Please spell words correctly



  • And then when I go to far it plays out in my head like

    Ba na na na na na na na na


    Awesome :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member took the time out of your sheltered life to write something so cheesy as this? hahahaha.

    wait a dang darn minute... how do we know that "hahahaha" is even spelled that way... is it in a dictionary?
  • bloodraynegatito
    bloodraynegatito Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, there is nothing worse than trying to look up a food item and you can't find what you want because the name of the food is spelled incorrectly.

    For's banana...NOT bananna...

    But... if YOU know how to spell the word, and you spell it correctly when you search for it, you should get results that match what you search, therefore, misspelled entries should not be much of a hinderance to you.

    And even if a misspelled item came up in the results of your correctly spelled search, then you were still able to find it despite it being misspelled.

    And if the misspeled one did not come up in your correctly spelled search, then how would you know it had been misspelled?

    Defense rests.


    perfectly said. you must have misspelled the word wrong..haha so you got upset and posted a stupid post to the board, like we are going to pay attention to ONE person?
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member

    I daresay it's more likely you both got it from your parents, or else from your school district.

    I love seeing mistakes in English spelling. If English didn't have unstressed vowel reduction and vestigial double consonants and silent vowels all over the place, how would the snobs and grammar nazis get their kink on?

    Awww, look at that, a little ignorance and assumption goes a long way! We are actually 1/2 sisters, raised separately, by different parents, in entirely separate communities! Thanks for playing though :)

    Um. Okay. Did your sister raise you and teach you how to read and write? Cuz otherwise there is even less logic in your original claim that you get your inability to spell from your sister.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hi, there is nothing worse than trying to look up a food item and you can't find what you want because the name of the food is spelled incorrectly.

    For's banana...NOT bananna...

    But... if YOU know how to spell the word, and you spell it correctly when you search for it, you should get results that match what you search, therefore, misspelled entries should not be much of a hinderance to you.

    And even if a misspelled item came up in the results of your correctly spelled search, then you were still able to find it despite it being misspelled.

    And if the misspeled one did not come up in your correctly spelled search, then how would you know it had been misspelled?

    Defense rests.


    that's exactly what I was thinking too. the only time I've had difficulty finding correctly spelled foods in the database was when *I* couldn't spell them.

    While I agree that correct spelling is important, I don't agree with judging people based on their spelling. My spelling is much better now at age 37 than it was at age 21. But I was just as intelligent when I was 21, the difference is I hadn't come quite so far in overcoming dyslexia. And many dyslexic people don't get the opportunity to even find out that's what the problem is, never mind getting literacy instruction and help with other difficulties they have, from people who actually know how to help. Even many diagnosed dyslexic people don't get that, because it's not covered in teacher training college and the dominant teaching methods in the USA, and in the UK until the last few years, were probably the worst ones for dyslexic people.
  • posypink
    posypink Posts: 39 Member
    And then when I go to far it plays out in my head like

    Ba na na na na na na na na

    Haha love this :-) xx
  • bloodraynegatito
    bloodraynegatito Posts: 14 Member took the time out of your sheltered life to write something so cheesy as this? hahahaha.

    wait a dang darn minute... how do we know that "hahahaha" is even spelled that way... is it in a dictionary?

    LOL very true ! perhaps we should look it up..I don't want to get in trouble ! *gasp* I might not lose weight!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    iy didunt noe we had gramer end spelleeng poleese on mfp

    igh diddent noa eyether
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    eff this, ive lost all respect for humanity... what kind of people cant spell bannnnnnannnnnnna???
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member
    Also, what's up with listing Subway sandwiches in grams? Is six inch and twelve inch too common a measurement to use?

    I've known guys that were "off" about what 6 inches looks like and way off on what 12 inches looks like...:tongue:
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    Dear Op:

  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    :smokin: wazzup!
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    "What's Beethoven's favorite fruit?"

  • Dr_Waffles
    Dr_Waffles Posts: 141 Member
    I love banaynaynays
  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member

    I daresay it's more likely you both got it from your parents, or else from your school district.

    I love seeing mistakes in English spelling. If English didn't have unstressed vowel reduction and vestigial double consonants and silent vowels all over the place, how would the snobs and grammar nazis get their kink on?

    Awww, look at that, a little ignorance and assumption goes a long way! We are actually 1/2 sisters, raised separately, by different parents, in entirely separate communities! Thanks for playing though :)

    Um. Okay. Did your sister raise you and teach you how to read and write? Cuz otherwise there is even less logic in your original claim that you get your inability to spell from your sister.

    Actually, I wasn't being literal when I said I got it from my sister, I was merely attempting to point out that, while we both may have some spelling errors (she has dreadfully more actually, and if you judged her on her ability to spell alone, you would think she was completely stupid), that doesn't mean anything except that, like most normal people, sometimes we make spelling/grammatical mistakes. My sister is HIGHLY intelligent, but can not spell to save her life. My spelling and grammar make me look like a freaking genius compared to her. So what? Does that mean she should be judged? No, if someone did judge her, they would grossly underestimate her ability. I understand that I wasn't clear in that, which is fine. Go hard picking me apart about it. All I am really trying to say is "Who the F&^% cares if things are spelled right?" If that is your biggest problem in life, you should be thanking your lucky stars, and finding something positive to talk about!
  • "Please spell words correctly"

    w - o - r - d - s

    Did I win the MFP spelling contest? After all, I was the first one to spell it correctly.

    No because it is spelt I-T :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    And then when I go to far it plays out in my head like

    Ba na na na na na na na na


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I totaly agree.
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
    them teahers didn,t lern me better in skool.:cry:
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