the thread before responding :wink:

    haha no worries, i didn't realize he was talking about traditionally raised beef. :)