The dumbest diet you ever tried?



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Hydroxycut. After taking it for a few days I stopped after I almost passed out at work.

    Atkins. I lasted an entire week before the stomach pains became too unbearable.

    I have a friend who did a diet of eating only watermelon and drinking apple juice for almost a week to drop a few quick pounds for a weigh in. After she passed her weigh in she ended up in the ER with dehydration.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I tried out this crazy black pill called lipo6 black in college - I literally felt like I was going to have a heart attack in the middle of the gym at the ripe old age of 17. :s

    Anytime someone suggests a fat burner or thermogenic to me, it's an automatic no-go
  • A Dutch dietician's diet, called Sonja Bakker. It was like 900 calories a day and the food was terrible. Plain potatoes, plain veggies and some 'healthy' (which they aren't) cookies. I have never been so hungry. Put on the weight back on in no - time.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    The only thing I've fell for were Raspberry Ketones. 3 days in and so much burping, decided it wasn't worth it.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Slimfast shake in the morning, Slender Bar at lunch and then for dinner a bowl of Sun Flakes (like Corn Flakes but with Nutrisweet) and maybe an apple. Also ran one mile per day doing that. Lost about 15 pounds in a month in my last month of college freshman year, and then promptly gained it all back when I moved back home for the summer and went to work at a fast food restaurant.

    I actually did lose that weight though once I changed colleges and got down to about 118- but it was slowly over the course of a year. I think I just didn't eat a whole lot and walked constantly everywhere.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    I have tried a few stupid diets over the years.. The cabbabe soup diet, I did the slim fast diet, went to a diet center that filled me full of their pills, and the latest I did before doing it the healthy way now was HCG. Of all the diets I tried HCG ruined my metabolism for quite sometime, I too took the pills and ate 500 cal a day. I lost 30 lbs but when stopped I gained 50 back and it ruined me. It has taken me over 2 years to get my metabolism back to the way it should be. I am now eating healthy and working out 6 days a week and since Sept have lost almost 40 lbs and over 40".
    Do it the right way people. Stay away from all the fad diets out there.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I did the special K diet. Kellogg made a pretty penny of my stupidity. I also tried fat burners and diet pills which (what a shock) didn't work.
  • tanowicki
    tanowicki Posts: 60 Member
    The Beverly Hills Diet. I never got past the point where you can only eat fruit.
  • karenkasbi
    karenkasbi Posts: 216 Member
    I've done the general motors diet twice. The first time I lost 5 pounds and second time four. It's a one week diet but it doesn't work if you're already on a low calorie diet. It's good for those who consume 1800+ calories.

    I did a buckwheat diet which was kinda stupid, you eat half a cup of buckwheat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I tried it for four days, didn't see any result.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    edited January 2015
    I actually did the slimfast diet for a whole month once. I lost 12 pounds, but by the end I was so tired of the shakes and bars, and I didn't want to eat anything chocolate flavored ever again. I also think I must have been missing out on iron/protein etc because I kept craving steak and hamburgers, and I normally don't eat red meat that often (I'm big on chicken breasts and turkey burgers :-P)

    Also, I gained all my weight back when I stopped slim fast (obviously).
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Atkins was stupid. I know it works from some people, but can you honestly tell me that eating cream cheese blended with heavy whipping cream and bacon is better than lean meats, organic grains, and veggies? I did not do this the right way - although I shockingly did lose weight eating s-it like that, LOL.

    You can have lean meats, organic grains and veggies on Atkins too.

    Looks like you're the ten millionth person who didn't bother to actually read the entire plan before undertaking it.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    Atkins was stupid. I know it works from some people, but can you honestly tell me that eating cream cheese blended with heavy whipping cream and bacon is better than lean meats, organic grains, and veggies? I did not do this the right way - although I shockingly did lose weight eating s-it like that, LOL.

    You can have lean meats, organic grains and veggies on Atkins too.

    Looks like you're the ten millionth person who didn't bother to actually read the entire plan before undertaking it.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Pretty much everything I tried until now because none of them focused on a lifestyle change...MFP has me balancing calories taken-in and calories burned while focusing on nutrition.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    So do you sell this product or what? And if so, what do you hope to gain by screaming at this poster?
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    Glad to say now that I never had the money for these ridiculous diets. When I was younger, of course, I'd watch infomercials for the latest, greatest diet and inwardly cry.

    What got me on MFP was an old supervisor of mine at work. She was always into some stupid diet, or meal plan/shake/pill. She always talked about weight loss, so I decided to lose weight with her. Only thing is, when we both found MFP, I was the only one who would use it. Heck, even at her son's 1st birthday party, you can bet I was Barcode scanning everything :) in 2013, I had lost 18 lbs thru calorie reduction and about gym membership. The inner fat kid in me eventually protested and I fell off the wagon by that summer and gained it all back and then some.

    May of 2014, I started all over again. It has taken consistent logging, cutting out the gallons of soda & daily fast food, cooking more at home home and getting into running for me to slowly BUT surely lose weight. It's been slow but a healthier rate of weight loss. Half a pound away from 40 lbs lost :)
  • Marianna93637
    Marianna93637 Posts: 230 Member
    I did a weird and dangerous diet 15 years ago. It worked very well, but I'd never do it again.
    It was prescribed by a doctor in Mexico. She prescribed 5 pills to be taken at specific times of the day. 1 was a very strong appetite surpressent, similar to Phentermine, the other I'm still not sure about, probably similar. They were labeled pill A and B. A you take in the morning, B at lunch. Then she gave medicine for hypothyroidism, (liothyronine), they were labeled C, you take them morning, lunch and at night. Finally pills D were laxatives to be taken at night, and pills E water pills (super strong ones prescribed for people with heart disease).
    Of course she didn't disclose what they were and how dangerous, and especially how dangerous the combination was.
    She also gave specific instructions of what not to eat, most things were allowed, except for some carbs were off limit (bread, pasta), dairy, and some things like banana, I can't remember the rest.
    I have lost 30 lbs, I was the skinniest ever in my life, 132 lbs, not something I could ever achieve normally or even sustain it (nor do I want to). I actually kept the weight off for over a year by eating normally, then slowly it started coming back up, but it wasn't until 2 years I went back to my regular weight, which wasn't that high (150s for 5'8").
    She gave me a shot when I went back for my visit, I think it was growth hormone.

    Crazy and dangerous, but she got a lot of people skinny, I wonder how many got life long issues (I didn't, thank God). I was emotionally crazy, I know the pills affected my mood and my behavior, I would become a in a second, i was super irritated, and just not myself.

    Years and years later when I researched it so I know what was what, I found some documents on the internet by a police / FBI or some law enforcement agency in Texas, they were talking about this being done in Mexico down there and how it's illegal because of the dangerous combination of the drugs. That's how I found out what i was taking lol.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    never did any dumb diets other than trying to lose weight without counting calories and just winging it instead. that did not work well.
  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    A couple years ago my fiance and I tried ViSalus for a month or two. It started making me ill anytime I smelled it. My coworker still makes those shakes ad I can smell that cake batter mix across the rom. Sends shivers down my spine! SO thankful I understand nutrition and a healthy lifestyle now.

    Also HydroxyCut, lasted 2 weeks lost nothing and wanted to die.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    The non-diet.

    The 25+ years of my adult life that I had no nutrition plan other than a 6-pack of beer, a carton of smokes, "where do we get the pizza from tonight?" and "who ate the g*d-damned last poptart?!?"

    That was the worst diet ever.


    That ended 3 years ago, 54 pounds ago, and more than 5000 run miles ago.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Master Cleanse. I ended up in the hospital because of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid me.