Protein tips.



  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    So I have been pretty low on my protein. I know to eat peanut butter/almond butter but how do you get your protein up without making your fats go over?

    I been kinda tight on money so I only really have a few meats to choose from right now. Mainly boneless skinless chicken and ground turkey.

    So how do you do it? Thanks for the help/tips!

    I am 31yrs old, I have lived 31yrs for the most part with out worrying about my protein intake. I am fine, just like 90% of the population. I am not suffering from protein deficiencies... are you?

    To answer your question. "So how do you get your protein up?" I don't... save your money, it doesn't matter.

    You are right I don't have any deficiencies, BUT I like to keep my diet well rounded. My protein was on the low side so I wanted to rounded it out with my carbs and fat.

    You need to define first what "well rounded" is... what is "well rounded" to you?

    I eat my calories (1958) everyday, no matter if I go over a macro or whatever. I meet it as close as I can. (just wanted to make that clear)

    My protein is set to 35%, fat is 20%, and carbs is 45% (I'm using Scooby's). So I'm trying to get as close to that as possible.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Most of the good people here have already told you the majority of what you need to know, but I noticed that you seem to be worried about fat levels. TBH, if you're eating at a deficit, it doesn't really matter if your fat intake is fairly high. MFP defaults are idiotic for the most part and are to be ignored. Relatively lean cuts of meat like chicken breast, turkey, and pork tenderloin (usually still a real bargain most places and often leaner than chicken the way it's cut these days) are a solid base, as well as the old standby canned tuna (tho it's doubled in price in the last several years in my area). Plain greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for mayo and sour cream in many recipes (tacos, tuna/chicken salad, gyros, etc) and has an excellent protein profile.

    One of my absolute favorite foods is Deans 4% milkfat cottage cheese. It's a wonderful blend of protein, carbs, and fats; it's delicious; it has a great texture to it. Best of luck hitting your goals.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    ahhh yeah
  • andres4317
    andres4317 Posts: 26 Member
    Not a big fan of beans. Nuts? Well not enough bang for the buck(calories) for me for my love of them.

    I use Costco for:
    -60 ct. Nature Valley Dk. Choc and Peanut protein bar: 190 calorie breakfast bar
    -12 ct. Kirkland Brand Turkey Patties: 200 calories per patty
    -Black Forest Ham: 40 calories per 1oz. slice
    -Foster Farms Chicken Tenders: 120 calories per 4oz.

    Pair those with veggies and/or Orowheat Sandwich thins(100 cal), and Finlandia Reduced 4 Cheese pack---cheddar, colby, havarti and swiss: 50-60 calories

    I know money is tight, and these items last me and my wife about a month.

    Good luck in your weightloss journey!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I have been pretty low on my protein. I know to eat peanut butter/almond butter but how do you get your protein up without making your fats go over?

    I been kinda tight on money so I only really have a few meats to choose from right now. Mainly boneless skinless chicken and ground turkey.

    So how do you do it? Thanks for the help/tips!

    Stevia-sweetened whey protein is what I use. Very low in fat, high in protein. One of my favorite shakes is 4 oz. of some kind of berries---frozen or fresh, 60 grams of yogurt, a scoop of the whey protein, 1/4 cup of avocado, a half-tablespoon of coconut oil, and a cup of water. Then I use a hand blender to mix it up. It is totally yummy. And it has about 30 grams of protein. Less than 300 calories.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    eat all the natural protein you can, after that its protein powder, I hear smurfs are packed with protein:)

    Grilled smurf sounds awesome. :smile:
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    amino acids protein is literally in over 90 percent of food both real and man made...once I stopped focusing on ridiculous macros and what the "experts" told me how to eat...I lost all my blubber and now am refining the body of my dreams:) I eat fun glorious food and protein has nothing to do with it!!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I do not eat chicken or turkey regularly however I ean beef without marbling (more marbling = more fat).

    8oz Marinating Steak (has minimal fat) = 61g of protein & 10g of fat @ 349 calories.
    1 cup greek yogurt 0% fat = 16-19g of protein (depending on brand) & 0g fat @ approx 190 calories.

    That is almost 80g of protein right there in approx 539 calories.

    Unless you are doing vigorous exercise and really working those muscles I don't think you really need to be eating a ton of protein, more protein and activity does burn more fat. For those that just use diet to lose weight trying to keep even on carbs and protein with lower fat works just fine (40/40/20 or 40/30/30 or 35/35/30, really any combination in this area works)

    Edit: Forgot to mention I am also someone that prefers to live cheap, I don't like spending more than I have to for anything and certainly if I do an increased diet like I have planned I can still keep my costs low, its about shopping at the store with the best overall prices and making the best of what decisions you can make.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    We're trying to help her, she said she doesn't have much money, protein is most expensive macro nutrient. 2nd the point is not to believe everything you hear about protein. People hear all these things like it's a miracle super food, it's not...
    We are "helping her" get in touch with reality and stepping her away from myth and rumors.

    I was unaware I was out of touch with reality. :huh:

    All I wanted to know was how to up my protein (without hiking my fat up to much). I got some awesome answers and thanks EVERYONE for your responses.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    I love:
    Bumble Bee - Prime Fillet Pink Salmon Steak, Lemon & Dill, 1 pouch = 150 calories 2 carb 5 fat 25 protein 0 fiber
    the fat is Omega 3 and 6 so it is healthy good fat and it taste delicious.
    The best part is that it is like $2
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    amino acids protein is literally in over 90 percent of food both real and man made...once I stopped focusing on ridiculous macros and what the "experts" told me how to eat...I lost all my blubber and now am refining the body of my dreams:) I eat fun glorious food and protein has nothing to do with it!!

    Dude, it sounds like you are trying to shove IIFIYM down my throat. I DO that, I'm not cutting out anything I love, I don't sit around shoving salads down my throat just to lose weight.

    I just wanted to know how to up my protein more.. end of story. Thank you for trying to "prove" to me that I don't have to "diet" but I know, and I'm happy with how I eat... I just wanted to know food that was higher in protein and lower in fat.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    I lost nearly 20 lbs.