Cleansing shakes



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    cleanses are marketing schemes. the body has nothing it needs the aid of any product to help it cleanse itself. as much as they make it sound, we're not all walking around storing toxins in our system. Imagine if we did?!

    and i hate hearing "well its so i can start fresh" you can do that today if you want without a cleanse that deprives your body of fat, carbs and protein. :/

    then why do we need a cleanse before a colonoscopy, if our body never needs help? not gonna get into a big fight about this, because I don't really care, but I'm curious if those are marketing schemes too?

    You are also asked not to eat for an extended period of time. Has nothing to do with filtering out toxins. Has everything to do with the doc wanting to look at a colon that's not full of poop.

    ETA: Preventative procedures to stop/detect colon cancer is not in the same category as a company promoting cleansing to rid the body of toxins.

    exactly. most cleanses have you on a low calorie diet for the duration as well, and the goal is to clean out your digestive tract + colon. poop particles etc that don't get expelled can ferment and cause buildup of less-than-pleasant things, so what's wrong with cleaning yourself up every now and again even if you don't have to get a colonoscopy?

    The natural state of your colon, by design, is full of poop. If you are having irregular bowel movements, e.g. the particles you mention that don't get expelled, for more than a couple days at a time, it's likely something to discuss with your physician rather than try to self-diagnose and fix with a "cleanse".
  • AmyMalley77
    AmyMalley77 Posts: 72 Member
    then why do we need a cleanse before a colonoscopy, if our body never needs help? not gonna get into a big fight about this, because I don't really care, but I'm curious if those are marketing schemes too?

    Since I've had one I classify it as a flush not a cleanse! The Doc wants you squeaky clean for when he rams his camera up your . . . . . . to take pictures!

    Yes! A FLUSH! I had the word on the tip of my tongue and couldn't spit it out. Much better word to use for that procedure, than cleanse.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    cleanses are marketing schemes. the body has nothing it needs the aid of any product to help it cleanse itself. as much as they make it sound, we're not all walking around storing toxins in our system. Imagine if we did?!

    and i hate hearing "well its so i can start fresh" you can do that today if you want without a cleanse that deprives your body of fat, carbs and protein. :/

    then why do we need a cleanse before a colonoscopy, if our body never needs help? not gonna get into a big fight about this, because I don't really care, but I'm curious if those are marketing schemes too?

    You are also asked not to eat for an extended period of time. Has nothing to do with filtering out toxins. Has everything to do with the doc wanting to look at a colon that's not full of poop.

    ETA: Preventative procedures to stop/detect colon cancer is not in the same category as a company promoting cleansing to rid the body of toxins.

    exactly. most cleanses have you on a low calorie diet for the duration as well, and the goal is to clean out your digestive tract + colon. poop particles etc that don't get expelled can ferment and cause buildup of less-than-pleasant things, so what's wrong with cleaning yourself up every now and again even if you don't have to get a colonoscopy?

    The only purpose of the "flush", as one poster said it better, is for the doctor to see the lining of the colon walls. Your comparison isn't valid.
  • ricklapage
    ricklapage Posts: 11 Member
    Where dose one get some good tasting Juice recipies, I love vegetable and fruit but dont want a bunch of sugar and fillers. and do i need to buy a high end juicer or can u do it with a regular blender