Many active group members?



  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    I'm very active and in Orlando. Have you ever thought of doing a Disney 5K? In a fit of insanity, I signed up for their 5Ks in Sept. and Nov. and just started the C25K training program today. I also do Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Shoot me a message if you're interested in local 5Ks. C25K is an 8 week program, so I'll probably test the waters by doing a 5K this summer when I finish it.

    HAH did I ever do a Disney 5k.

    I go there and I'm in the last wave, I wait and wait... and wait.. and finally it's almost dark and massive clouds have rolled in. BANG! My wave is off... 15 seconds in it starts raining... keep running.. 4 minutes in it is POURING! I mean buckets. Water was flowing down my glasses so fast I couldn't see for ****. People's contacts were washing out, everyone was running blind and in inches deep of water. I ended up taking a second to run into a store and get a ziploc for my phone so it didn't fry, then back on the track. Most people gave up and took shelter. I'm still going at it, bound and determined... eventually I find the end and I'm thinking my time is still sort of decent and... STOPPED! That's right, they had this huge metal frame around the finish line where it tracked your times - LIGHTNING HAZARD. So 50 ft from the end we were all diverted away. Basically no one in the last 3 or 4 waves got to see a finish time.
    Yikes! Not a very magical experience to say the least. They should have given you all a survivor medal for making it through the rain and lightning danger.

    lol they gave everyone a medal who finished. It had a broken compass inside that flipped out. I forget what the name of the run was. Yeti Adventure? or something. It was when they opened up their new yeti ride. There was a scavenger hunt as well, but unless you were in the first few waves, no one could do it due to the rain.
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I'm making the effort to be active.
    I'm in Gainesville, but would love to do a tough mudder type event some time.
    I have a workout buddy who loves Orlando, so add me and let me know when the events are!