Husband bashing thread



  • MommaHoff
    MommaHoff Posts: 54 Member
    My husband raises his leg to fart in his sleep. And his snores sound like he's being strangled. I can't get him to exercise and getting him to eat healthy is almost impossible. If I cook something healthy he thinks he won't like he goes and gets fast food. I love him but I am really worried for his health. I hope he realizes what he's doing to his body before it's to late.
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    my husband... doesn't exist :happy:

    Mine doesn't either High Five!:laugh:
  • Sorry but I've got nothing bad to say about my husband. He's the sweetest, most caring awesome person in my life. He's my cheerleader and pumps me up when I'm feeling down. If I say I can't do something he tells me all the reasons why I CAN. He makes me breakfast on the weekends, cooks dinner during the week and tells me every day that I'm his #1 and that he loves spending time with me even if we're just watching t.v. at night. We have never had an argument and I just couldn't be happier.


    Sorry, I have to ask. How long have you been married?

    I have been married 16 years, and I love my wife VERY much. But, I am pretty sure on any given day I could punch a hole through her friggin' face. Fairly certain she thinks of hitting me over the head with a hammer about 10 times a day too. We have 3 kids and argue about serious issues, not serious issues, the toilet seat, politics, our children, her hair, my loud *kitten*, music, cleaning, dinner, weekends, vacation, and the Pope. And that was just this morning.

    We have been together for a total of 17 years, married for 7.

    Oh my god yes.. Amen to this :happy:
  • Sorry but I've got nothing bad to say about my husband. He's the sweetest, most caring awesome person in my life. He's my cheerleader and pumps me up when I'm feeling down. If I say I can't do something he tells me all the reasons why I CAN. He makes me breakfast on the weekends, cooks dinner during the week and tells me every day that I'm his #1 and that he loves spending time with me even if we're just watching t.v. at night. We have never had an argument and I just couldn't be happier.


    A relationship without arguments is a relationship with secrets. I am so happy with my other half but we do have the occasional argument. Or is this just me bursting a bubble?:laugh:

    Maybe they mean they don't yell and shout (although, that's not the real definition of "argument"). You can disagree without fighting. You can talk and have conversations, and work things out.

    But anyway, I didn't mean to pop in on you making a relationship judgement based on someone who wrote 6 sentences.

    I suppose but there's no fun when there is no yelling... I love to make up after being so mean to each other... :laugh:
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    My (now ex) husband is in Maximum security prison serving 25-40 years while I raise our four children with no child support. Might I add that he is ordered to have no contact with anyone under the age of 19.

    You win!


  • My (now ex) husband is in Maximum security prison serving 25-40 years while I raise our four children with no child support. Might I add that he is ordered to have no contact with anyone under the age of 19.

    Awful news.. Brave woman :flowerforyou:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Sorry but I've got nothing bad to say about my husband. He's the sweetest, most caring awesome person in my life. He's my cheerleader and pumps me up when I'm feeling down. If I say I can't do something he tells me all the reasons why I CAN. He makes me breakfast on the weekends, cooks dinner during the week and tells me every day that I'm his #1 and that he loves spending time with me even if we're just watching t.v. at night. We have never had an argument and I just couldn't be happier.


    A relationship without arguments is a relationship with secrets. I am so happy with my other half but we do have the occasional argument. Or is this just me bursting a bubble?:laugh:

    Maybe they mean they don't yell and shout (although, that's not the real definition of "argument"). You can disagree without fighting. You can talk and have conversations, and work things out.

    But anyway, I didn't mean to pop in on you making a relationship judgement based on someone who wrote 6 sentences.

    I suppose but there's no fun when there is no yelling... I love to make up after being so mean to each other... :laugh:

    ^^ I never really understood the"logic" in this.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am pretty sure that my skinny arsed partner lost weight over the last few weeks. He was looking mighty chiseled this morning, doing chores in his jockey boxers. Yep, that is pretty much the worst I have right now :~

    His justifications sounded just like everything we hear about weight loss. Instead of "I gained muscle," he tried to convince me his abs were showing because he was sucking it in.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    :cry: My husband farts on me in his sleep.

    Mine does it as soon as we get in the bed. I mean, really, how can that happen *every* night?
  • My (now ex) husband is in Maximum security prison serving 25-40 years while I raise our four children with no child support. Might I add that he is ordered to have no contact with anyone under the age of 19.

    My ex is also in prison serving 10 child support over here either. and same situation, no contact with anyone underage as well. Stupid men
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    My husband just went back to work after 9 days off. The lawn still hasn't been mowed. I am now going to do it over the next few days (I have a 1 year old at home who sleeps unpredictably and will quite often wake after 20 minutes and needs help getting back to sleep... can't hear him over the mower) 15 minutes at a time and tell him to shove it when he whinges that I haven't done it right. I just want somewhere for the kids to play OUTSIDE.

    My SO is the same -- so I hired someone to mow the lawn. He was not happy about it. Told him I'm going to hire someone to fix the handrail on the outside steps; fix the mailbox; load up the trash he has piled up outside -- all things I can't do due to physical handicap and he has been promising to do for over two years. He doesn't work so he has the time to do these things --- but he is
    L-A-Z-Y. :explode:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I know this was just a joking thread. And it was funny! But, it seems like the conversation got serious.

    I have nothing to complain about with my husband. Because he is a great guy and I'm easy going. And yes, we have known each other for 17 years, been in relationship for 15, and married for 13. I really really like him.

    We have gone through hard times, but not with each other. We were there to support each other when one or the other of us was going through a difficult time. I am forever thankful to my husband.

    But, a really funny thing is that for some reason I feel irrationally angry at him when he does the laundry. I know it sounds bizarre. But, for some reason I like to do the laundry myself. If he does the laundry, I need to walk away and be by myself for a minute until I realize that there is absolutely nothing to be angry about and it was nice of him to help out. Now, he just says, "I'm going to start some laundry". And then I say, "I'll do it, can I do it?" He says the best way to get me to do the laundry is to tell me that he's going to do it. I've been doing my own laundry since I was 9. I was always responsible for my own laundry. I guess I just got used to it being something that I do.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    Hubs went to look @ lawnmowers. ..came home with new Harley. ...seriously.

    That's actually pretty awesome.

    yeah sure - for him....
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    how come everyone's on his side??? and i used to ride my made him he sold it while i was away for a few - he did at least give me the money...which i used to get myself a sweet little red mustang convertible :bigsmile:
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Holy sabataging !!! Now I ate them all!!!

    I think divorce is my only option. I'll blame it on the booze...

    LOL alcohol is a solution.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    My ex bought me Canada dry ginger ale when I was pregnant and craving Schwepps which made me cry.

    That isn't, however,why he is my ex.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Well I'm not going to be pissy for doing what I ask, but this is what I commonly get:

  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
    I wasn't going to open this thread, let alone reply, because I am a strong believer in not "bashing" your husband to anyone. If you have a problem with him, you need to discuss it with him. Not your mom, your friends, random strangers.

    However, I am pleased to see that the majority of this thread is in a joking manner and there aren't any hard feelings.

    I find when I am angry at my husband, it's usually because I didn't communicate what I wanted clearly.

    I did forward him the raccoon with the plot to not drive :) He now knows my evil plan!
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    My husband just went back to work after 9 days off. The lawn still hasn't been mowed. I am now going to do it over the next few days (I have a 1 year old at home who sleeps unpredictably and will quite often wake after 20 minutes and needs help getting back to sleep... can't hear him over the mower) 15 minutes at a time and tell him to shove it when he whinges that I haven't done it right. I just want somewhere for the kids to play OUTSIDE.

    Have you tried telling him how you feel?

    Yup, we've had that conversation. In fact we had that conversation the first evening. I reminded him on the fourth day and then gave up. This is after reminding him every Friday night for the last month. Don't get me wrong he is a great dad and a very caring husband but household maintenance isn't his strong suit.