Weight loss pill ?



  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I am taking Phentermine under the supervision of my physician.

    Again, I am trying to teach my brain, mouth, and belly to work to work together to make the right choices.

    Funny. I am doing it with food choices and exercise. Does your doctor know about those?

    Did you miss the rest of her comment where she said she was using the drug to help her start to make those better food choices? while I am not advocating that everyone with a large appetite start taking pharmaceuticals... for some people the desire to eat is so strong that it is literally impossible to resist. You aren't a better person just because you have the ability to resist, it is a primal, biological urge that is stronger in some people. That's not an excuse, it's a fact. If taking the drug for a limited time, as stated, under the supervision of a doctor, will help to cultivate the right habits... well, that is the appropriate way to utilize these drugs.

    I would not have taken Meridia if I thought that I could eat right, exercise and lose weight. I didn't think that I had the ability to do it. I think it's because it's drilled into us that it's too hard to do it without drugs and only certain people with enough willpower can do it.

    I don't think that's true. I don't have a lot of willpower. What has made a difference for me was basically trying everything and finding that no matter what weight loss modality I was currently embracing, when I stopped taking (insert drug/shake/supplement here) for whatever reason (too harmful, too sick, too expensive) my appetite re-emerged with a VENGEANCE and I lost the ability to keep up with whatever exercise I was doing.

    A couple months ago, I started simply: cut out sweet drinks (and no diet drinks either), stop eating fast food, exercise every day. Do that for a month.

    Who can't do that? Anyone who can't do those three things is an over-indulgent baby.
  • bonniebrastile
    bonniebrastile Posts: 9 Member
    I took phentermine i lost 20 pounds and have kept it off for a year but i have also learned from websites like this all you have to do is eat small healthy portions and go to the gym. Since i went off it i have had a lot of problems it might sound like a good thing to do but its not worth all the health problems in the end. Cut out sugar, bread rice anything white. I have sweet potatos and whole grain breads but i am starting to loose weight again. I also am doing pilates now its great i have lost 3 pounds in a week.
  • kellyw036
    kellyw036 Posts: 58 Member
    if a good one excisted oprah winfrey would have claimed it by now.
    usually they either jack up your heart rate. make you go to the bathroom all the time etc. etc.
    and you will lose your money instead of weight...

    This.is.awesome. Also true
  • mckellipgirl
    mckellipgirl Posts: 63 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.


    I'm a beginner EMT and the amount of people rushed to the ER because of diet pills astounds me. It's so much harder but immensely better for you to do it w/out legal crack.
  • badjuju775
    badjuju775 Posts: 47
    Don't do pills. Just change your diet (healthy, of course), exercise and be patient. The weight will start to come off slowly after about a month. Don't give up!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Every diet pill or supplement I have ever picked up says this: works better in conjunction with lowering calories and exercise. Or words to that effect. I took some kind of appetite suppressant a long long long time ago, I think was around 20 years old. I took it for about 3 months I did lose weight, but that pill really didn't suppress my appetite. I quit the pill kept eating the way I had been eating and losing. My appetite didn't come back probably because it had never gone away. But, several months later when I moved several states away I started eating very badly again and the weight came back. So, it wasn't the pill that got me to lose nor going off it got me to gain, it was just letting stress get to me and not paying attention to what I was eating again. So, I think I was lucky because the pill did make my heart race on occasion.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Magic works better than pills. Pills cost big buck and do not work. They can always find someone who went on a diet and also took their pills and lost weight.
    Save your money. Nothing melts fat, and if they find something that does melt fat, just consider that the brain is all oil, so will it cause brain damage?
    Just eat vegetables and fruit. Ditch the animal fat and wheat, go easy on the starch.
    If you like meat, eat it lean. If you do not care about the meat, vegetables also have calcium and protein.
    If you want to lose the weight, just eat light and increase the exercise.
    Any mind tricks you can use will help.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Did it once when I was young, they made absolutely zero difference to my appetite, weight or energy. HUGE rip off!
  • I am on the prescription Adipex. Been on it for 3 weeks and down 13 lbs. Before I decided to take this I was watching calories and eating about 1500 to 1700 cals a day n that was so hard for me. I was always hungry n I wasn't losing any weight. I lost 2 lbs in 2 months. Once I started Adipex ( and I only take half of the pill they prescribe 5 OR 6 out of 7 day a week cuz I don't want to get addicted) But, this medication helps curve your appetite and helps speed up your metabolism. It is working for me and when I don't take it I still eat 1100 to 1300 cals and I am not starving n I am satisfied. I exercise 30 to 60 minutes 5 days a week.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Say no to pills!!! They don't work!!
    I worry about the trend toward stomach altering, too. I won't do it, but so many people are and I just know that it's not going to go down in history as a medical win.


    It's not a medical win. My best friend had a gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago. She was 250 lbs overweight. She definitely lost the weight but is now dealing with a bunch of other issues. Her body can no longer get iron and other nutrients from the food she eats, so now she is severely anemic and has to be hooked up to an IV twice a week just to get her iron and nutrients.

    When I asked her if she would go through it again, she told me she would because the weight was killing her and that she would rather deal with the IV. She will have to do that for the rest of her life. I'm happy she lost the weight but it saddens me that she is still unhealthy.

    A friend of mine had it done and she's getting osteoporosis because her body can't absorb the calcium it needs.
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    I take oxyproelite because it keeps me from eating out of bordom. It's give me a cokey feeling, but that's about it. You're supposed to take a break for some period of time after taking it for so long. I can't remember, it's on the bottle... I've tried hydoxycut, lipozene, smart burn(my favorite), and a few others. I still take the oxy for a few weeks on and off