How is everyone doing?...



  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    I am not doing well I posted earlier... on the road to transfusion # 4 and DNC #4 along with another proceedure so they can look at my organs. They found a fibroid as well. I sat and wondered if it all worth it. I can't work out to lose wt .... cause this cycle is still going on. I almost fell in the shower a few days ago... I am not in the best shape. I wrote a blog ... on here you all are more than welcome to read it . Things are tough.... and my hubby and I decided after all this is over .... we are going to do IVF. So .... we shall see. Hopefully a silver lining ... will come soon .
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    We've decided to give TTC another go a few months ago really. (It's been several years since our one failed IVF and at the time we didn't feel like we could have more right then.) New city, new hospital, going for NHS funded treatments this time around. We're having all the normal tests redone at the moment: I've had my bloods and a scan, hsg next week, DH's had his test.

    I'm not sure if we'll be put straight for IVF or if we'll get to mess about with Clomid first this time around (last time they thought Clomid wouldn't be of any use to us, so never even tried.)

    So.... I'm impatient!

    Weight loss has been very slow the past few months too, and I'm getting impatient about that, too.
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Another late cycle.. waiting for AF to show... :/ How is everyone else doing?:explode:
  • fairie_marie
    fairie_marie Posts: 106
    I am doing ok.. Had a very weird period of just 4 days then about a week ago I have lots fo ewcm with blood in it.. it lasted for like 6 days and now my temp is slowly rising.. not sure if a real period is on its way or what.. My weight is just kinda stuck.. :(..
  • jbirkett7
    jbirkett7 Posts: 36 Member
    Well I've lost 11% body weight this year and started what seemed like a normal period 9 days ago. Hoping that maybe with the weight loss and the summer (I have much more regular periods in the summer months for some reason, but not sure if that correlates to me oing) I will actually ovulate this cycle. Fingers crossed and bbt charts at the ready.

    My Mom is getting impatient for another grandchild (well actually she's just a lovely lady who is super supportive) and offered to pay for me to go back to the RE to get help again. I did one round of injectables last time to conceive my 14 month old DS, but was really hoping I could avoid that and did not want to pay for it until I could hopefully put that and a baby into one full year of insurance deductibles beginning late this year or January next year. Think we'll make an appointment for September if there is no success by then.